
【题目】Is it important us learn English well?

A.for, learning B.for, to learn

C.of, learning D.of, to learn



试题分析:句意为:学好英语对我们来说重要吗?这是一个固定句型“it is +形容词+of/for+sb+to do sth”的一般疑问句。句中如果形容词指的是事物的性质,则应用for。根据语境,这里形容词指的是事物的性质,即learn English well is important(学好英语是重要的),故选B。


【题目】Hobbies are activities(活动), which we do in our free time. There are so many kinds of hobbies one can choose for his or her own. Some hobbies are really expensive, and some are even dangerous.

The most popular hobbies in our country are as follows

Collecting hobbies We can collect a lot of things. Usually people collect the stamps, postcards or coins. Some people collect unusual things like old cars, old motorbikes or other interesting things, which could be very expensive.

Art hobbies Going to the theatre, concert(音乐会), opera; playing some instrument ( the most popular instrument is guitar ); painting, writing, poetry. There are many clubs—such as singing, dancing, etc.

Sports games Everybody do some sport activities—sport can keep us fit. Many students are members of a sports club—basketball, volleyball or swimming.

The other popular hobby is watching TV or a video, playing computer or video games, but it is not so good for your eyes and your mind. Many people here like to spend their free time reading books, magazines and newspapers. Some people like listening to music better. Going out can be very expensive now.

Many students would like to make use of their hobbies in their future jobs, e.g. working with computer, but it is not so easy. Hobbies are very important for everybody. A man would be very poor without a hobby and would not be pleased.



【1】 for Us to Choose From

There are many hobbies one can choose expensive or dangerous.

Main body

Collecting hobbies

Many people like 2 stamps, postcards or coins.

Some people like to collect things, such as old cars, old motorbikes, etc.

Art hobbies

We can go to the theatre, concert or opera.

We can also learn to play some instrument.

Some have 3 painting, writing or poetry.

Going to clubs for entertainment(娱乐)is also very interesting.

Sports games

We can take part in some sports activities or 4 sports clubs.

Other hobbies

Watching TV or a video and playing computer or video games are interesting things to do, but not too much, for they may be 5 for our eyes and mind.

We can choose to read or enjoy music for pleasure.


For many students hobbies are useful for their future jobs.

Hobbies are important for everyone, without which we would be poor and not pleased.

【题目】Would you like to visit Britain one day?--Our country would like to welcome you!

Overseas travel can be expensive. But there are ways of visiting Britain cheaply. We hope that we can give you some good ideas.

When to come?

If you can avoid (避免)the busy months --July and August ,your visit may be cheaper. There will be smaller numbers of visitors. British weather is pleasant from April to the end of September. Of course, you can visit it in winter, but it is often dark by 4pm.Many places, such as large houses and castles(城堡),are closed early in winter. However, if you are interested in museums, art galleries or theatres, winter may be a good time to visit.

Be prepared.

If you are a student, it's a good idea to apply for (申请)an International Student Identity Card(身份证).With this card, you can save a lot of money. You can get the card from your local student travel office, and you can also call (44)-08708-413224 to get it. To get the card, you need to show that you are a student, get a passport photo, and pay a little money.

【1】Which is the most popular time for visitors to Britain?

A. July and August

B. The winter season

C. From April to September

D. The vacation season.

【2】If you are a student with an International Student Identity Card,_____.

A. you have to prove you're a student

B. you will pay less money for your trip.

C. you can call (44)-08708-413224 for help.

D. you must apply for a trip from the student travel office

【3】 This passage is mainly about_____.

A. when to visit Britain

B. why to take a trip to Britain

C. what to do and see in Britain

D how to travel cheaply in Britain

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