
Mr. Lewis was a dance teacher. He was a nice man and always had a lot of students. One year he moved to a new town, and was soon teaching many students in the dance school there, but he decided to move again to a big city. He would have more work there.
When one of his students heard that he was going to leave, she said to him, “The new teacher won’t be as good as you are.” Mr. Lewis was happy when he heard this, but he said, “Oh no. I’m sure he’ll be as good as I am ---- or even better.”
The student said, “No. Including you, five teachers have come and gone while I’ve been here, and each new one was worse than the last.”
1. ______ came to learn dancing from Mr. Lewis.
A. A few students  B. Few students  C. Many students  D. No students
2. Mr. Lewis wanted to move a big city because _______
A.   he hated the small town
B.   he couldn’t make a living in the small town
C.   it would be easy for him to have more work in the city
D.  it made him spend more money in the town
3. The student thought that _______
A.   Mr. Lewis was a good teacher     B. Mr. Lewis was the best teacher
C. Mr. Lewis was worse than the last
D. Mr. Lewis would be worse than the last
4. Before Mr. Lewis ______ teachers came to the town to teach dancing
A. three          B. four           C. five           D. six
5. From the story we can conclude(推论) that the student wished _____
A. to have a better teacher            B. to have a worse teacher
C. to become a dance teacher          D. to see the sixth teacher
1.答案为C。根据第一段第二句He was a nice man and always had a lot of students.可知答案。
2.答案为C。根据第一段最后一句He would have more work there.可知答案。
3.答案为C。根据最后一段学生的话“No. Including you, five teachers have come and gone while I’ve been here, and each new one was worse than the last.”“我在此期间,包括你在内有五位老师来去,每一位新老师比前一个老师差。”
One day a woman got into her car and started driving home after work. Just at that time, she saw a __26__ car behind her. The driver was a __27__. When she turned left, the yellow car turned left. When she turned __28__, the yellow car turned right, too. When she stopped at the traffic lights, the yellow car stopped __29__ her..
The woman was __30__, so she drove quickly to __31__. When she arrived, she was very __32__ to see that the yellow car stooped behind her again. But she felt __33__ because she saw a policeman standing outside the police station. She jumped out of her car at once and __34__ to the policeman. She asked the policeman to arrest(逮捕)the man in the yellow car, then the police man walked to the man.
The man didn’t run away. He just __35__ and said to the woman, “I want to give this purse back to you. I think you dropped it on the street.”
小题1:A. red                          B. yellow                     C. black
小题2:A. man                         B. woman                    C. policeman
小题3:A. left                       B. back                       C. right
小题4: A. opposite                   B. before                     C. behind
小题5: A. anxious                  B. scared                     C. pleased
小题6: A. the police station            B. her office                C. her home
小题7: A. interested                  B. excited                    C. surprised
小题8: A. sad                       B. safe                        C. dangerous
小题9:A. ran                       B. run                         C. runs
小题10:A. cried                     B. laughed                   C. smiled
Do you have the ability to live cheaply? Now here’s a true story of an American girl, Sarah. After Sarah left university, 36  began to live in New York City on her own. She  37  a job in a publishing house, but the salary was less than $30,000 a year. Her parents thought her life would be hard, but Sarah could live on her _38 and still saved $5,000 in a year. How was that 39  in one of the most expensive cities in the world?
Cheap living always starts with keeping the big cost small.For most people, that means housing. So Sarah chose to 40__ a flat with three other friends. Her next biggest cost was 41 . When she ate out, she went to cheap restaurants. 42 she bought a $9.99 whole chicken at a local restaurant. She then 43_ the chicken bones(骨头)home and made soup out of them. Nowadays young people often  44  a lot of money on entertainment(娱乐). But Sarah said, “I enjoy walking 45 in New York City. I love going to museums and parks.”  Did Sarah feel poor by cheap living? Not really. She   46 managed to take two trips, one to the Netherlands, the other to Portland.
“Don’t think of saving money as something 47 . It’s a kind of game,” said Sarah.
A.foundB.triedC.asked forD.looked for
A.buyB.sell C.stay D.share
A.foodB.restC.studying D.playing
A.preparedB.took C.caughtD.picked
A.payB.lend C.spendD.save
Spring is a good time for kite flying -- a popular activity in China. On a sunny day with a good breeze(微风), you'll see hundreds of colorful kites flying in the sky. They have all kinds of shapes like swallows and peaches. Some of the shapes have special meanings. For example, swallows mean good luck and peaches bring you a long life.
The city of Weifang in Shandong is the home of the kite. The city holds an international kite festival in April every year. There are competitions for kite-flying skills and new styles of kites. The most famous is the competition for the "Kite King ". Thousands of kite fans from more than 30 countries visit the city to take part in the competitions, or to just enjoy this colorful event(事件).
The largest kite in the world is a big "octopus (章鱼)". It's about 1,100 square meters, twice as big as a basketball court. Li Jingyang, a kite fanin Jilin, spent eight months making it in 2008.
