


13 岁,在七(14)班




很少锻炼,喜欢甜食,对牙不好,认为该是改变生活方式的时候了, ...(自拟一条)


最喜欢的节日是春节,因为可以得到压岁钱,可以放烟花, ...(自拟一条)



注意:1. 词数 80 个左右,短文开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数; 2. 必须包括上述所有要点,语句通顺,意思连贯,并适当发挥; 3. 短文中不得出现真实的姓名、学校名和地名。

Dear Benny,

I would like to introduce my best friend Li Lei to you.


Please write back soon.

Best wishes,

Wang Wei


In Britain,Boxing Day is usually celebrated on December 26th,which is the following day after Christmas Day.However,strictly speaking,Boxing Day is the first weekday after Christmas.Like Christmas Day,Boxing Day sing a public holiday.This means it’s a non﹣working day in the whole of Britain.When Boxing Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday,the following Monday is the public holiday.

The exact origin(起源)of the holiday is unclear.One of the thoughts is that during the Middle Ages,when great sailing ships were setting off to discover new land,a Christmas Box was placed by a priest (神父)on each ship.Those sailors who wanted to ensure a safe return would drop money into the box.It wassealed upand kept on board until the ship came home safely.Then the box was handed over to the priest in the exchange for the saying of a Mass of thanks for the success of the sailing.The priest wouldn’t open it to share the contents with the poor until Christmas.

One more thought is about the“Alms Box”placed in every church on Christmas Day.Worshippers (做礼拜的人)put gifts for the poor into it.These boxes were always opened the day after Christmas,that is why that day became know as Boxing Day.

Today,many businesses,organizations and families try to keep the traditional spirit of Boxing Day alive by donating(捐赠)their time,services and money to aid Food Banks,providing gifts for the poor,or helping families in need.Besides,spending time with family and shopping are popular Boxing Day activities now.

1.When do people usually celebrated Boxing Day?

2.Why did saliors drop money into the Christmas box?

3.When could the priest open the box to share the contents with the poor?

4.What activities do people do to show the traditional spirit of Boxing Day?

5.What do you think of Boxing Day?

请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题, 选项中有一项是多余选项。

Travel Tips for Holidays Abroad

Everyone loves holiday abroad. They give us the chance to see some sights, have some fun and relax. However, holidays aren’t always a great experience. Follow these tips to make sure you enjoy your holiday.


Have you packed your passport? Your tickets? Every year, thousands of people miss flights because they've forgotten their passport, they arrive at the airport too late, or even go to the wrong airport.


How much do you know about the place you are going to visit? Learning a little about the culture of a country will help you understand the people. Learning a few words of another language can also help you make new friends.


Try to reduce the pollution you cause. Travel by train if you can. Flying produces twenty times more carbon dioxide than traveling by train. Of course, it might be impossible to avoid flying, but when you arrive, use buses or trains instead of taxis.


You can help a local community a lot by staying in local hotels and eating in local restaurants. This means that your money will go to local people, rather than to a large international company.


You don't want to forget your holiday. Make a scrapbook-a book of memories-about your holiday. You can show it to friends, or just use it to remember all the good times you had! And don't forget the new friends you made on holiday. Did you promise to send them pictures or presents? Don't forget to do it! Then next time you go on holiday, you can visit them again.

A.Remember the environment

B.Keep a good memory for your holiday

C.Travel with your friends

D.Do some research

E.Get organized

F.Help the local population

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