
Dear Miss Li,
I’d like to thank you for sending money to “Animal Helpers”, an organization       to help disabled people. As you know, you have helped make       possible for me to have “Lucky”, who        my life with pleasure. Let me tell you my story.
Being blind,deaf,unable to walk or use your hands easily is something        most people can’t imagine. But there are many people who face these chanenges, and I am one of them. Because I can’t use my arms or legs      ,normal things like answering the phone,opening and shutting doors or carrying things have always been difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of        said that she would like to help me out. She said she would talk to “Animal Helpers” to see if it would be possible for me        a specially trained dog. She also thought a dog might       I told her that I love animals and that I’d love to have a dog.
After six months of training with a dog at “Animal Helpers”, I was able to        him home. My dog’s name is “Lucky”-a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. You see, I’m only able to have a “dog-helper”    your kind donation!
      does Lucky help me, you might ask? Well, he       to understand different instructions. For example, I say,”Lucky! Fetch my book,”and he does it at once. He is very clever and understands many English words,      some difficult ones like “downstairs”.
Lucky is an amazing dog. I’ll send you a photo of       if you like, and I could show you how he helps me too one day. And so I thank you again for    “Animal Helpers”.
A.set upB.to set upC.sets up D.setting up
A.has filledB.fillsC.fillingD.has changed
A.to getB.getsC.gettingD.get
A.help me outB.let me downC.cheer me onD.cheer me up
A.thanks forB.becauseC.instead ofD.because of
A.Which B.HowC.WhatD.What for
A.is trainingB.has trainedC.has been trainedD.is trained
A.supporting B.havingC.changingD.giving


试题分析:本文讲述了作者写感谢信感谢Miss Li给“动物助手”组织捐款以及自己是怎样成为幸运者的,并讲述了他和一条受过训练的狗的故事。
小题1:考查动词及语境的理解。这里不需要谓语动词,因此不能出现谓语的形式,排除C。an organization 与set up应是被动关系,过去分词作定语。所以本题选A。
小题2:考查代词及语境的理解。根据句意分析此处少的是形式宾语it,make it possible for sb. to do sth.对某人来说使做某事成为可能。所以本题选C。
小题3:考查动词及语境的理解。表示“用……充满……”,用fill… with……,排除D。根据题意可知“Lucky”来了之后已经使我的生活充满了快乐,应该用现在完成时。所以本题选A。
小题6:考查代词及语境的理解。A. me 我(宾格);B. mine我的(名词性物主代词); C. my 我的(形容词性物主代词);D. myself我自己。a friend of 后跟名词所有格或名词性物主代词,所以本题选B。
小题7:考查动词及语境的理解。根据题干本句的意思是“她说她会跟说“动物帮手”看到能否可能让我得到一个经过特殊训练的狗”。句型It’s +adj. for sb. to do sth.。所以本题选A。
小题8:.考查动词及语境的理解。根据题干,本句意思是“他也认为一条狗或许能让我振奋起来”。A. help me out帮我脱离困难;B. let me down 让我失望;C. cheer me on向我欢呼,为我鼓劲加油D. cheer me up是我振奋。所以本题选D。
小题9:.考查动词及语境的理解。A. bring   带来;B. take拿走;C. fetch 拿取;D. carry 携带。 本文中对作者来说应该是带回家来,应该是“来”故用bring。所以本题选A。
小题10:.考查介词及语境的理解。A. thanks for 因……而感谢;B. because   因为(后跟句子),C. instead of代替;D. because of因为,由于(后跟词或词组);本句“由于你的好心捐献我才能够成为一个有了狗助手的人”。your kind donation是一个词组因此用because of,所以本题选D。
小题11:.考查疑问词及语境的理解。A. Which 哪一个;B. How怎样;C. What 什么;D. What for为什么;通过下文作者描述Lucky是怎样帮助他的可知,本句应该是“你可能会问它是怎样帮助我的?”。所以本题选B。
小题13:.考查副词及语境的理解。A. even 甚至;B. still 仍然;C. yet 已经; D. ever曾经;上文说“它很聪明能懂得许多单词”下文应是“甚至一些像“downstairs”这样难的单词”。所以本题选A。
小题14:.考查代词及语境的理解。A. himself 他自己;    B. he他(主格);    C. his他的;D. him他(宾格);句意“如歌你喜欢的话,我会给你给你寄一张他的照片。”a photo of sb.某人的一张照片。所以本题选D。
小题15:考查动词及语境的理解。A. supporting  支持;B. having   有;C. changing变化,改变;D. giving给;通过阅读可知,本句应该是“再次非常感谢你的支持(捐赠)。” 所以本题选A。

