

1970 was “World Conservation(保护) Year”. The United Nations wanted everyone to know that the world is at risk(危险).They hoped that people would do something quickly to conserve nature.

Here is one example of the problem. At one time there were 1,300 plants, trees and flowers in Holland, but now only 860 are existing. The others have been destroyed by modern man and his technology.

Here is another example. In 1620, about half the USA was covered by forests. In 1850, about a third was covered by forests. Today the forests have almost gone. A lot of good land has gone with them, leaving only sand. Today too many trees are still being cut down.

We’re changing the earth, the air and water. We can’t live without these things. If we go on like this, we shall destroy ourselves. A lot of people know that conservation is necessary. Many things have been done to save our world. For example, people plant more and more trees on the hills. In a small town in the USA a large group of girls cleaned the banks of 11 kilometers of their river. Young people may hear about conservation through a record by the name of NO ONE’S GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD. It was made by Scales, Cliff Richard and other singers. The money from it will help to conserve wild plants and animals. In China, a new Great Wall has been built across the northern part of the country to stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south.

1.What year was 1970?


2.What did the United Nations hope ?


3.How much land in the USA is covered by forests in 1850?


4.Can you give us an example that people have done to save our world?


5.What has a new Great Wall been built for?




1.It was “World Conservation Year”.

2.They hoped that people would do something quickly to conserve nature.

3.In 1850, about a third was covered by forests.

4.People have planted more and more trees on the hills.(言之有理即可)

5.It has been built to stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south.




第一节 听下面的8段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话只读一遍。

1.What is Jim doing?

A.He is reading.

B.He is sleeping.

C.He is drinking.

2.How will the man go to Beijing?

A.By plane

B.By train

C.By car

3.Where are the two speakers talking?

A.In a library

B.In a restaurant

C.In a shop

4.When does Bill's class begin?




5.What did Peter's mother want him to do?

A.To do homework.

B.To meet his grandma.

C.To clean the house.

6.How does Jim go to school when it is fine?

A.By bike.

B.By bus.

C.On foot.

7.Where did Fred go for vacation?




8.What does the man want to be?

A.An actor.

B.A doctor.

C.A teacher.

第二节 听下面的5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。听每段对话和独白前,你都有10秒钟的时间阅读相关小题;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。对话或独白读两遍。


9.Where does the man want to go?



C.Hong Kong.

10.When will the man take the plane?

A.On November, 24th

B.On October, 14th

C.On December, 4th

11.How many tickets does the man want?





12.How many classes for beginners are there in a week?




13.What time does the evening class begin?

A.At 7∶30.

B.At 8∶30.

C.At 9∶30.

14.When will John probably have his piano lessons?

A.On Tuesday morning.

B.On Tuesday evening.

C.On Wednesday evening.


15.What's Mike going to do in London?

A.To do some shopping.

B.To see his uncle.

C.To visit some places.

16.Has Lily ever been to Beijing?

A.Yes, she has.

B.No, she hasn't.

C.We don't know.

17.Where will Lily visit?

A.The Great Wall.

B.Hong Kong.



18.How often does the man run?

A.Once a week.

B.Once a day.

C.Once a month.

19.What does the man do first after he gets up?

A.He takes a shower.

B.He has breakfast.

C.He goes to school.

20.What's the man's favorite subject?





21.What was the husband like?

A.He was small and thin.

B.He was large and fat.

C.He was tall and strong.

22.How often did the man get his pay?

A.Once a month.

B.Once a week.

C.Once a day.

23.What was the wife doing when her husband hurried into the living room?

A.She was listening to the radio and eating apples.

B.She was watching TV and waiting for her husband.

C.She was listening to the radio and cleaning the room.

24.How did he get the ten thousand dollars?

A.He saved the money little by little.

B.He bought the lottery tickets.

C.He found the money on his way home.

25.What did his wife feel when she heard the news at first?

A.She was happy.

B.She was angry.

C.She was sad.




1.What's Jim's favourite fruit?




2.Where does the woman want to go?

A.To the hospital.

B.To the bank.

C.To the bookstore.

3.How often does Tom surf the Internet?

A.Every day.


C.Once a week.

4.What does the man mean?

A.He doesn't think Class 2 will win.

B.He thinks Class 2 will win.

C.He hopes Class 2 will win.

5.How does the man learn English?

A.By reading aloud.

B.By making flashcards.

C.By listening to tapes.

6.Why didn't the woman answer the phone?

A.She wasn't in.

B.She didn't want to.

C.She was washing her hair.

7.What time is it now?

A.It's 6∶40.

B.It's 7∶15.

C.It's 7∶45.

8.Which might be the reason why Victor failed the driver's test?

A.He was too nervous.

B.He didn't practice at all.

C.He didn't have enough time to practice.




9.What is Kathy doing for vacation?

A.Studying at home.

B.Traveling abroad.

C.Doing a part-time job.

10.How does she feel these days?




11.Where is she most probably going on vacation?

A.To Hawaii.

B.To Switzerland.

C.Somewhere cold.


12.What's the possible rala6onship(关系)between the two speakers?


B.Husband and wife.


13.How long has it been since the two speakers saw each other lint time?

A.A few months.

B.About a year.

C.A few years.

14.Whose leg was broken?

A.The woman's.

B.The man's wife's.

C.The man's son's.


