
完形填空。 (每小题1分,共15分)


Hello, my friends, long time no see! My family and I went on a   1   trip to Europe during our recent vacation. We visited Paris, France, and London, England. Here I want to share my tour of Paris with you.

  2   we set out, we all expected (期望) a fun and interesting vacation. For my sister and me, our stay in Paris had   3   meaning. It was a golden chance(机会)   4    our French, since English and French are the two official (官方的) languages in Canada. My mom doesn’t speak French, and my sister can’t speak it very   5  (she is only in Grade Three).  So it was my duty   6   directions(方向), order food, and deal with any person-to-person communication. I was, of course, really nervous:   7    they couldn’t understand my French   8   I couldn’t understand theirs?

My   9   soon went away. The people in Paris   10   very happy to answer my questions. They listened patiently (耐心地) and carefully, and spoke slowly   11    we could understand. One gentleman was even kind enough to lead us to the hotel we were  12  .

  13   the places we visited? We visited many places in Paris. My sister liked the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe (凯旋门). My mom liked the Louvre Museum(卢浮宫) most. Her favorite painting was the Mona Lisa. Which places did I like? I liked all of them.

 14   its romantic air, people’s friendly greetings (问候) and historic buildings, Paris is a city that we will   15  forget.

1.                A.two week       B.two-week       C.two-weeks D.twos-weeks


2.                A.When          B.If              C.Before   D.After


3.                A.another        B.other          C.the others D.others


4.                A.practice        B.practiced       C.to practice D.practicing


5.                A.good           B.better          C.well D.best


6.                A.ask            B.answer         C.ask about D.to ask for


7.                A.what if         B.unless          C.because  D.instead


8.                A.and            B.but            C.although D.or


9.                A.sadness        B.happiness       C.pleasure D.worries


10.               A.as if           B.sounds         C.seemed   D.smells


11.               A.so that         B.so             C.that D.such that


12.                                A.looking after B.looking for

C.looking up                        D.looking down


13.               A.Shall we        B.What about      C.Let’s    D.Why not


14.               A.With           B.Without        C.Under     D.Behind


15.               A.always         B.often          C.never D.sometimes


























6.此题考查固定句型结构be duty to do sth表示有职责有义务做某事。故选D。

7.此题考查短语what if 的含义,如果…该怎样做,此句的含义是如果法国人听不懂我的话,怎样做呢?故选A。


9.此题考查名词,根据下文的提示可知我的这个 担心没有必要,因为法国人很容易的听懂了我的话,故选D。


11.此题考查连词短语so that引导结果状语从句,故选A。


13.此题考查表示建议的固定句型结构因the places是名词,故用结果what about,故选B。







The boy   1  red is my classmate. He’s Jimmy. He   2  from the USA. Now he is in China to study(学习)Chinese. He likes  3  very much. He thinks China is great(非常好).
Jimmy is my good friend, too. He has a big problem. He speaks English well but only(只有)a little Chinese. He often helps me   4  my English. I often help him study(学习)Chinese. We   5
each other. He can   6  English.   7  his Chinese is not very good. We often study together(一起)after(在……之后)school.
I have a pen pal from Canada. He can speak English,    8  . He often helps me study English.
He   9  China, too. And he wants to visit the Great Wall(长城). I am very happy to have these
  10  good friends.
【小题1】A.in                  B.from                 C.of
【小题2】A.meets               B.comes                C.come
【小题3】A.Japan               B.Canada               C.China
【小题4】A.of                  B.from                 C.with
【小题5】A.help                B.look                 C.thank
【小题6】A.tell                B.speak                C.think
【小题7】A.And                 B.But                  C.Or
【小题8】A.to                  B.and                  C.too
【小题9】A.likes               B.like                 C.looks
【小题10】A.one                B.two                  C.three

根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
Why do we take school trips? School trips are a great chance to learn outside the classroom      41      new and interesting ways. For example, on a trip to a farm, we can see   42          of the things we        43     about so far in biology lessons. While   44       science
museums, we can see science in action.
Where can we go on a school trip? In Japan, cherry (樱花) trees are blossoming (开花) by the beginning of the year for students to take school trips. School children have picnic lunches, sing songs and dance under the trees. They       45    go boating and hiking around the lakes and hills. Some kids even take baths in hot springs. If there is     46     , don’t worry. They will go to a museum     47     .
In China, students often take school   48     to parks, museums or to visit a mountain. But nowadays it’s very popular to take an outward bound(野外拓展) trip.  Students can learn about survival skills.(生存技能)
In the UK, students go to many interesting places. They     49     shells(贝壳) on the seaside . Kids may also learn about      50        when they go to a castle(城堡) or a famous old home.

A.learnB.learnedC.have learnedD.is learning
A.insteadB.instead ofC.rather thanD.rather
A.meetingsB.trips C.lunchesD.classes
A.pick upB.bring C.carryD.put down
A.musicB.math C.biologyD.history

Life is not easy, so I'd like to say “When anything happens, believe in yourself.”
When I was a young boy, I  1  very shy(害羞的). My classmates often laughed(笑) at me. I was unhappy but could do  2 . Later, something happened and it changed my life. It was an English speech(演讲) competition. My English teacher asked me  3  part in it. What a terrible idea! It meant I had to speak  4  all the teachers and students of my school!
, boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to win. ” Then my teacher and I  6
about many different topics. Finally I chose the topic “Believe in yourself”. I did my best to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100 times. With my teacher's great love, I did  7 in the competition. I won the first place. I could hardly(几乎不) believe my  8
when the news came. I  9  the cheers from the teachers and students.
Since then, everything has changed for me. When I do anything, I try to tell  10 to be sure and I will find myself.
【小题1】A. will be                 B. was                  C. am
【小题2】A. something               B. anything             C. nothing
【小题3】A. take                    B. taking               C. to take
【小题4】A. after                   B. before               C. with
【小题5】A. Come on                 B. Go on                C. Turn on
【小题6】A. told                   B. talked               C. said
【小题7】A. good                    B. well                 C. interested
【小题8】A. ears                    B. eyes                 C. story
【小题9】A. listened                B. heard                C. sounded
【小题10】A. I                      B. my                   C. myself

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