
Eight candles on the cake!

Come and join Scott Dean’s Surprise Birthday Party!

Saturday, July 6th , 2019 12:30 p.m.-5 p.m.

Scott Dean’s house, 29th Bridge Street

Turn left at the second crossing if you drive along Center Street north to south. If you come by bus, you can get off(下车)at the B. Street Bus Station. You can’t miss it!

Please come to the black door. Our party will be on the farm behind the house. Put your gifts into the small tent on the grass(草地).Remember: This is a surprise party, so do not let him know anything about it before the party.

We will have a buffet lunch(自助餐)and later all kinds of interesting games for everybody!

Music Show at 4 P.M.

Bring your guitars, violins, drums and anything that makes sound!

Please let me know by July 4th if you can make it.

1.There is a birthday party for Scott on ______.

A.Sunday, June 4 th B.Sunday, July 6 th

C.Saturday, June 4 th D.Saturday, July 6th

2.Scott’s parents don’t let him know about the party because ______.

A.they may be late for the bus B.the farm is very dirtyt

C.the music show is not cool D.hey want to give him a surprise

3.We know that people can ______ at the party.

A.watch a movie B.sing and dance C.grow apples D.sell gifts


Lily: an animal doctor

Q1: What's the worst thing that's ever happened in your job?

Probably the dog that bit me. It wasn't a big one—I don't mind the big ones. The small ones are the worst.It gave me a very nasty bite.

Q2:Have you ever done any other jobs?

Yes,I did different kinds of jobs when I was a student. One summer I did fruit-picking in Spain.

Q3: What's the worst job you' ve ever done?

In order to improve my English,I worked for a rich family in New York.I never had a day off and I had to do everything—cooking, cleaning, shopping and look after their horrible children.I left after two weeks and managed to get a job as a waitress in an Italian restaurant.

Andrew: an actor

Q1: What's the worst thing that's ever happened in your job?

So many bad things have happened but I think my worst moment when I read my first bad review in the newspaper. They wrote terrible things about me, and I was so upset. After that I didn't read my review any more.

Q2: Have you ever done any other jobs?

Oh yes, it's not easy to make a living as an actor. So I' ve done lots of part-time jobs over the years. For example, I' ve worked in a shop, sold ice-cream at the beach and handed out publicity flyers in the street.

Q3: What's the worst job you' ve ever done?

The worst job I' ve ever done was at an egg-packing factory. Working conditions are terrible—you stand for hours at the end of a belt, putting eggs into boxes. You can't have a break, and if you want to go to the toilet, you have to ask for permission. And worst of all, the smell was terrible—I' ve never eaten an egg since then.

1.The underlined word “one” refers to “ ”.

A.dog B.bite C.event D.job

2.How many jobs does Lily has had, including a doctor?

A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6

3.After reading his first bad review in the newspaper, Andrew _________.

A.wrote more reviews B.replied to every review

C.gave up his job as an actor D.stopped reading any of his reviews

4.What does Andrew think of being an actor?

A.It’s easy to make lots of money. B.It’s helpful to read his reviews.

C.It’s difficult to make a living. D.It’s fun to have different experiences.

5.The best title of the passage might be .

A.Conversations with Teenagers B.Interviews about Job Experiences

C.How to Find a Part-time Job D.Reviews of Lily and Andrew

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