
Life used to be fine for “teenagers”.They used to have money to spend and free time to spend it.They used to wear teenage clothes in teenage coffee bars and discos.But for many young people,life is    1    now.Jobs are difficult to   2    .There’s not so much money around.Things are more expensive and it's hard to get a place to   3    .Teachers say that students are more willing to learn than used to.They are   4    interested in politics,but more interested in passing exams.They know that good exam results may get them   5    .

    When you read newspapers and watch TV, it is easy to get the  6  that British young people are all unemployed.angry and in trouble. 7   that’s not true

    Three quarters of them do   8    their parents did.They do their best at school,find some kind of work and get    9     in their early twenties.They get along well with their parents and enjoy family life. They watch football on TV and like reading about Princess Diana. After all, if they  10   , they wouldn′t be British, would they?

1. A. harder         B. hard          C. the hardest       D. hardly

2. A. look           B. look for       C. find            D. offer

3. A. live            B. stay          C. live in          D. work in

4. A. more           B. much         C. most           D. less

5. A. a job           B. jobs          C. a work          D. works

6. A. mark           B. idea          C. riddle          D. mail

7. A. But            B. And          C. So             D. Or

8. A. that            B. which        C. what            D. /

9. A. marry          B. marrying      C. marry with      D. married

10. A. didn't          B. don't         C. weren't         D. aren't

1---5 ACCDB    6---10 BACDA


Hi! I’m Harry. Life used to be kind of difficult for me. The muscles(肌肉) in my arms and legs are weak. I have to be in a wheelchair all day. I can’t use my legs at all, and I’m not too great with my hands. If I drop something it stays dropped until someone picks it up for me. I can’t open doors or switch lights on and off. Carrying everything I need for school is a problem too.
Now things are easier. I have a helping hand. Pete is a golden dog that has been trained to help kids like me. Pete was at dog training school for two years to learn how to do different tasks. I had to be trained too. I had to learn how to give Pete instructions and how to take care of him.
When Pete is working he doesn’t play around. My friends know they are not to pet him or call him when he is working. He can pull my wheelchair and pick up things I drop. Pete carries my books and lunch on his back. He pushes the button on the school lift and opens some kinds of doors. He even knows how to switch lights on.
But best of all, Pete is here when I need a friend.
【小题1】According to the passage, who is Harry’s helping hand?
A.PeteB.His teacher.C.His brotherD.His parent
【小题2】Why is Harry kept in a wheelchair all day?
A.Because his legs are broken.
B.Because his leg muscles are weak.
C.Because he is too lazy.
D.Because he likes it.
【小题3】According to the passage, which of the following about Pete is not true?
A.Pete can clean Harry’s room.B.Pete can switch lights on.
C.Pete can pull Harry’s wheelchair.D.Pete can push the button on the school lift.
【小题4】 What does the writer mean by saying “Pete is here when I need a friend.”?
A.Pete is only a helpful tool for him.
B.Pete is with him all the time.
C.Pete is a funny dog to make him happy.
D.Pete is not only a helping hand but also his good friend.

Hi! I’m Harry. Life used to be kind of difficult for me. The muscles(肌肉) in my arms and legs are weak. I have to be in a wheelchair all day. I can’t use my legs at all, and I’m not too great with my hands. If I drop something it stays dropped until someone picks it up for me. I can’t open doors or switch lights on and off. Carrying everything I need for school is a problem too.
Now things are easier. I have a helping hand. Pete is a golden dog that has been trained to help kids like me. Pete was at dog training school for two years to learn how to do different tasks. I had to be trained too. I had to learn how to give Pete instructions and how to take care of him.
When Pete is working he doesn’t play around. My friends know they are not to pet him or call him when he is working. He can pull my wheelchair and pick up things I drop. Pete carries my books and lunch on his back. He pushes the button on the school lift and opens some kinds of doors. He even knows how to switch lights on.
But best of all, Pete is here when I need a friend.
【小题1】According to the passage, who is Harry’s helping hand?

A.PeteB.His teacher.C.His brotherD.His parent
【小题2】Why is Harry kept in a wheelchair all day?
A.Because his legs are broken.
B.Because his leg muscles are weak.
C.Because he is too lazy.
D.Because he likes it.
【小题3】According to the passage, which of the following about Pete is not true?
A.Pete can clean Harry’s room.B.Pete can switch lights on.
C.Pete can pull Harry’s wheelchair.D.Pete can push the button on the school lift.
【小题4】 What does the writer mean by saying “Pete is here when I need a friend.”?
A.Pete is only a helpful tool for him.
B.Pete is with him all the time.
C.Pete is a funny dog to make him happy.
D.Pete is not only a helping hand but also his good friend.

My grandfather is eighty years old. He sometimes complains(抱怨)about how fast things have changed.
He often says that families aren’t the families they used to be. A lot of families have broken up(破裂). If husband and wife have problems with their marriage, they will no longer stay together. And mothers used to stay at home to take care of their children, but now they’re busy working. They have no time to look after children at home. What’s more, more and more people drive. We used to walk five miles to school every day, even in winter. But now children don’t. And in school, children don’t have to think more as we used to. In math class, for example, we used to add, subtract, multiply and divide(加、减、乘、除)using our heads. But now most students use calculators. Most families have computers now. In the past, we didn’t have computers. We even had no lights. My mother to spend all day cooking in the kitchen. But now few people eat home-cooked food. And people seldom talk to each other. They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to think… Life used to be simple, but it isn’t any more.
【小题1】The writer’s grandfather thinks people now are much busier than they used to be.
【小题2】Students have to think more at school now than past.
【小题3】.People like to eat home—cooked food now.
【小题4】.Lots of couples(夫妇)don’t live together because of unhappy problems.
【小题5】5.People have too much time to talk with each other now.



Hi! I’m Harry. Life used to be kind of difficult for me. The muscles(肌肉) in my arms and legs are weak. I have to be in a wheelchair all day. I can’t use my legs at all, and I’m not too great with my hands. If I drop something it stays dropped until someone picks it up for me. I can’t open doors or switch lights on and off. Carrying everything I need for school is a problem too.

Now things are easier. I have a helping hand. Pete is a golden dog that has been trained to help kids like me. Pete was at dog training school for two years to learn how to do different tasks. I had to be trained too. I had to learn how to give Pete instructions and how to take care of him.

When Pete is working he doesn’t play around. My friends know they are not to pet him or call him when he is working. He can pull my wheelchair and pick up things I drop. Pete carries my books and lunch on his back. He pushes the button on the school lift and opens some kinds of doors. He even knows how to switch lights on.

But best of all, Pete is here when I need a friend.

1.According to the passage, who is Harry’s helping hand?

A. Pete          B. His teacher.       C. His brother         D. His parent

2.Why is Harry kept in a wheelchair all day?

A. Because his legs are broken.

B. Because his leg muscles are weak.

C. Because he is too lazy.

D. Because he likes it.

3.According to the passage, which of the following about Pete is not true?

A. Pete can clean Harry’s room.       B. Pete can switch lights on.

C. Pete can pull Harry’s wheelchair.    D. Pete can push the button on the school lift.

4. What does the writer mean by saying “Pete is here when I need a friend.”?

A. Pete is only a helpful tool for him.

B. Pete is with him all the time.

C. Pete is a funny dog to make him happy.

D. Pete is not only a helping hand but also his good friend.


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