The Low-carbon Lifestyle
How do you go to school£¿A£®By bike £¨¡¡¡¡£© B£®By bus £¨¡¡¡¡£© C£®On foot £¨¡¡¡¡£©D£®By car £¨¡¡¡¡£©
Which do you prefer£¿A£®Soft drinks £¨¡¡¡¡£©B£®Boiled water £¨¡¡¡¡£©
How often do you use air-conditioners£¿A£®Often £¨¡¡¡¡£© B£®Sometimes £¨¡¡¡¡£© C£®Never £¨¡¡¡¡£©
Do you know the three Rs£¿A£®Yes £¨¡¡¡¡£© B£®No £¨¡¡¡¡£© If you know the three Rs£¬say something about them£®
  Your opinions£º
Now the low-carbon lifestyle is becoming popular among people£®As a student£¬I usually ride to school£®And I seldom buy softdrinks£®Instead£¬I drink boiled water£®What's more£¬using fans is a better choice for me than using air conditioners£®The three Rs play an important part in my daily life£®To reduce waste£¬I use both sides of paper£®I also reuse plastic bags and water£®Besides£¬I sort the waste for recycling£®I'm proud of what I've done£®
What we should always keep in mind is to save more energy and produce less waste£®If everyone makes an effort£¬we'll live a better life£®£®

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What's more ÁíÍ⣬¶øÇÒ
play an important part °çÑÝÖØÒª½ÇÉ«
Besides ³ý´ËÖ®Íâ
be proud of Îª¡­¸Ðµ½½¾°Á
make an effort ×÷³öŬÁ¦
I hardly ever buy soft drinks£®ÎÒ¼¸ºõ²»ÂòÈíÒûÁÏ£®
The three Rs play an important role in my daily life£®3RÔÚÎÒµÄÈÕ³£Éú»îÖаçÑÝÖØÒªµÄ½ÇÉ«£®

½â´ð Now the low-carbon lifestyle is becoming popular among people£®¡¾ÏÖÏó¡¿As a student£¬I usually ride to school£®And I seldom buy soft drinks£®Instead£¬I drink boiled water£®What's more£¬using fans is a better choice for me than using air conditioners£®
The three Rs play an important part in my daily life£®To reduce waste£¬I use both sides of paper£®I also reuse plastic bags and water£®Besides£¬I sort the waste for recycling£®¡¾·ÖÊö¡¿I'm proud of what I've done£®¡¾¸ÐÏë¡¿
What we should always keep in mind is to save more energy and produce less waste£®If everyone makes an effort£¬we'll live a better life£®¡¾¹Ûµã¡¿

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Subject£ºsummer vacation
Dear Su Hua£¬
I'm conducting a survey on how students spend their summer vacation in different countries£®I need your help£®Would you mind answering the following questions£¿
¡ñWhen do you start your summer vacation and how long is it£¿
¡ñHow do you usually relax yourself£¿
¡ñWill you go to a summer school£¿Why or why not£¿
¡ñWhat do you want to do most£¿And why£¿
I look forward to hearing from you soon/
Best wishes£¬
Subject£ºsummer vacation
Dear John£¬
Thank you so much for your email£®I'm very happy to answer your questions£®
In China£¬we start our vacation at the beginning of July£®It lasts about two months£®We can do many things to relax ourselves in summer vacations£®I often go swimming£¬surf the Internet and watch TV£®I will go to a summer school for a month to study English because it is important and I like it£®But what I want to do most is traveling with my parents£®We have been to many places£®This summer£¬we are going to Beijing£®We always have a good time£®
I wish to visit you in Canada one day£®
Su Hua
9£®According to a psychologist£¬William James£¬we do not laugh because we are happy£¬but rather£¬we are happy because we laugh£®
The happiest people alive are those who know how to laugh often and well£®
In his book ATouch of Wonder£¬Arthur Gordon tells of a friend of his who knew how to laugh£®Though deaf and almost blind£¬he went on working£¬laughing and enjoying his life£®
One Christmas Day£¬Arthur and his friend went into a crowded drugstore£®On the back of the door was a mirror£¨¾µ×Ó£©£¬which you can see when the door was closed£®As they were leaving£¬Arthur's friend saw his image£¨Ó°Ïñ£© in the mirror£®He thought the door must be open and his own image was a customer trying to enter the store£®He moved to one side£¬and naturally£¬so did the image£®He moved to the front again£¬and once more met his image£®Again he moved back£®
By now all the other people in the store felt strange but they kept silent£®No one quite knew what to do or say£®But when he moved to the front for the third time£¬the man realized that he was facing a mirror£®"Why£¬"he cried£¬"it's only me!"He bowed and said£¬"Good to see you£¬old boy!Merry Christmas!"All the people in the store laughed£®
And why not£¿Here was a man who knew how to laugh at himself!He accepted his problems humorously£®
We are given the ability to laugh£¬not only to laugh at things£¬but also to laugh things off£®We'll always meet difficulties and troubles£¬but the happy person learns how to laugh them off£®And that's the reason why they are happy£®

58£®The underlined word"rather"in the first paragraph meansB£®
59£®Which of the following is TRUE£¿B
A£®William James is Arthur Gordon's friend£®
B£®Arthur Gordon's friend was deaf and almost blind£®
C£®Nobody noticed Arthur Gordon's friend in the store£®
D£®Arthur Gordon's friend was angry with the other people in the store£®
60£®According to the article£¬when we meet difficulties and troubles£¬we shouldC£®
A£®help each other      
B£®move back              
C£®laugh them off        
D£®keep silent£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
