

Doctor: 【1】______________________________________________?



You: Since this morning.

Doctor:Have you taken your temperature?

You: No, I haven’t.

Doctor:Let me take your temperature… Oh,you have a high temperature.

I’m afraid you have a cold. Please take the medicine and have a good rest. Then you’ll be well.


Doctor: Three times a day, and one pill (片) a time after meals.

You:5_______________________. Goodbye.

Doctor; Goodbye.


【1】What’s the matter?

【2】I have a headache.

【3】How long have you been like this?

【4】How often should I take the medicine?

【5】Thank you.



【1】通常,在医院里医生都会向病人询问病情怎么了。故应填:What’s the matter?

【2】联系下文“you have a high temperature”的描述可以推知,这里应该是病人回答病情说自己头痛。故应填:I have a headache.

【3】联系下文“Since this morning.”应答可知,这里是医生询问病人这样的病情持续多长时间了。故应填:How long have you been like this?

【4】根据下文“Three times a day, and one pill (片) a time after meals.的应答可知,这里是病人询问医生多久服一次药。故应填:How often should I take the medicine?

【5】根据语境可知,病人得到了医生的帮助,理应表示感谢故应填:Thank you.


【题目】Small talks

A small talk is a good way to kill time and make friends. When you are in other countries, do you know how to have small talks with people?

In England, people like to talk about the weather, because the weather there changes very often. In the morning, it is sunny, but in can be cloudy or rainy in the afternoon. It often rains, but sometimes its sunny. And the winter isnt very cold and the summer isnt very hot.

English people are kind of quiet. They dont often talk to others first, but when you ask them about the weather, they are usually happy and want to talk with you, so you can start a small talk by saying, Its a fine day, isnt it?

They also like to talk about their pets, so its nice to say A lovely dog! Whats its name? to them. But American people like to talk about sports like football and basketball. They also talk about clothes. The weather is a great talk in America, too.

A good small talk can make you feel great, so when you are in England or America, please follow these rules.

1These passage talks about __________ countries.

A. four B. two C. three D. one

2The underlined(下划线)word changes means ___________ in Chinese.

A. 发现 B. 停留 C. 变化 D. 零钱

3What dont Americans like to talk?

A. Pets B. Sports C. Clothes D. Weather

4Which of the following is TRUE aboutspan> English people?

A. They are kind of quiet.

B. They like to play sports.

C. They always talk to others first.

D. They like talking about money.

5From the passage, we can know __________.

A. the weather in England is very cold

B. a small talk is important to many people

C. only English people like talking about the weather

D. English people dont like pets

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