
Do you often have a cold, headache or sore back? If your answer is“Yes”,your health is a problem. Healthy food is good for our health, Tofu is a kind of healthy food. It is also traditional Chinese food. We often eat it in China. Now, many people in other countries think tofu is good for health, too. They also like eating it.

Milk is another kind of healthy food. You should drink one or two glasses of milk every day.

Vegetables are important, too. You should eat lots of them. There are vitamin(维生素) A. B. C. D. E and other vitamins in them.

Of course, it's important to eat a balanced diet. You need some pork, chicken or beef every day. But you shouldn't eat much of them.

1.If you often have a cold, headache and backache, you aren’t healthy.

2.Tofu is healthy food.

3.People only in China eat tofu.

4.To keep healthy we should drink some milk every day.

5.We should eat a lot of pork, chicken or beef.


Welcome to Student Success,the radio programme that helps students study.This morning we will talk with Jenny,John and Anna,the three top students in English from No.1 High School,about how they study.

Jenny:I study by reading the textbook every night.I make lists of words I don’t know.Then I make flashcards(抽示卡)from the lists and go over them.I like to study by myself at home.It’s quiet there.

John:I study best with my friends.We get together in the park after school.Sometimes we use flashcards.At other times, we practise talking in English.It helps me a lot.

Anna:I ask my teacher for help.She always gives me tapes to listen to.Sometimes I read aloud to help practise pronunciation.And I listen to radio programmes like this one,too!You can say that I learn by listening.

So they have three different ways to study and they all work.Our next programme is about language learning.

1.Students Success is a

A.book about how to learn English

B.television programme

C.radio programme

D.DVD about language study

2.Jenny likes to study

A.in the park B.in the library

C.with her friends D.by herself

3. studies English by practising talking in English.

A.Jenny B.John C.Anna D.The reporter

4.Anna’s teacher always gives her to help her study English.

A.books B.tapes C.CDs D.cards

5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The three students are all weak in English.

B.The three students are all high school students.

C.Jenny reads the textbook every night.

D.Both Jenny and John use flashcards to learn English.

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