Once there was a king(国王) of England who had a large
army(军队). He
couldn’t get as many soldiers(士兵) as he wanted in England, so many of them came from abroad(国外).And some of them were
unable(不能的)to speak
English. Whenever the king came to inspect(视察)his army and talked to the soldiers, he always asked the same three
questions, “How old are you? How long have you been in my army? Are your
parents still alive(活着)?” The officers always made sure that all the soldiers knew the
right answers to these questions.
One day the king was inspecting some of his
soldiers. He walked down the lines, stopping here and there to speak to one of
the men. He stopped in front of the foreign soldiers. This man couldn’t speak
English, but he knew by heart(记在心中) the answers to the king’s three questions.
“ How long have been in my army?”
“ Twenty-three years,” said the soldier.
The king seemed surprised,(惊讶的)“And how old are you?”
“ Six months, sir,” was the reply.
The king began to get angry, “ One of us
must be mad(疯的),”
he said. “Is it you or me?”
“ Both(两个都), sir,” said the soldier.
1.The king of England had a lot of
2.Some of the soldiers were not English
3.All the soldiers could speak English very
4.Whenever the king came to inspect his
army, he always asked the soldiers the same three questions.
5.This foreign soldier answered the king’s
questions quite right.