
【题目】People all over the world like eating delicious food. If there is no salt in the food, it may not be very tasty. So there is often a lot of salt in food because people like the taste of salty food. However, too much salt is not food for you. If you cook food by yourself, you can control(控制) the amount(量) of salt to keep your family healthy.

However, many processed(被处理的) foods already have salt in them Fast foods often have a lot of salt in them. Canned foods often have salt. Packed foods such as biscuits have salt. Packed foods like potato chips have a lot of salt in them.

It is reported that the income of too much salt can lead to high blood pressure(高血压) and other kinds of diseases. So don’t put too much salt into your dishes. How much salt should a person eat a day? Look at the following:

1—3 years 2g

4—6 years 3g

7—10 years 4g

11 and over 5g

You don’t need any more salt than this. If your mom or dad is cooking, you had better ask them not to add too much salt. You will find that the food still tastes really good. It can also help your mom or dad to cut down to a healthier level of salt.

【1】Which of the following foods don’t have salt in them?

A. Fast food. B. Canned foods.

C. Packed foods. D. Vegetables.

【2】Tony is 5 years old. He should eat ________ salt a day.

A.4g B. 2g C. 3g D. 5g

【3Eat too much salt can ________ .

A. lead to high blood pressure

B. make you become stronger

C. make the food more delicious

D. make you kike eating different kinds of food







【1】D 推理判断题。根据短文中Fast foods often have a lot of salt in them. Canned foods often have salt. Packed foods such as biscuits have salt. Packed foods like potato chips have a lot of salt in them.可知,快餐、罐装食品以及包装食品里都有很多的盐,由此可知选D,vegetables蔬菜。


【3】A 细节理解题。根据短文中It is reported that the income of too much salt can lead to high blood pressure(高血压) and other kinds of diseases.可知,食用太多的盐可以导致高血压和其他种类的疾病,因此应该选A。


【题目】What to Bring When Visiting Lijiang of Yunnan

Welcome to Lijiang.Lijiang is a nice place to visit.If you visit Lijiang,you’d better do as the following.



Hat and sunglasses

The Lijiang’s sun can be quite shiny even during winter,so remember to bring a hat and sunglasses.

Raincoat or umbrella

It’s hard for us to know Lijiang’s weather,so it is necessary to bring an umbrella or a raincoat to Lijiang,even if it is sunny.


A day in Lijiang you may be very thirsty,so make sure that you bring a bottle of water with you.


There will be lots of chances to take photos on your visit to Lijiang,so make sure to bring your camera.Don’t forget to bring more batteries so that you won’t miss anything!


There are many sights and gift shops in Lijiang.Bring a watch,so you can arrange(安排)your time.

【1】According to the passage,what things do you NOT have to bring when you visit Lijiang?

A.A bottle of water. B.A watch.

C.Batteries. D.An mp4.

【2】What’s the weather like in Lijiang?

A.It’s warm. B.It’s hot.

C.It changes a lot. D.It’s rainy.

【3】Why do you need to bring fl watch when you /span>visit Lijiang?

A.Because you must go back home on time.

B.Because you can use your time better.

C.Because you will look cool with a watch.

D.Because you will feel free.

【4】Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.You don’t have to bring an umbrella or a raincoat to Lijiang when it is sunny.

B.You should bring a bottle of water so that you won’t be thirsty.

C.You often wear sunglasses and a hat in Lijiang because the sun is too bright.

D.You should bring more batteries so that you can take more interesting pictures.

【5】What kind of passage is it?

A.A story. B.An ad.

C.A diary. D.A letter.

【题目】Why play games? Because they are fun and a lot more besides. Following the rules planning your next move acting as a team member—these are all “game” ideas that you will have throughout your life.

Think about some of the games you played as a young child such as rope-jumping and hide-and-seek. Such games are entertaining and fun. But perhaps more importantly they translate life into exciting dramas (戏剧)that teach children some of the basic rules they will be expected to follow the rest of their lives such as taking turns and teamwork.

Many children’s games have a practical(实用的) side. Children around the world play games that prepare them for work they will do as adults. For example some Saudi Arabian children play a game called bones. It can be very helpful to exercise their hands and eyes which is needed in hunting.

Many sports encourage national or local pride. The most famous games of all the Olympic Games bring athletes (运动员)from around the world together to take part in the friendly competition. People who watch the event wave flags knowing that a gold medal is a win for a whole country not just the athlete who has got it. For countries experiencing natural disasters(灾难) or war an Olympic win can mean so much.

Sports are also an event that brings people together. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. People on all continents play it—some for fun and some for a living. Nicolette Iribarne a Californian soccer player has discovered a way to spread hope through soccer. He set up an organization which can provide poor children with not only soccer balls but also a hopeful future.

Next time when you play your favorite game or sport think about why you enjoy it what skills are needed and whether these skills will help you in your life.

【1】The underlined part translate life into exciting dramas in Paragraph 2 most probably means that games can ________.

A. describe life in an exciting way

B. turn real-life experiences into a play

C. change people’s views of sporting events

D. make learning life skills more interesting and exciting

【2】 According to the passage why is winning Olympic medals so encouraging?

A. It means a lot for a whole country

B. It proves how excellent the winners are

C. It helps the country out of natural disasters

D. It brings the winners satisfaction and money

【3】 Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The most famous games are the Olympic Games.

B. People around the world play soccer just for fun.

C. The game called bones can be helpful to the Arabian children.

D. Nicolette Iribarne gives poor children a chance for a better life.

【4】What is the passage mainly about?

A. The popular games.

B. Games and real life.

C. The advantages of games.

D. Children’s games and the future.

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