I'm Tina. My mother is a tall woman. She is very patient. She teaches in a high school and her students love her. They often visit our home and sometimes bring her some flowers. My mother is also a wonderful cook. She cooks different dishes for me every day.
I'm Jack. My grandpa is short and strong. He often wears a pair of glasses and he likes reading newspapers after dinner. My grandpa is always a person to put everybody else first. He tries his best to make us happy or to help us. In 1991, my grandpa found out he was ill, but he didn't tell anybody. He kept it to himself. He owns a bookshop and spends more time with his family.
I'm Leo. I have a lot of friends, but I have only a few good friends. One of them is my best friend. We are both twelve years old. He is fat and tall. He likes to eat oranges and meat. He is a nice boy and good at Maths. He likes playing football and basketball. I enjoy playing with him because I can learn a lot from him.
小题1: What does Tina's mother look like?
A.She is tall.B.She is short.C.She is strong.D.She is fat.
小题2:When Jack's grandpa found out he was ill, what did he do?
A.He kept it as a secret.
B.He cooked different dishes to others.
C.He went to hospital.
D.He traveled to other cities.
小题3:We can know from the passage that Leo
A.is fat and tallB.likes eating oranges and meat
C.is good at MathsD.is a 12-year-old boy
小题4:Why does Leo enjoy playing with his best friend?
A.Because his friend is very funny.
B.Because he can learn a lot from him.
C.Because his fiend can buy a lot of snacks.
D.Because they both like reading books.
小题5:The writer wrote the passage to ______.
A.teach us a lessonB.protect something
C.surprise someoneD.introduce some people
International travelers, whether traveling for business or pleasure, will find themselves solo from time to time. Here are a few ways to meet new people and perhaps even get new travel chances.
Make yourself friendly
Be relaxed and polite. Remember to put yourself in social activities. Restaurants, shops and parks are all great places to meet people. If you want to make local friends in a country, stay near the place the locals often visit.
Show your photo album(影集)
Keep a small photo album in your bag when you travel. Photos of family, friends and pets will help your new friends learn more about you and give you things to talk about. They will share their own stories with you, and it will help you learn more about your new friends.
Share something special
Can you help your new friends improve their Chinese? Can you cook a traditional Chinese meal? By sharing your skills, you can have a close friendship with your new friends that they won’t soon forget.
Give some gifts
Many foreigners love Chinese goods but have to pay a lot when buying them in their homeland, so you’d better prepare some gifts such as silks, tea and works of art. They are always popular.
Exchange flats
If you and your new friends get along well, you can give them your information and plan to exchange flats for your next trip. Then you can visit their countries and stay in their houses while they stay in yours. In this way you will improve your friendship and live like a local abroad, but pay less for traveling.
小题1:The underlined word “solo” in the passage means “__________”.
小题2:In which way can’t a photo album help you?
A.Giving you a topic to talk about.
B.Clearing your worries about your pets.
C.Helping your new friends to learn more about you.
D.Encouraging (鼓励) your new friends to talk about themselves.
小题3:From the passage we can learn that __________.
A.exchanging flats is popular in China
B.goods in foreign countries are cheaper
C.sharing your special skills can help you develop friendship
D.international travelers always get into trouble
小题4:This passage is mainly about how to ___________.
A.travel more often both at home and abroad
B.improve friendship with foreigners
C.make friends when traveling in foreign countries
D.prepare for a business trip
One day before my final exam, my dad gave me a gift. It completely changed my life.
On that day I had a      with my friends and it was a difficult time with my studies. I was unhappy. Then I noticed the gift. I      it and saw a DVD inside. Its name was “THE SECRET” However, I was in no mood (心情) to watch it. I sat down to study, but the      in my life—the fight, the sleepless nights and my poor health…Everything came to my mind. I wanted an answer but I wondered      there was any. Just then, I saw the DVD again. May be it would be helpful. I      my DVD player. I had no words to describe the feelings I experienced while watching it. The moving (动人的) stories of human beings made me so moved that I wouldn’t      any of them.
Thanks to my father’s gift “THE SECRET”, I discovered     . Everybody has difficulties in their lives. The important thing is that you should be      enough to face them. Now I have started      my studies and my friends. And I’m in good health, too. I often hear people say, “Wow!      perfect life you have!”
A.turned onB.looked forC.put awayD.paid for
A.being busy withB.worrying aboutC.getting on well withD.being afraid of
A.What aB.WhatC.How aD.How .

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