
How do people greet one another in countries around the world? A kiss, a hug, a handshake, or a bow? It depends on the country and culture.

In the USA, as in most places around the world, the handshake is a _________ greeting to show friendliness and trust.

In many places in _________, people prefer kiss to greeting, and _________ of them have very strict rules about how many times to kiss someone’s cheeks(脸颊)and on _________ cheek to start. Parisians kiss four times from cheek to cheek always with the left cheek first. If you are in Brittany, a city in the north-west of France, kiss three times; and in _________ parts of France, keep it to two. Two kisses are _________ the rule in Spain, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland. In the Netherlands, people usually kiss three times; more kisses are for the elderly and close family members._________ is also a factor for Belgians, who kiss once for people as old as themselves, and three times for people ten years older.

_________, handshake and kissing are not the only ways to say hello around the world. In Japan, people usually _________ to greet each other. The different greetings around the world __________ make you confused(困惑的). But don’t worry. When you are not sure, remember that a firm(坚定的)but gentle handshake, a smile, and an open mind won’t be wrong.

1.A.special B.common C.unusual D.wonderful

2.A.Europe B.Asia C.America D.Australia

3.A.none B.few C.some D.most

4.A.what B.that C.whose D.which

5.A.other B.another C.others D.the other

6.A.always B.also C.again D.already

7.A.Age B.Health C.Sex D.Nationality

8.A.More importantly B.At last C.For example D.Of course

9.A.bow B.shake hands C.kiss D.hug

10.A.may B.need C.shouldn’t D.can’t


I just returned to my hometown of Wilson Creek. I was away for 10 years. So many things have changed around here. When I left Wilson Creek, there was a small lake in the south-east of the town.

They have filled in the lake and built a large shopping center and a swimming pool there. They have also built a new post office just across from my old school.

The baseball stadium(体育场)in the north-east of Wilson Creek has also changed a lot. They have now added a new stand(看台). Now the stadium can seat a few thousand people. It looks really great.

The biggest changes have taken place in the town center. It has become a pedestrianised area(步行区) and you can't drive there anymore. They have built a large square and a cinema. There is also a new street cafe and a grassy area.

My street looks just the same as it always has been, but a public library has appeared on the next street. There used to be a park there but they have cut down all the trees. What a pity! The library now has a large green area in front of it but it's not the same as when the park was there.

Another change is the new restaurants that have opened in Wilson Creek. A Chinese restaurant and an Italian restaurant have opened in the town center, and a Mexican restaurant has opened near my home. I'm going to the Mexican one tomorrow!

1.The shopping center is where a used to be.

A.swimming pool B.lake C.post office D.school

2.Where is the baseball stadium in Wilson Creek?

A.In the south-east.

B.In the north-east.

C.In the town center.

D.Near the writer's home.

3.The writer thinks it is a pity that ________.

A.his street hasn't changed

B.his street doesn't have a library

C.the park isn't there anymore

D.the library doesn't have a green area

4.What will the writer do tomorrow?

A.Watch a movie in the town center cinema.

B.Watch a baseball match at the stadium.

C.Go to a Mexican restaurant.

D.Go shopping in the shopping center.

5.What would be the best title for the text?

A.My Favorite Restaurant in Town

B.My Favorite Things to Do in Town

C.Great Buildings in My Hometown

D.Great Changes in My Hometown

It was the old lady's birthday. She put on her favorite blue dress and got up early to wait for the postman. Today she was sure there would be something. Myra wouldn't forget her mother's birthday, even if she hardly wrote to her.

The old lady was eighty today. Perhaps Myra might come. After all, eighty was a special birthday. Even if Myra did not come, she would send a present. The old lady was sure of that. She was excited—like a child.

The little boy, Johnnie, said he wouldn’t go out to play until the post came. "I guess you'll get lots of presents," he said, "I did when I was six."

What would she get? Perhaps a new sweater. Emm, blue is such a pretty color. Or a book, a travel book, with pictures, or a little clock, with clear black numbers...

Finally, the postman turned round the corner on his bicycle. Johnnie ran to him at once. "Granny," he shouted, "I've got your post."

"Just post ? No parcel (包裹), Johnnie?" Her heart beat fast.

"No, granny. Maybe the parcel was pretty large to come by letter post. It would come later by parcel post. You must be patient."

She tore the envelope open. It was a card with a message under the printed Happy Birthday—Buy yourself something nice with the check, Myra.

A big number is in the check! But with shaking fingers she tore the check into little bits. The pieces flied to the floor like a bird with broken wings. Her present, her lovely present.

1.Which one was the old lady’s first choice as her birthday present?

A.Her daughter could come to hers. B.Her daughter could send a parcel.

C.Her daughter could send a post. D.Her daughter could give a check.

2.Which sentence can imply (暗示) the sad ending of the story?

A.Myra wouldn't forget her mother's birthday, even if she hardly wrote to her.

B.Perhaps Myra might come.

C.Even if Myra did not come, she would send a present.

D.The old lady was sure of that.

3.Why did Johnnie’s granny tear the check into bits?

A.Because she wanted to play a joke with Johnnie.

B.Because she wasn’t pleased with the number on the check.

C.Because she was disappointed with her daughter.

D.Because she was too happy to get the lovely present.

4.According to the passage, what can we learn from it?

A.Don’t forget mother’s birthday. B.Send the present by ourselves.

C.Mother always loves children deeply. D.Love parents by heart.


These days we are bringing up kids in a generation(一代) that we like to call the iPad generation. Kids enjoy spending hours playing on their computers and phones. Since it seems that most of us parents can’t live without the computer (iPad, phone), it is normal for our kids to feel that that’s the way to go.

But we as parents find ourselves asking the same questions. Some of them are “I don’t want my kid on the computer; Am I right in not letting him use it?”, “Should I allow him to play for so long?”, and” When should I say no?”

A lot of parents believe in not letting their kids use computers. 43 They think that kids are expected to do other things like riding a bike or playing out with friends. At the same time, there is another set of parents who let their kids use their iPads or their phones for long hours. They feel their kids have to be good at using them, or they will be left behind(落后) Well, we shouldn’t stop our kids from using the computer. It can play a big role in the development of our kids. It can be used even without an Internet connection(连接). Kids can use it to draw pictures, read books, listen to music or play games just like any other toy. However, the number of hours that they use it should be controlled.

Let us talk about the Internet now. Is it a big bad wolf? Not really. If used properly, it has a number of information to offer our kids. Kids can know what is happening around them, and read wonderful facts about anything that interests them. There are a lot of healthy, kid-friendly websites that our kids can use. If you do allow your kid to use the Internet, be there while he or she uses it. Make it an experience that your kid enjoys with you. 44 Don’t let the Internet turn into something that just helps you to take care of your kid.


1.What do the kids in the iPad generation usually like to do?


2.What can kids use the computer to do in the passage?







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