The story of Tom Edison

Many years ago, a boy, named Thomas Alva Edison, lived in a small town in Ohio. Tom was a lively child. He was always taking things apart(分开)and put them together again or trying to put them together.

One day his father said, “Look at this! Another broken(坏的)toy!” “Now don’t be hard on him,” said his mother. “He only wants to see how things work.” But even she lost patience with him when he almost burned down(烧毁)the family’s barn! Tom was more careful, but it was hard when he was curious(好奇的).

Then the family moved to Michigan. By now, Tom was old enough(足够的)to go to school. Unfortunately, he didn’t like to sit quietly and listen to the teacher or memorize(背诵)his lessons.

Because Tom spent most of his time daydreaming, his teachers thought there was something wrong with him. But he just liked experimenting(做实验)more than he liked school. Tom’s mother decided to teach him at home. Soon, he loved to read, especially about science.

At 12, Tom got a job on a train selling candy, newspapers and sandwiches. His father agreed.

Two days later, Tom was at the station to begin his job.

Before long, Tom set up(建立)a laboratory in the train’s baggage car. When he finished his work, he would experiment.

At 16, he got his first real job as a night telegraph operator(夜间电报员) and station agent(火车站管理员). But Tom can never hold a job very long. He was either too tired from studying or too busy experimenting to do his job. So Tom decided to spend more time inventing(发明)things. He was independent(独立的)and hard working.

Some of Tom’s inventions began to be noticed. Then Tom happened to be in New York at the gold exchange (黄金交易所) when an important machine broke down(损坏). Tom walked in, and in an hour or two, he had the machine running perfectly. In the following months, Tom invented a way to improve the machine. The company paid him $40,000 for his invention. “I’m going into business for myself,” said Tom.

1.When Tom was a child, he was________.

A.naughty B.clever C.lively D.lazy

2.In school Tom spent most of his time________.

A.sleeping B.daydreaming C.talking D.sitting still

3.Where did Tom set up his laboratory?

A.In his home B.At the train station C.In the train’s baggage D.In the company

4.Why can Tom never hold a job very long?

A.Because he was not able to do his job.

B.Because he spent too much time reading books.

C.Because he liked to change new jobs.

D.Because he was either too tired from studying or too busy experimenting to do his job.

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