The kite was invented by Chinese people over 2,000 years ago. According to historical (历史的) record, kites were first used by soldiers to send news to their friends. In the Tang Dynasty, flying kites became a popular game played by everyone.
As it was introduced to the West in the ll00s, the kite brought a great influence(影响) on Western life.
In 1782, the lightning rod (避雷针) was invented with the help of a kite. Modern aircraft came from kites, too. At the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC, a board reads: "The earliest man-made aircrafts were the kites and missiles (投射武器) of ancient China."
小题1:What activity is very popular in spring?
A.Eating peaches.B.Feeding swallows.
C.Flying kites. D.Going to competitions.
小题2:What do people hope for when flying kites shaped like swallows?
A.Good luck.B.A long life.
C.A lot of money. D.Good health.
小题3:Why do thousands of people visit the city of Weifang in April every year?
A.Because they enjoy this colorful event.
B.Because of the beauty of Weifang.
C.Because they have new styles of kites.
D.Because they are the winners of the “Kite King”.
小题4:When did Chinese people invent the kite?
A.In 2008.B.In 1782.
C.About 1000 years ago.D.Over 2000 years ago.
小题5:Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A.The largest kite is three times as big as a basketball court.
B.In the Qing Dynasty, flying kites became a popular game played by everyone.
C.People invented kites to help swallows fly.
D.People got the idea of inventing the lightning rod from kites.
完形填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
There was once a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She 46. ________ everyone, except her boyfriend. He was always there for her. The blind girl said that if she could see the world, she would 47. ________ him.
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to the blind girl. She could see 48. ________ , including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “Now you can see the 49. ________ , will you marry me? ” The girl was surprised when she saw that her boyfriend was blind, too. She 50. ________ to marry him. Her boyfriend 51. ________ sadly, and later wrote a letter to the girl saying, “Just take care of my eyes, dear.”
This is how human changes when situations change. Only 52. ________ people remember what life was like before and the people who were always there even in the 53. ________ situations.
Hold every person close to your heart because you might wake up one day and 54. ________ that you have lost a diamond (钻石) while you were too busy collecting stones. You learn to love, not by finding a(n) 55. ________ person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
小题6: A walked away    B. went through    C. hanged out    D. came over
A.manyB.a lot ofC.fewD.some
A.most difficultB.most beautifulC.bestD.poorest
Do you like to visit the zoo in our city? Zoo is a good place ___(16)____. There is a zoo ____(17)___a river and a small mountain. It’s very big and there are a lot of tall trees in it. We can see a lot of golden fish(金鱼) in it, they have all kinds of ____(18)_____ . Some are red, some are yellow, some are white and some are black. They are swimming in the water. And they are very _____(19)_____.
We can see a hill. About twenty ____(20)____ are playing on it. Some are asking people for ____(21)_____. The little monkeys are in their mothers’ arms. They are very interesting and children_____(22)_____ them very much. We can also see the elephants. They are very strong(强壮的). The ____(23)_____are very tall. The pandas’ house is next to the monkey hill. There are ____(24)___ pandas ---one is sitting in the trees and the other is sleeping on the grass. They look very shy and cute. What ___(25)___ animals do you like?
小题1: A has fun     B. have fun     C. have a fun      D. to have fun
A.acrossB.next toC.betweenD.near
A.otherB.the otherC.anotherD.others

I was waiting for the bus when I met the woman."You look36  Come and sit here,she  said. 37   are you going?"
"I don’ t know. I just want to catch a 38          and see what it will be like at the
"I’ m afraid you’ 11 see     39   there. Why don’t you enjoy the sights on the way?"
“How can I do that while my heart’s  40  ?” I asked sadly. “My best friend had left me.”
The woman seemed to understand my feeling. "Don’ t cry, little girl. Ive had a similar experience to you.Thirty- five     41    ago, my husband left our three children and me. I was deadly sad.I decided to kill myself and the children, so I took     42    to the sea.    43they seemed to know what would happen, so they    44   loudly. Their cry suddenly woke me 45     . How could I    46  my hope to live for one of life’ s problems? Alter that,I worked hard to raise the children.Now They all live 47      and one of lthem has his own family.
Then the woman gave me a     48  ,” We should never wait for the door to 49       before us.We should find the key to the 50  or try to find another way.”
The bus came and I got on it with a smile.
小题1:A. tired           B. excited        C. happy
小题2:A. What       B. How          C. Where
小题3:A. train       B. bus           C. boat
小题4:A. nothing     B. everything     C. something
小题5:A. smiling     B. breaking       C. dancing
小题6:A. days        B. weeks         C. years
小题7:A. her         B. them         C. him 
小题8:A. So          B. Or            C. However
小题9:A. laughed     B. cried          C. spoke
小题10:A. in           B. out           C. up
小题11:A. give away    B. give up        C. get up
小题12:A. happily      B. sadly          C. badly
小题13:A. cry          B. shout         C. smile
小题14:A. open        B. close          C. lock
小题15:A. classroom   B. office          C. door

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