
What makes Australia different? First, if you are traveling from Southeast Asia, you will cover about 4,500 miles (7,240 km). If you are from the Americas or South Africa, you will cover about 9000 miles (14,500 km). If you come from Europe, you will have to travel about 10,500 miles (17,000 km). It is not just a quick crossing by boat, or a walk over a bridge. It is a long way to “Down Under”. So there are surely to be cultural as well as geographical differences.

And then there is the size of it. It’s a long way from one side to the other. Perth, the capital of Western Australia, is the most isolated (孤立的) city in the world. It is closer to Singapore than to Sydney, which is about 1, 900 miles (3,000 km) away.

Most countries have probably had population growth, with much the same racial mix, for hundreds of years. Apart, of course, from the Aborigines (土著), who have been there for over 50,000 years, Australians have not been there long. The first Europeans came and lived just over 200 years ago. Most other foreigners arrived less than 50 years ago. Australia’s population has doubled since 1957, transforming what was perhaps one of the most boring nations to one of the most exciting, with many interesting differences of culture and custom.

Australians are generally warm-hearted and open. Perhaps they have taken the best from other foreign cultures, mixing them with the best of Aboriginal and early foreign cultures. Australians are also humorous. You are expected to be the same. It is said in Australia that all visitors must be able to take a joke. Learn to laugh at yourself, your country, and so on. And if you really want to be a social hit, tell jokes about yourself, your country, and the way you speak. There is almost nothing that cannot be laughed at. The important things in life such as traditions (like public festivals) are taken very lightly. Sport, however, is taken very seriously!

Today, Australia has one of the world’s highest standards of living, fine food and wine, a great sporting tradition, a colorful and high culture, and an affection for visitors.

1.How far will visitors travel from Europe to Australia?

2.Which is closer to Perth, Singapore or Sydney?

3.When did the first Europeans come to Australia?

4.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

5.According to Paragraph 4, what are Australians like?


Family Picture

I was sitting in my favorite chair, studying for my doctoral degree, when Sarah – my five-year-old daughter – came and asked, “Daddy, do you want to see my family picture?” “Daddy’s busy. Come back in a little while, Honey.”

10 minutes later, she rushed back. “Daddy, let me___________you my picture.” The heat went up around my collar. “Sarah,” I shouted, “come back later. I’m busy now.”

Then I___________I might have hurt her feelings, so I called, “Sarah, could you come back inside a minute, please? Daddy would like to see your picture.”

She ran back happily. “Look, here is Mommy, here is me standing by Mommy, here is our dog, Katie, and here is Mike (her little brother).”

“I love your picture, Honey.” I told her. “I'll hang it on the wall so that I can see it whenever I come back home.”

She took me at my word and went outside to play. I went back to my books, but Sarah’s picture was making me _______– something was missing. I asked Sarah to come back.

“Honey…there are Mommy, Sarah, Mike and Katie in the picture. But…where is your daddy?” “You’re at the library,” she said. With that simple statement, my little princess stopped time for me. I felt I was hurt badly by her words, so I went to Barbara, my wife, for help.

“I know how much it___________you, Gary.” She said.

“Barb…I want to come home. Can I do it?”

20 seconds of___________followed. It seemed like I held my breath for an hour. “Gary,” Barb said___________, “you know, we love you very much. But you haven’t been here. I’ve felt like a single parent for years.”

The words looked cold in print, but she said them gently. It was just the___________. My life had been busy, my family was on their own, and I had a long road ahead of me if I wanted to_________ them back. And I had to. Now that the fog had lifted, it suddenly became the most important thing in my life.

1.A.draw B.award C.send D.show

2.A.considered B.realised C.imagined D.decided

3.A.uneasy B.ungrateful C.tired D.bored

4.A.wounded B.troubled C.taught D.offered

5.A.performance B.complaint C.silence D.challenge

6.A.cheerfully B.carefully C.quickly D.privately

7.A.truth B.value C.honour D.belief

8.A.lead B.keep C.win D.drive

Many people dream of going on a great travel adventure. Most of us keep dreaming; others make it happen.

