The Unbelievable Years that Defined History

In 105 AD paper was invented in China?

When Columbus discovered the New World?

The British Museum opened in 1759?

CHRONOLOGICA is a fascinating journey through time, from the foundation (建立) of Rome to the creation of the Internet. Along the way are tales of kings and queens, hot air balloons… and monkeys in space.

Travel through 100 of the most unbelievable years in world history and learn why being a Rome Emperor wasn’t always as good as it sounds, how the Hundred Years’ War didn’t actually last for 100 years and why Spencer Perceval holds a rather unfortunate record.

CHRONOLOGICA is an informative and exciting tour into history, beautifully illustrated (加插 图) and full of unbelievable facts. While CHRONOLOGICA tells the stories of famous people in history such as Thomas Edison and Alexander the Great, this book also gives an account of the lives of lesser-known individuals including the explorer Mungo Park and sculpture Gutzon Borglum.

This complete but brief historical collection is certain to entertain readers young and old, and guaranteed to present even the biggest history lover with something new!

1.What is CHRONOLOGICA according to the text?

A.A novel. B.A travel guide. C.A history book. D.A science fiction.

2.What can’t you find in CHRONOLOGICA?

A.Columbus discovered the New World. B.Paper was invented in China in 105 BC

C.The British Museum opened in 1759. D.Stories of Roman Emperors.

3.What makes CHRONOLOGICA interesting?

A.Stories B.Pictures C.Tales D.All of the above


After the Spring Festival, I found some of my mom’s daily habits have changed.

Her cooking way was different. Vegetables that had been cooked crisply became very tender and soft. Fish that had been fried became soup. Her old shredded (切成细条的) potato turned into diced potato… Feeling strange, dad and I asked Mom the reason for the change. But all she said was, “Just trying a different taste”. Then she was silent.

But it wasn’t just her cooking way. Mom also change other habits. After dinner, instead of watching films on TV as usual, she would put on her newly-bought sports clothes and asked Dad to go out for a walk. After they came back home, mom would lose herself in magazines or newspapers about healthcare. Mom almost never gets sick. Why was she suddenly interested in medicine?

I couldn’t understand her “abnormal” behavior. Then one day I came across her micro blog(博客). “While visiting my parents during the Spring Festival, I suddenly realized that they are in their 70s now,” my mom had written. “They move slowly and it is hard for them to do the housework. I should visit them more often…

“Some cooking should be changed to keep them healthy. They like fish soup, diced potato, tender and soft vegetables…

“I must also keep fit by doing physical exercise. If my parents are too weak to move around, I can be strong enough to take care of them. When I am old, my son can also pay less attention to taking care of me…”

When I read this, I felt very sorry. I used to complain that Mom didn’t understand me and couldn’t give me everything I wanted. I always thought there was a wide gap(沟) between us. But now I completely understand her. How great she is! She always thinks of others before herself. Everything she does is to help the people she loves live better lives. How unselfish her love is!

1.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.Fish that had been fried became fish soup.

B.Vegetables became really tender and soft.

C.The shredded potato became diced potato.

D.The cooking way wasn’t the same as before.

2.Which one of the following is one of mother’s “abnormal” behavior?

A.Watching films on TV after dinner.

B.Being interested in sports clothes.

C.Reading more bout healthcare.

D.Not taking medicine when got sick.

3.When did mum change her habits?

A.After her parents were ill.

B.After the Spring Festival.

C.When mum was 70 years old.

D.After mom started her micro blog.

4.Why did mom change her cooking way?

A.Because she wanted to try a different taste.

B.Because she wasn’t interested in cooking any more.

C.Because she was suddenly interested in medicine.

D.Because she tried to find a cooking way suitable for her parents.

5.What does the writer want to show us readers by talking about this story?

A.Mom’s love is selless and great

B.Mom has changed her daily habits.

C.A misunderstanding between Mom and me.

D.How to cook food in a healthy way.

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