
Australia has a lot of lovely animals.You cannot find them anywhere else in the world.The most famous ones are kangaroos(袋鼠)and koalas(树袋熊).

    The kangaroo is the symbol of Australia.They have large eyes and ears.They don’t walk, they jump.They use their strong back legs. They can jump at 74 kilometers per hour. They can go over nine meters in one jump.Kangaroo mothers have pouches to carry their babies.The babies stay inside to get milk and keep warm.

    Kangaroos are everywhere in Australia.They are on TV, in books and in the shops.But do you know that millions of kangaroos are killed every year? There are too many of them.There are about 20 to 25 million kangaroos in Australia.That’s more than the number of people in the country.Some kangaroos go hungry because there is not enough food to eat.They break into farms for food.Farmers are very angry with them.

    The koala is another famous Australian animal.They look like bears, and have small eyes and big noses.They eat leaves from gum trees(桉树).Koalas have a special smell.They use it to mark their home—“ This is my place, you can’t come in !” Like kangaroos, a koala baby lives in its mother’s pouch, too.

1. If we want to see kangaroos and koalas in natural forests, we can go to ________ .

    A.China                            B.France                        C.Australia

2. What does a kangaroo look like?

   A.It looks like a bear.      B. It has big eyes and ears.C.It has small eyes and big noses.

3. The word “ pouch ” means ________ .

    A.育儿袋                          B.肌肉                          C.尾巴

4. Which is NOT TRUE? ________

    A.The kangaroos can go over nine meters in one jump.

    B.Koalas like eating leaves from gum trees.

    C.Koalas use their voices to mark their homes.

5. What’s the best title of this passage?__________ .

A.Kangaroos and koalas

B.Beautiful Australia

C.How to protect kangaroos and koalas


The seasons in Australia are not like ours. When it is winter in China, it is summer there. Australia is a southern country, it is in the south of the world. July and August are the winter months; September, October and November are spring, the summer is in January, February and December, and March, April and May are the autumn months. The north of the country is hotter than the south.
The east coast has rain all year, and there are no dry months there. The southeast winds blows(吹) here all the year. They bring rain from the sea. There is not much rain on the west side. The southeastern part of Australia has summer rain from the southeast winds. They only blow here in summer.
The southwestern part of Australia has winter rain. The west winds blow over the southwest in winter only. In summer, the southwest of the country has no rain. In the north of Australia, there is no rain in winter. The rain comes in summer. The northwest winds bring it.
【小题1】When it is spring in China, it is _______in Australia.

【小题2】The southwest part of Australia ______.
A.doesn’t have winter rain
B.has summer rain
C.has spring rain
D.has winter rain
【小题3】Only the southwestern part of Australia has summer rain, does it ?
A.Yes, it hasB.No, it hasn’tC.Yes, it doesD.No, it doesn’t
【小题4】In Australia, which months are the winter?
A.September, October and November
B.December, January and February
C.March, April and May
D.June, July and August
【小题5】Where is the summer rain of southeast part of Australia from?
A.The southeast windsB.The southwest winds
C.The northeast windsD.The northwest winds

You have heard of Webster Toys. Webster has made good, safe, interesting toys for more than 100 years. Now we sell them, and children play with them, in countries from New Zealand to Norway, and from Japan to Brazil. We are looking for someone to sell our toys in the Far East. He will be between thirty and forty. He will already have some years of selling in world markets behind him. He will speak good English, and at least one other language of the Far East.

The person we are looking for will live in Singapore, and work in our office there,  but he will travel for up to six months in any one year. He will know the Far East quite well already. He will know how to sell in old markets and where to find new ones. He will understand money and make more than ever before, for himself, and for Webster Toys.

Webster wants someone who can stand on his own feet. If you think you are the person we are looking for, write to Mr J. Sloman at our head office in London.

1.The head office of the Webster company is in________.

A.Australia          B.New Zealand       C.Germany          D.England

2.Children play with Webster toys_______.

A.in many countries of the world

B.in 8 counties around the world.

C.mostly in 4 countries of the world

D.only in some eastern countries

3.“He will already have some years of selling in world markets behind him” means he has_______.

A.sold things for the Webster for some years

B.already sold toys to some markets in the world

C.already sold things in different parts of the world

D.sold a large number of Webster toys to the world

4.Which person could be the right one for the Webster?

A.He is 35,speaks good English and a Far Eastern language, can travel for up to six months in a year and knows how to make more money.

B.He is 28,speaks good English and some other foreign languages, enjoys traveling and making more money for the Webster Toys.

C.He is 40, speaks good English and any other Far Eastern languages, knows Far East well and how to make more money for himself.

D.He has lived in Singapore for years, speaks Chinese well and a little English, knows how to open new markets.


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