
假如你是李华, 正在美国格林中学做交换生。为了让更多学生了解中华文化, 你打算向学校申请建立一个关于中华文化的社团。请根据以下提示, 用英语给学校负责老师Mr. Lee写一封电子邮件, 介绍这个社团的相关情况, 并征求他的同意。要点如下:





参考词汇: Chinese calligraphy 中国书法


2.可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;


4.开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。

Dear Mr. Lee,

I’m writing to ask for your agreement on starting a Chinese Culture Club.


Thanks for reading my email. I’m looking forward to your early reply.


On 24 December, 1971, 17-year-old Juliane got on a plane with her mother in Lima, Peru, to fly to another city to meet her father.

Over the Amazon jungle(丛林), there was a heavy rain. The rain fell heavily and there was a strong wind. And then lightning hit the________at 3,000 metres, and it exploded(爆炸). Juliane fell quickly through the air in_______seat and hit the trees hard.When she woke up, her shoulder hurt badly and she couldn’t see in one_______.She was alone there.

Juliane’s father was a biologist(生物学家). When she was small, he_______her how to survive in the jungle. She found a small________and walked slowly along it. “If I follow the river, ” she thought, “I’ll find people.” It was very hot, but the river water kept her_______. Sometimes she had to swim in the river_______it was too deep to walk in. There was fruit on some trees but she didn’t eat it—she knew it was too_______.

Juliane walked for ten days. Ten days after the accident, she_______a small house by the river. There were some people in the house. They gave her hot food to eat. The next day, a plane took her________back to the city of Pucallpa. Juliane was the only person who survived from the accident.

1.A.bus B.plane C.bike D.car

2.A.my B.his C.her D.their

3.A.mouth B.ear C.nose D.eye

4.A.taught B.ordered C.allowed D.refused

5.A.river B.mountain C.beach D.forest

6.A.dry B.warm C.cool D.wet

7.A.because B.unless C.although D.until

8.A.delicious B.convenient C.dangerous D.difficult

9.A.created B.found C.made D.broke

10.A.luckily B.properly C.safely D.slowly

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