
     Look at the center circles of Diagram (图)A and Diagram B.       
Which of the centre circles looks larger? 
     Take a first look and you probably think that the centre circle in Diagram A is smaller than that in Diagram B.
In fact , they are exactly the same size.
     Then look at the picture on the right. What do you see? A vase? Or two faces? 
Does the picture change quickly from one to the other again and again? Maybe or maybe not, but you can never
see them at the same time. 
     "What's happening? Is something wrong with my eyes?" You may wonder at what you see. Don't worry.
Here is how it goes:
     When we look at things, our eyes send messages to our brains and then our brains interpret (解读) the
information. However, sometimes our brains interpret the received information in a wrong way. It seems that
our eyes are playing a joke on us. This often happens and we call it "Visual illusion" (视觉错误). 
     Movie makers often make use of illusions. They make the objects around actors much smaller or bigger than
usual. This makes us believe that the actors are much larger or smaller than they usually are. The movies
Jurassic Park and Honey I shrunk the kids just make use of illusions.
1. The centre circle in Diagram A looks smaller than that in Diagram B. That's because            .
[     ]
A. something is wrong with our eyes
B. the two circles are not the same size
C. our brains interpret the information in a wrong way
D. the two pictures change quickly from one to the other
2. What's the right order according to the passage?
    a. We look at things with our eyes.              b. Our brains interpret the messages.
    c. Our brains tell us what we have seen.      d. Our eyes send messages to our brains.
[     ]
A. adbc
B. cabd
C. acdb
D. bcad
3. Movie makers make use of visual illusions to             .
[     ]
A. help the actors look better
B. make the actors much braver
C. help the actors become stronger
D. make the actors seem different in size
4. In the picture on the right, it seems that Line AB is shorter than Line CD, but in fact  
    Line AB is as long as Line CD. Which paragraph can explain what has happened to our eyes?
[     ]
A. The second one.
B. The third one.
C. The fifth one.
D. The sixth one.
5. The text is probably taken from             .
[     ]
A. an advertisement
B. a science book
C. a movie magazine
D. a story book



  After a quick breakfast, I went into the lecture hall in a hurry.A famous teacher was   1   to the students.He was holding up a $100 bill.Then he said to the three hundred students,“Who would like this $1 00 bill?”The students put up   2   hands at once.Then he said,“I am going to give this $100 bill to one of you, but   3  , let me do this.”He made the bill into a ball.Then he said.“Who   4   it now?”The hands went back into the air.“Well,”he said,“what if I do this?”and he   5   it on the floor and stepped on it.He picked up the   6   bill and said.“Who still wants it?”Hands went back again into the air.

  “My friends,”?he said,“you have learned a valuable(有价值的)  7   today.No matter what I did to the $100 bill!Many   8   in our life, we are dropped and stepped on.We feel as if we are worth nothin9.But remember, no matter what   9   happened to you, you will never lose your value:You are   10   valuable to those people who love you.Your value doesn't come from what you do or whom you know, but who you are.”

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________

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