You and your family are planning a picnic for tomorrow. So you want to _______ the weather forecast first to see whether there will be rain or not. Your father turns on the television and the family listens to the_______ make the weather report.

"It will be partly cloudy tomorrow morning, _______ clearing by early afternoon. The high temperature tomorrow will be 85."

As there will be no rain, the whole family feels _______. Without the weather forecast, you would not know this, and you would just have to take your _______. But now, you can plan your picnic without worrying whether it will rain or not.

The man you can thank for this is Cleveland Abbe. He is known as the father of the Weather bureau. He was the first person to publish _______ weather forecasts in the United States.

Abbe began his weather bulletins(简报)every day in 1869. They were based on weather maps he drew from telegraphed reports of weather _______. Because of their accuracy(准确), the reports were _______.

Congress(国会)became _______ in Abbe's weather reports. They made Abbe a meteorologist(气象学家), and he ________ to issue(发布)forecasts three times a day. He was the first official forecaster of the U.S. Weather Service. Because he often forecasted probable storms. Abbe earned the nickname of “Old Probabilities".

1.A.produce B.attend C.check D.reply

2.A.fireman B.postman C.fisherman D.weatherman B.but C.after D.because

4.A.happy B.worried C.sad D.tired

5.A.time B.chances D.points B.simple C.daily D.indoor

7.A.conditions B.stations C.reasons D.communications

8.A.strange B.popular C.terrible D.useless

9.A.successful C.bored D.interested

10.A.avoided B.began C.minded D.failed


Sometimes, my mom likes to cook breakfast food for dinner. I remember one night when she made pancakes and biscuits, all of the food was great but the biscuits...They were very seriously burned. They looked like pieces of black charcoal(木炭).

But my dad didn't seem to mind. I watched him eat his biscuits happily, not seeming to care if they tasted bad. My mom said sorry for burning the biscuits, but dad said, “You know, I like eating burned biscuits every once in a while!”

Later that night, before I went to bed, I asked my dad if he really liked burned biscuits. He said that my mom worked hard all day, and that she was quite tired by the time she cooked our dinner.

It was then that I understood why he told mom that he liked eating the burned biscuits. Everyone sometimes makes mistakes. Nobody can do everything right all the time. Accepting others' mistakes is one of the keys to building healthy relationship. If we don't accept these things, we'll never enjoy true love.

Title: A 1. of burned biscuits among my family





* She made 2. for dinner as if they were black charcoal.

*She felt sorry for the family.


* He ate his biscuits happily.

*He said he liked eating burned biscuits.

*He thought his wife was quite tired after 3. work.

The writer

* He asked his dad if he liked the burned biscuits.

*He 4. more because he knew everyone sometimes makes mistakes.

*He learned 5. mistakes, we will never enjoy true love.

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