
A film called "The Year of the Yao" has been produced. The one-and-a-half hour  31 follows Yao Ming's first year in the United States. Although Yao 32 cultural(文化)and language problems in his first year in America, he deals(处理)well with the 33 .He finds friendship and  34  from others and always has confidence(自信)in himself.

  He is now in his third NBA season, but this season is his first  35  with new Rockets player Tracy Mcgrady.

  The Rockets  36 five games straight at the end of their first month and Yao has needed time to work well with Mcgrady.

  "I haven't been playing as everyone  37  ,"Yao says. However, he also says that he has been trying to improve, and things are  38  getting better in the near future.

  Things may not be easy right now,  39  Yao Ming is still the favourite of his fans. In a recent ballot(投票),he got more than2.5million votes(票)from fans all over the world, 40 is more than Michael Jordan!

31. A. comedy(喜剧) B.documentary(记录片)C.thriller(惊险片) D. action movie(动作片)

32. A. faces    B. solves      C. picks       D. sees

33. A. problem  B. stress(压力)     C. people      D. sport

34. A. support(支持) B.money  C.mistakes D. regards(问候)

35. A. fighting  B. eating       C. playing     D. jumping

36. A. won     B. lost        C. beat        D. defeated(打败)

37. A. thinks    B.wants      C. expects(期待) D. imagine(想象)

38. A. hardly    B. surely       C. easily       D. strangely

39. A. because  B. if          C. or         D. but

40. A. as       B. who        C. which      D. what


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