Gregg Beakney's dream was to travel around the Americas from top to bottom. He got the idea after he finished a 1, 600-kilometer bike ride. Gregg's friend, Brooks Allen, was also a cyclist. The two friends talked and set their goal: they would travel from Alaska to Argentina by bike. To pay for the journey, Gregg and Brooks worked and saved money for years. Once they were on the road, they often camped outdoors or stayed in hotels. In many places, along their route(路线), local people opened their homes to the two friends and gave them food.

During their trip, Gregg and Brooks cycled through deserts, rainforests(热带雨林)and mountains. They visited modern cities and explored ancient ruins(遗迹), such as Tikal in Guatemala(危地马拉). In many places, they met other cyclists from all over the world. In May 2007, they traveled twelve countries in two years, and over 30, 500 km(19, 000 miles). Later, Gregg finally reached Ushuaia, Argentina, at the top of South America. Gregg and Brooks kept a record of their adventures in an online blog. The trip taught both men a lot about travelling.

Here is some of Gregg's advice:

Travel light.

The less baggage you have, the less you'll worry about.

Be flexible(灵活的).

Don't plan everything. Then you'll be more relaxed and happier, even when there are challenges along the way.

Be polite.

A traveller told Gregg, “Always remember that nobody wants to fight or cheat a nice guy”.

1.When did Gregg Beakney get the idea of traveling the Americas from top to bottom?

A.After he travelled from Argentina to Alaska.

B.After he finished a 1, 600-kilometre bike ride.

C.Before he travelled from Argentina to Alaska.

D.Before he finished a 1, 600-kilometre bike ride.

2.What is the two friends' goal?

A.Make a lot of money to enjoy life.

B.Buy a nice expensive bike.

C.Travel from Alaska to Argentina by bike.

D.Spend the rest of their life in Alaska.

3.Where did they stay at night when they were on the road?

A.Camped outdoors or stayed in hotels.

B.Stayed at a local family.

C.Stayed in the rainforests.

D.Stayed in ancient buildings.

4.Who did they meet during their trip?

A.Local people. B.Other runners. C.Other drivers. D.Other cyclists.

5.What did the trip give them?

A.Something about travelling.

B.Something about riding.

C.Something about dreaming.

D.Something about adventuring.

Lots of people love chocolate. Do you know how to make it? What does a chocolate factory look like? My class had a field trip to a chocolate factory in Toronto.

We visited an old building in ten groups. In the beginning, we put on some special clothes to make sure that we couldn’t dirty the workplace. After preparation(准备), we went to the second floor and walked into the chocolate-making place. The floor was filled with different kinds of machines. Each machine has a different job. There are only two people working on the floor, because machines do most of the work.

In the next room, we learned about the history of chocolate making. There was a picture of the factory 100 years ago. They had more than 1,000 people working there. The factory is very different now. How greatly the technology(技术) is changing our life!

Later, we saw how machines made chocolate. We got a cocoa bean(可可豆), some powdered(粉末的) chocolate and a final chocolate. I opened the cocoa bean and tasted it. It doesn’t taste sweet at all, and it’s like dark chocolate. The best cocoa beans come from South America and Africa. Farmers dry them in the sun. Next, workers cook the beans at a high temperature. Machines took the shells(果壳) off the beans and made the beans into chocolate liquor which looks like water. Then, they put chocolate liquor and sugar together to make dark chocolate. If adding milk, they made milk chocolate. The machine made them smooth like silk.

Finally, we bought some chocolate at a shop in the factory. It was at a very low price. This field trip taught me how important technology is and I also leant a lot of knowledge about chocolate.

1.Why did the writer’s class visit the chocolate factory?

A.Because they were interested in the amazing technology.

B.Because they could get some chocolate at a low price there.

C.Because they wanted to learn something new about chocolate.

2.Where do the best cocoa beans come from?

A.North America. B.Australia. C.Africa.

3.What makes the writer think “How greatly technology is changing our life”?

A.The whole floor only has two machines working.

B.Machines are doing most of the work in this factory.

C.People are making more and more delicious chocolate.

4.The writer thought the field trip was________ .

A.tiring B.unforgettable C.meaningless

5.Which is the RIGHT order about how to make chocolate?

①Cook the beans at a high temperature.

②Dry the cocoa beans in the sun.

③Put chocolate liquor and sugar together.

④ Take the shells off the beans, and made the beans into chocolate liquor.

A.②①④③ B.①②④③ C.②①③④

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