

1、A. Don’t be afraid.          B. That would be fine         C. That’s all right

2、A. I like it, too             B. I’d love to.               C.I thinks so.

3、A. I can help you with you English      B. Sorry,my English is poor.

   C. I don’t agree with you.

4、A. Oh, I can’t go hiking today.          B. Ok. The bell is ringing for class

   C. Great! I like reading.

5、A You need more exercise             B. You are too slow to catch it.

Ⅱ.  对话理解(共15小题,计5分)


6、 A. Go back and turn right.    B. Go and turn left.    C. Go and turn right.

7、 A. On his head.            B. On his head.        C. Under his bed.

8、 A. 9:30                   B.9:40              C.9:50.

9、 A. She’s tall.               B. She’s short.       C. She’s great.

10、A. Green.                 B. Red              C. Red an green.

11、A. Right now.              B. Quite soon.        C. At four.

12、A. Table tennis.            B. Basketball         C. Football.

13、A. To see the new play.      B. To do some shopping .C. To visit the museum.

14、A. They are looking for a CD player in a shop.

    B. The man is teaching the woman how to use the CD player.

    C. They are learning how to press the button.

15、A. He walked along the beach at night.

B. He swam alone in the cold water.

C. He got the boy out of water and saved him.


16、A.doctor.          B A student.        C.A teacher.

17、A. BC756           B.PC 756          C.BC 576.

18、A. She is ill.         B. She has a meeting. C. She lent her car to Tom.

19、A. At two.           B. At three.        C. At four.

20、A. By phone.        B. By air.          C. By car.



21、A. On the bus.          B. In a café.           C. She didn’t know.

22、A.£20.5             B £10.5            C.£10.15.

23、A.A notebook and a phone card.          B. An address book and a phone card.

    C. An address book and a card.

24、A. Small and brown.      B. Big and brown.    C. Big and black.

25、A.A bus driver.          B. A conductor.      C. A policeman.

1.C   2.B   3.C   4.A  5.A  6.B  7.A  8.C  9.B  10A.  11.C  12.A  13.B  14.B  15.C  16.C  1 7.A  18.B  19.B  20.A  21.C  22.A   23.B  24.B  25.C


1.What a nice day!Ilow abeut going out for a picnic?

2.Hello!May I speak to Linda?

3.Excuse me.Where is Room 246?

4.Will you please close the window when you leave?

5.I am afraid you can not smoke here,sir.

6.M:Hello!May I please speak to Mrs White?

  W:I am sorry.She isn’t here right now.

  M:I see.Will she be back soon?

  W:She woll‘t be back until four.


7.M:Do you watch a lot of sports on TV?

  W:Not really.But I like to play ping-pong.

  M.I like football and volleyball.And 1 enjoy watching ping-pong matches.The Chinese ping pong team is the best in the world.

  W:I agree.

8.M:Hey。why don’t we go to see the new play on Sunday?

  W.I’d rather not.I am not really interested in the play.

  M:Well,how about going shopping instead?

  W:That sounds good.And let’s go to the new supermarket near  the museum.


9.W:Can you tell me how to use this CD player?

 M:Sure.First you have to turn it on .Just press the first button.

W:Ok.Do I have to open this now?

M:yes.Open it.

  W:How do I open it?

  M:Just press the botton on the right.

10.W:We saw you on the news last night,Frank.


   W:So tell US what happened?

   M:Well,I was walking alone on the beach when I heardsomeone calling out for help.I looked,and there in the water was a little boy.I iumped into the water and saved the boy.

  W:You’re really great!

W:Morning.So,what seems to be the trouble?

M:Well,I hardly know where to begin.I feel unhappy mostof the day.

W:OK,do you have trouble sleeping?

M:No.I’m always sleeping and often feel tOO tired to do even simple things.

W:Do you get worried a lot?

M:A11 the time.I worry about my exams.1 worry ahout my  homework.I worry about being 1ate for school....


M:I’m quite worried about everything in the school.

W:And how long has this been going on?

M:Well,about two years.

W:That’s a long time.Have you spoken to anyone about this before?

M:No,I thought it would just go away and it does get a lot better in the spring and summer.

W:Aaah,so you feel worse in the winter?

M:Yes.I’m feeling much better now.The Sun seems to burn away my worries.   

W:Do you find you have more coughs and colds between September and April7

M:Yes,more than usual,I’d say.Doctor,do I need to takesome medicine'?

W:No,you needn’t.There is nothing seriously wrong with you.But you must do more exercises.Play football or basketball for at least half an hour every day.You’ll soon feel well again.


    Tom,Mike and Jack once 1ost their way in the forest ona cold day.They came to a farmer’s house and asked the farmer if they could stay in his house for the night.

    “Sure.”the farmer said.“but I only have a room for two 0f you in the house.The other one will have to sleep with my horses in another big house.I’m afraid the big house may

smell terrible.”

    “I‘11 sleep in the big house,”Tom said.

    But half an hour 1ater there was a loud knock on the door of the farmer’s house.Tom stood outside the door and said, “The smell there is terrible.I can’t sleep at a11.” “A11 right,”said Mike.“I’ll sleep in that house.”So he went off to it.

    After a few minutes there was another knock on the door.“I can’t sleep,either,”said Mike. “How can that be?”said Jack,“Let me try.”

    About twenty minutes 1ater came another knock.When they opened the door,Tom and Mike saw all the horses outside.


1. A. Thank you. B. With pleasure. C. Very well.
2. A. I\'ll do that. B. Yes, please. C, The same to you.
3. A. Yes, you are right.    B. I\'m glad you like it. C. Never mind.
4. A. Sorry, I don\'t know. B. Certainly. Good idea. D. Sure.  No problem.
5. A. That\'s right. B. You are welcome. C. I\'m afraid I can\'t.
7. Who will receive the present?
A. Bob. B. Bob\'s father. C. Bob\'s mother.
8. Where does the conversation happen?
A. At a meeting.  B. At dinner. C. At a party.
9. How will they go home?
A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By car.
10. What does the woman want to know? She wants to know .
A. what the man usually does after work
B. what the man does with the most of his money
C. how much money the man makes
11. Where is the new sports centre?
A. Near Straight Road.
B. On Long Street.
C. Beside the station.
12. What sport can\'t people do now at the sports centre?
A. Table tennis. B. Volleyball. C. Swimming.
13. How much should you pay for a year-ticket if you are 16?
A. $,40. B. $ 50. C. $ 60.
14. Why will they go to the sports centre next Friday?
A. They won\'t have any classes.
B. They can play there longer.
C. The tickets will be cheaper.
15. What\'s the relationship(关系) between the two speakers?
A. Schoolmates. B. Workmates. C. Twins.
16. Who is speaking?
A. An answerphone.     B. A manager. C. A policeman.
17. What is the new phone number?
A. 8478966.     B. 8478698. C. 8478696.
18. What are the business hours of the Travel Office?
A. From 8:00 a. m.  to 5 : 00 p. m.
B. From 9:00 a. m.  to 5 :00 p. m.

C. From 9:00 a. m.   to 6:00 p. m.
19. What present can you get if your holiday costs £500?
A. A travel bag. B. A free ticket. C. A special price.
20. What do we know about the North Seas Travel Office?
A. It\'s a little difficult to find its new address.
B. It gives every traveler a present.
C. It has many holidays at special prices.

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