Dear Mr / Ms,
      We are very pleased to welcome President William Taylor and Manager James Rogers to Beijing
and Shanghai in April for about a week. We offer the following itinerary (行程表) for your consideration.
Monday, April 18
4:00 pm Arrive in Beijing and be met at the airport by President of Asia
            Trading  Co. (亚洲贸易公司)
4:15 pm Leave for Great Wall Hotel
7:30 pm Dinner

Tuesday, April 19
9:30 am Discussion at Asia Trading Co. Building
2:00 pm ~ 7:00 pm Group discussions
8:00 pm Cocktail (鸡尾酒) party

Wednesday, April 20
9:00 am Discussion 12:00 noon Sign the Letter of Intent (签订意向书)
1:30 pm Beijing Duck Dinner
3:30 pm Visit the Summer Palace
6:00 pm Take a plane for Shanghai
                                                                                            Yours faithfully
1. William Taylor and James Rogers will arrive in Beijing on _______.
A. Sunday
B. Monday
C. Tuesday
D. Wednesday
2. They will _______ at 9:30 am on April 19.
A. arrive at Great Wall Hotel
B. have a cocktail party
C. visit the Summer Palace
D. have a discussion
3. Their group discussions will last _______ hours.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
4. They will go to Shanghai _______ on Wednesday.
A. by car
B. by train
C. by air
D. by ship
5. The letter is mainly about _______.
A. a plan of a journey (行程)
B. a business meeting
C. an important discussion
D. a business between two companies

My name is Madoka Ozawa.I am a student in Kagoshima City,Japan.I am looking for pen pals from other countries.I want to learn about different cultures and make more friends.My E-mail address is whiteriver920@yahoo.co.jp

I'm Brain.My class is learning about different parts of the world.I suggested to our teacher that we get pen pals! He said yes! Now I'm looking for pen pals from other parts of the world!(not from the USA)


I'm 12 years old.My classmates call me Tony.I hope to start exchanging letters with pen pals as soon as possible.I live in Washington,America.


My name is Craig Herrmann.I'm an English teacher in Italy,where English is our second language in our school.I would like to find pen pals whose first language is English for my students.Please send me an e-mail if you are interested.


1.The people mentioned in the table ________.

A.want to learn English                                 B.are all students

C.are looking for pen pals

2.Craig is ________.

A.a teacher              B.a student              C.a Japanese

3.Madoka Ozawa lives in ________.

A.Asia                    B.America               C.Europe

4.Brian can become the pen pal with ________.

A.Craig                   B.Tony                   C.Madoka Ozawa

5.If you want to make friends with Tony,you can send an e-mail to ________.

A.Natshorses12@aol.com                               B.NaoEM@aol.com


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