A. is not allowed¡¡ B. hot¡¡ C. before¡¡ D. slowly¡¡ E. in the countryside F. until¡¡

G. stopped the car H. enjoyed themselves¡¡ I. crowded¡¡ J. took off their clothes


Linda and Betty were both nineteen years old. In June, after a school year was over, they decided to take a vacation_____73____. They went to several towns and villages, visited some places of interest, saw and heard a lot of interesting things. They____74____very much.

One afternoon, they were going to stay overnight in a small town. It was too____75___to walk further and they wished they could find a river and swim in the cool water. They were driving their car___76_____while they were looking around. Suddenly Linda saw a lake not far away. They drove there fast and ____77____by the lake. They looked around and found a woman sitting on the stone and fishing there. After they____78____and were going to jump into the water, the woman came up to them and shouted, "Sorry, Madams. Swimming ____79_____in the lake!"

¡¡ "Why didn't you tell us about it____80_____we took off our clothes?" Betty said angrily. "But it isn't forbidden to take off clothes by the lake," said the woman.

73.E 74.H 75.B 76.D 77.G 78.J 79.A 80.C

One day an old man is selling a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear, ¡° Don¡¯t say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars.¡±¡°All right,¡± says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says, ¡° Now, can you tell me how you found the elephant¡¯s bad ears?¡±¡° I didn¡¯t find the bad ears,¡± says the young man. ¡° Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly?¡± asks the old man. The young man answers, ¡°Because I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.¡±
(   )1. ______ the elephant.
A. The young man sells      B. The old man sells
C. The two men sell         D. The old man buys
(   )2. The young man is looking at the elephant slowly. He wants to find out _______.
A. which foot of the elephant is bad    B. how heavy it is
C. which ear of the elephant is bad     D. what it looks like
(   )3. The young man _______.
A. knows the elephant has bad ears   B. wants to buy the elephant
C. looks after the elephant   D. gets some money from the old man
(   )4. The young man _______.
A. is not interested in elephants    B. knows what an elephant looks like
C. has seen some elephants before
D. has never seen an elephant before
(  )5. Hearing what the young man said, the old man will probably(¿ÉÄÜ) be ______
A. angry      B. happy      C. dangerous     D. hungry

One day an old man is selling a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear, ¡° Don¡¯t say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars.¡±¡°All right,¡± says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says, ¡° Now, can you tell me how you found the elephant¡¯s bad ears?¡±¡° I didn¡¯t find the bad ears,¡± says the young man. ¡° Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly?¡± asks the old man. The young man answers, ¡°Because I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.¡±
(   )1. ______ the elephant.
A. The young man sells      B. The old man sells
C. The two men sell         D. The old man buys
(   )2. The young man is looking at the elephant slowly. He wants to find out _______.
A. which foot of the elephant is bad    B. how heavy it is
C. which ear of the elephant is bad     D. what it looks like
(   )3. The young man _______.
A. knows the elephant has bad ears   B. wants to buy the elephant
C. looks after the elephant   D. gets some money from the old man
(   )4. The young man _______.
A. is not interested in elephants    B. knows what an elephant looks like
C. has seen some elephants before
D. has never seen an elephant before
(  )5. Hearing what the young man said, the old man will probably(¿ÉÄÜ) be ______
A. angry      B. happy      C. dangerous     D. hungry


Look at this picture. It is __1 __nice classroom. In the picture, you can see a teacher's2__on his desk. It's a Chinese book. Eight desks and eight chairs in the room. You can see a girl and__3__ boys.

The girl's __ 4 __is Julia. She is eleven. The boy __5__a black hat is Tom. The other boy is Tony. They __6 __the same coats and they are the same age. I __7   they are twins. Tom is a__8__ boy. A book is in his hand. You __9__ see the teacher.10   __is the teacher? He is taking the photo

1.A. an                 B. a             C. the           D. one

2.A. backpack           B. baseball      C. book          D. hat

3.A. one                B. three         C. four          D. two

4.A. name               B. age           C. brother       D. notebook

5.A. at                 B. on            C. in            D. under

6.A. is                 B. wear (´©)     C. look          D. am

7.A. think              B. see           C. bring         D. meet

8.A. dear               B. first         C. lost          D. good

9.A. is not             B. can't         C. be not        D. doesn't

10.A. What               B. How           C. Where         D. That


You probably know you should say¡± please¡± and ¡°thank you ¡± at restaurants. You probably know the rules of a library. You know you should respect and be nice to your classmates. But do you have music manners?

Keep It Down! You have to notice the volume of your music. You should not play your music so loud that everyone around you can hear it. Some people might even get angry. Usually, when you play the music loud on an MP3 player, other people can¡¯t hear the words of the song. They just hear a loud sound. Not one wants to listen to this. Very loud music can also be bad for your cars, so even if you are alone when listening to our MP3 player, you shouldn¡¯t have it turned up too high.

Take Them off! You need to know when to turn your MP3 player off and put it away. Libraries and schools don¡¯t allow MP3 players. There are other places, like museums, that don¡¯t have rules,

but is would be rude to have your MP3 player on. Sometimes, it just doesn¡¯t make sense to listen your MP3 player at event. Why would you listen to music at a play, a movie or a sporting event?  your would miss what is going on and others would wonder why you even came.

Take One Out! Once is a while it¡¯s okay just to take out one earphone and not other. Imagine you are listening your MP3 player when someone asks you the way. It would not be rude to take out one earphone, tell him the way, and put back the earphone and continue listening. You can also do this when you order food at a fast-food restaurant or when you answer the telephone and it¡¯s not for you.

It¡¯s Your Choice! There are times when you need to decide what is best. For example, some people can listen to music on their MP3 Players when read books, while others think it is disturbing. In cases like this, you need to do what seems right for you.


1.The underlined word ¡°volume¡± in Paragraph Two probably means¡± _____.

A) the type of music         B) the amount of a sound 

C) the length of a song       D) the colour of and MP3 player

2.No one wants to listen to _____ from others¡¯ MP3 player.

A) a loud sound          B) sad stories

C) a long movie         D) the words of a song

3.We should turn down the music when we are alone because loud music _____.

A) is not enjoyable         B) makes us tired     

C) is bad for MP3 players    D) huts our ears

4.If we listen to our MP3 player at a play, _____.

A) the theater won¡¯t allow it         B) the actors will get angry

C) others won¡¯t hear the play well    D) we will miss part of the play

5. We can take once earphone out when we _____.

A) show others the way       B) talk to fiends on the phone

C) watch a sporting event     D) have dinner with our parents

6.It¡¯s all right to use our MPS player in _____.

A) schools   B) libraries   C) restaurants   D) museums

7. What can be the best title of this passage?

A) Music Lovers    B) Music Manners    

C) MP3 Players     D) MP3 Earphones


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