

People in Shanghai now have to follow a new rule about sorting(分类)garbage. The new rule started on July 1st. It asks people to sort household garbage properly.

Since the beginning of this century, people have been encouraged to sort household garbage voluntarily(自愿地). Although more and more people have realized the importance of sorting garbage, the result was not so good. We have never stopped improving our waste-sorting work, so the new rule comes out. According to the rule, anyone who fails to sort garbage properly may be fined up to 200 yuan, while companies may be fined up to 50,000 yuan.

But how should we sort garbage before taking it out? Let me show you here.It should be divided into the following four types:

Recyclable garbage: Things that can be reused, including paper, metal, glass, plastic and old clothes.

Wet garbage: Vegetables, fruit, leaves all belong to wet garbage. It is usually from the kitchen.

Dangerous garbage: This type of garbage includes medicine, batteries paint containers. Bulbs(灯泡)and so on. If you throw them away, they may pollute the soil and water.

Dry garbage: Any garbage that’s not wet, recyclable or harmful belongs to dry garbage.

Now, let’s start sorting garbage to save energy and protect the environment.

1.What is the new rule in Shanghai about?

It’s about ________________________________________________________________________.

2.What would happen if a company didn’t follow the rule?

The company would _______________________________________________________________.

3.How should garbage be sorted?

It should be divided into four types: recyclable garbage, wet garbage,________________________.

4.Which kind of garbage does an old magazine belong to ?

It belongs to ___________________________________________________________________.

5.Why do we sort garbage before taking it out?

We sort garbage in order to _______________________________________________________.


One day, Jackie and Tony decided to visit one of their old friends Michael. Michael had dedicated(奉献) his life to praying(祈祷) and _______ others. Now, he was getting old and sick. _______ Jackie and Tony reached, they asked Michael about his life. Jackie asked, “Michael, can you _______ us what you have learned over the years?”

“Yes. Time and tide(岁月) wait for no man,” replied Michael. “So, we should never _______ time. We should do something meaningful.”

Tony said, “You’ve been praying to God for long. What do you pray for?”

Michael smiled and replied, “In the beginning when I was young, I prayed to God to give me the strength to change the world. But _______, I realized that I could never make it. Then, I started to pray to God to give me the strength to change people around me.”

“Your _______ has come true as we know that you’ve helped a lot of people,” said Jackie.

Michael shook his head and said, “Well, I’ve helped many, but I’ve _______ changed them. In fact, it’s _______ for me to change others. You know what? One can change, but only if he or she wants to. Now at this age, I finally _______ what I should have been praying for from the start.”

“What is it?” asked Jackie and Tony in surprise.

“The ability to ________ myself,” replied Michael with a smile.

1.A.teaching B.challenging C.helping D.waking

2.A.If B.After C.Before D.Although

3.A.share with B.depend on C.shout to D.compare with

4.A.save B.spend C.find D.waste

5.A.slowly B.probably C.actually D.certainly

6.A.habit B.advice C.wish D.opinion

7.A.always B.often C.sometimes D.never

8.A.easy B.important C.necessary D.impossible

9.A.forget B.realize C.repeat D.choose

10.A.accept B.change C.punish D.trust

Australian visitors

Ten visitors from PEP Middle School of Australia arrived at our school on Wednesday, April 17th. They came to China on Tuesday and they will stay in our school for two weeks.

School trip

Students in Grade 3 had a great time on the school trip on Saturday, April 20th. They went to the National Museum by school bus. The teachers were very happy because the students cleaned the bus after the trip.

Soccer game

Here’s good news for soccer fans. There will be a soccer game between our school and Xinhua Middle School this Sunday, April 21st. All students are welcome to watch it. The game begins at 3:00 p. m. in the Sports Center.

School art festival

There will be an art show in our school on Friday, May 3rd. Students from different clubs will show their talents. In the morning, you can see paintings and photos in the Art Center. In the afternoon, there will be a party at the Music Hall. You can come to the party with your parents. It begins at 5:00 p.m.

1.When did the Australian visitors come to China?

A.On April 16 th. B.On April 17 th. C.On April 20 th. D.On April 2l st.

2.How did the students go to the National Museum?

A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By bike. D.By subway.

3.What time does the soccer game begin?

A.At 9:00 a.m. B.At 10:00 a.m. C.At 3:00 p.m. D.At 5:00 p.m.

4.Parents can go to ______ with their children on May 3rd.

A.the Art Center B.the Music Hall C.the Sports Center D.the National Museum

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.There are 17 Australian visitors.

B.The soccer game will be on the weekend.

C.The Art Center will close on Friday morning.

D.Students in two grades went on the school trip.

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