15.Why do they collect the rubbish along the river?

A.To stop the fiver from being polluted.

B.To sell it for money.

C.To see the river every day.

16.How many volunteers do they have?




17.When do they do the volunteer work?

A.At 7∶30 every morning.

B.After lunch at noon.

C.After dinner every evening.


18.What's the man doing?

A.Selling the house.

B.Looking for a house.

C.Asking for a job.

19.Why does the woman want to sell the house?

A.She wants to move to the countryside.

B.She wants to move abroad.

C.She hopes to buy a bigger one.

20.How much does the house cost?

A.$ 9,680.

B.$ 9,860.

C.$ 9,618.


21.Where did the story happen?

A.In the school.

B.In the restaurant.

C.In the library.

22.What did the man order for his meal?

A.Some noodles.

B.The cheapest things.

C.The most expensive food.

23.What did the man say when he left there?

A.He was buying a newspaper.

B.He was buying some beer.

C.He was getting some money at the bank.

24.Was the man the boy's father?

A.Yes, he was.

B.No, be wasn't.

C.We don't know.

25.When did the man ask the boy to come in and sit at his table?

A.After he left.

B.At two o'clock.

C.After paying for the meal.


第一部分 听句子选择图片或对话回答问题:







5.What time is it now?




6.What would the woman like to drink?

A.Coffee with cream.

B.Black coffee.

C.Coffee with sugar.

7.When does the conversation take place?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

8.How many people can the man's car hold?

A.4 people.

B.5 people.

C.6 people.

9.Does Betty like sweets?

A.Yes, she does.

B.Yes, but now she gave up.

C.No, she doesn't.

10.Where will Sun Yanzi hold a concert?

A.In America.

B.In China.

C.In Singapore.

第二部分 听对话和短文答题



11.Where does the conversation probably happen?

A.In a library.

B.In an office.

C.At an airport.

12.What will Mr.Lee do as soon as he gets to London?

A.Have a meeting.

B.Go to the hotel.

C.Visit a friend.


13.A.the underground

B.a taxi

C.a train

14.A.visits other companies

B.writes reports

C.has meetings

15.A.at 11.30 p.m.

B.before 11 p.m.

C.later than 11.30 p.m.


16.Which festival is coming?

A.The Spring Festival.


C.Thanksgiving Day.

17.How soon will Mary be with her parents?

A.In a week.

B.In a month.

C.In two days.

18.Where is Mary now?

A.In France.

B.In England.

C.In America.

19.When will Mary arrive in Paris?

A.On Thursday.

B.On Wednesday.

C.On Friday.

20.Why does Mary ask her parents to meet her at the station?

A.Because she has been ill.

B.Because she will take a lot of things.

C.Because she has no money.

   "Green ” is more than just a colour. It means that you should live to protect the environment . --  the water , the land and the air . You can be a green kid by following these steps .
   Reduce( 减少) it.
   When you use less of something , you do a good thing for the Earth . For example , a shorter shower means you use less water . ( 1.) Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth .
   Reuse it .
   Many times , even if you don' t need something ,someone else might just need it . For example , if your younger sister does' t play with her bear toy , you can give ( 2.) it to your neighbour . Try to change books, toys , even clothes with friends .
   Enjoy it .
   It 's true that pollution is a great problem now , ( 3.) ____________ the Earth is still a beautiful and interesting place to explore ( 探索 ). Go for a hike ( 远足 ) ,visit nature centres , and gardens , climb mountains and take a boat in the rivers …. Outdoor activities are good for you . You can also plant trees ,collect reusable (可重复使用的)things …
16.回答问题:How  many steps ( to be  a green kid ) are mentioned in the passage ?
17. 将文中划线( 1 ) 的句子译成汉语
18 文中划线 ( 2 .) 的 “it”指代的是什么? _____________________.
19. 在文中划线部分 ( 3 .)的 空白处填上一个恰当的连词使句子通顺完整,符合逻辑。_________
It is so easy to be a great kid .


“ Green ” is more than just a colour. It means that you should live to protect the environment . ——  the water , the land and the air . You can be a green kid by following these steps .

Reduce( 减少) it.

When you use less of something , you do a good thing for the Earth . For example , a shorter shower means you use less water . ( 1.) Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth .

Reuse it .

Many times , even if you don' t need something ,someone else might just need it . For example , if your younger sister does' t play with her bear toy , you can give ( 2.) it to your neighbour . Try to change books, toys , even clothes with friends .

Enjoy it .

It 's true that pollution is a great problem now , ( 3.) ____________ the Earth is still a beautiful and interesting place to explore ( 探索 ). Go for a hike ( 远足 ) , visit nature centres , and gardens , climb mountains and take a boat in the rivers …. Outdoor activities are good for you . You can also plant trees ,collect reusable (可重复使用的)things …. Being a green kid is so easy .


16.回答问题:How  many steps ( to be  a green kid ) are mentioned in the passage ? 


17. 将文中划线( 1 ) 的句子译成汉语

   _____________________________________________________________________18 文中划线 ( 2 .) 的 “it”指代的是什么? _____________________.

19. 在文中划线部分 ( 3 .)的 空白处填上一个恰当的连词使句子通顺完整,符合逻辑。_________

20.. 从文中找一个句子与所给句子意思相同的句子。

 It is so easy to be a great kid .


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