
Edward’s Travel Tips

What kind of place do you usually choose to stay for the night during a trip? Expensive hotels may make you feel like you don’t get what you pay for. Cheap hotels put you and five other people in the same bedroom. If both choices (选择) don’t sound good to you, here’s something new: holiday flats.

In a holiday flat, you have more space (空间) than what a hotel room can give you. Everything in the flat is at your disposal (任意使用). The living room, the kitchen, the study and the bedrooms are all for your own use. Some flats even have a lovely garden or a game room. You’ll feel at home in the holiday flat. The best thing is that a holiday flat is not expensive. The price for a holiday flat is often lower than a hotel room for two. You only need to pay a little more for a third or fourth person. If you travel with friends or your family, a holiday flat will be your best choice.

Edward’s Travel Tips


2. hotels: You feel like you don’t get what you pay for.

Cheap hotels: You have to3. a bedroom with other people.

Holiday flats: This choice is something 4..

Good things about a holiday flat

There is 5. space.

You have everything at your disposal. All the 6. are for your own use.

Some flats have a 7. garden or game rooms. Staying in it makes you 8. at home.

Staying in it doesn’t 9. much money.

Conclusion (总结)

The holiday flat is the best choice for trips 10.friends or family.


Nick is a 10-year-old boy. He is the only son of his parents. Nick’s father is very busy every day. He comes home after Nick sleeps, and goes to office before Nick wakes up in the morning. He wants to make much money and give his son a better life. But Nick wants to go outdoors and play with his father just like his friends do.

One day, Nick was surprised to see his father at home in the evening, “Dad, can I ask you a question?” Nick said. “Yes, dear,” said the man. “Dad, can you tell me how much you earn (挣) in an hour?” Nick asked. Nick’s father answered, “It is about $25 an hour.” Nick ran to his room, and came out with some money. He said, “Dad, I have $50. Can you spare (抽出) two hours for me? I want to go to the beach and have dinner with you tomorrow evening.” Nick’s father was speechless!

1.From the first paragraph we can know________.

A.Nick can see his father all the time

B.Nick can’t see his father every day

C.Nick often plays with his father

D.Nick can only eat meals with his father

2.Why did Nick ask his father how much he earned in an hour?

A.Because Nick liked to ask questions all the time.

B.Because Nick wanted to buy something expensive.

C.Because Nick hoped his family could have a happy life.

D.Because Nick wanted to buy some of his father’s time.

3.The underlined word “speechless” in the last paragraph means ________in Chinese.

A.滔滔不绝的 B.无言以对的

C.合理布局的 D.立竿见影的

4.Which of the following about Nick is true?

A.Nick doesn’t like his father at all.

B.Nick hoped to play with his father.

C.Nick borrowed $50 from his mother.

D.Nick wanted to go to his father’s workplace.

5.The passage mainly tells us________.

A.money can buy everything in life

B.children don’t want to stay with parents

C.the greatest gift a parent can give his child is time

D.children in a family need to work with their father

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