
根据下面短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“A”表示,错误 的用“B”表示。
     On my first day of high school, I saw a boy from my class walking back home after school.
His name was David. He was carrying his books. As I was walking, I saw a group of kids running
towards him, knocking all his books out of his arms. And then they ran away. David fell down
and his glasses went flying. He looked up and I saw sadness in his eyes. I helped him to look for
his glasses and said, "The kids with bad manners should be punished. " There was a big smile that
showed real gratitude (感激) on his face.
     From then on we became friends. The more I got to know David,the more I liked him. Over
the next four years, we always studied,  played together and had a happy time.
     On the graduation (毕业) day, I could see that he was nervous about his speech. So I said,
"Hey, you will be the best!" Then he began, "Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you
succeed through those difficult years. Our parents, our teachers, but mostly our friends. Being a
friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. I'll tell you a story ..." I just looked at the
handsome popular boy in amazement as he told the story of the first day we met.
     Everyone was surprised to hear all about his hardest moment. I saw his mom and dad looking
at me and smiling that same thankful smile. Not until that moment did I realize its deep meaning.
Never underestimate (低估) the power of your actions. With one small action, you can change
a person's life. As you can see, "Friends are angels (天使) to make us rise when our wings (翅膀)
have problems flying.
(      )1. The writer and David were classmates.
(      )2. The kids with bad manners were punished by the writer when they knocked David down.
(      )3. Everyone was surprised to hear all about David's hardest moment.
(      )4. The writer realized that one small action could change a person's life before hearing David's
(      )5. The underlined sentence at the end of the passage means "A friend in need is a friend indeed

     The story is told about two people named David and Rosy Jackson. Both
of them had very bad memory. For example, Rosy would forget to cook
dinner,or David would go to work on Sunday,thinking it was Monday.
     One winter they were to take a long plane trip. When they arrived at the
airport, there was ten minutes left.In that situation(情况) anyone would get
into the plane right away.But Mr. and Mrs Jackson didn’t do so. They went
to buy the travel first. After they put a two-pound note into a machine , their
insurance policy came out."Who would get the money if the plane crashed,
I wonder?" asked Rosy."My mother,of course. " her husband replied.
"We'll post the policy to her. " Now be quick give me a stamp,will you?"
He said. "The plane is going to take off in a minute. " David put the stamp
on the  envelope, dropped it into a postbox. And suddenly he let out a cry.
What do you think happened to him? He had posted their plane tickets to
his mother.

1. This passage tells us that David and Rosy          .
    A. were always short of time
    B. always did everything in a great hurry
    C. were very forgetlul
    D. usually worked on Sunday
2. According to the passage, what does the "insurance"
     mean in Chinese?         
    A. 飞机票    
    B. 保险    
    C. 饮料    
    D. 纪念物
3. David wanted to post his mother           .
    A. the travel insurance policy       
    B. a two-pound note
    C. two plane tickets                       
    D. an empty envelope
4. Mr Jackson made such a foolish mistake because          .
    A. he was worried about his mother
    B. he had forgotten to bring a stamp
    C. he was worried about this flight
    D. his memory was poor and he was in a hurry
     Mr. and Mrs. Clarke were going to America for their holidays. They had a dog called Billy.
They liked him very much. But they couldn't take him to America with them. So they found a place
to leave him while they were away. At the end of their holidays they got back to England very late
at night so they didn't go to get Billy. The next morning Mr. Clarke got into his car and drove happily
to get Billy. When he got home with the dog he said to his wife, "Dear, I don't think Billy has enjoyed
his days at that place. He made lots of noise all the way home. I guess he must want to tell me
something!" Mrs. Clarke looked at the dog carefully and answered, " You are quite right, dear, but
he wasn't trying to tell you he hadn't enjoyed his day at that place. He was trying to tell you that you
had brought the wrong dog home. That isn't our Billy."
1. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke were going to America_____.
A. to meet their friends    
B. to see their family    
C. to spend their holiday
2. Mr. Clarke drove to get Billy back______.
A. as soon as they came back
B. late at night
C. the next morning
3. Mr. Clarke thought that Billy ____ at that place.
A. had a good time.  
B. didn't have a good time  
C. liked to made noise
4. Mrs. Clarke found that ____.
A. her husband was quite right.  
B. the dog was Billy  
C. her husband had brought the wrong dog home.
5. Which of the following is right?
A. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke loved Billy very much.
B. Billy really enjoyed himself while they were away.  
C. Mr. Clarke brought their own dog home.
     Mr Henry lived in a small village with high mountains all around it. All day he worked on his farm 
and never went to the city.  Sometimes he went to the town which was not far away to buy something,
 but he always walked there and never took a bus or a train.  His wife died after his only daughter was
 born. When the girl, Ann, grew up, she left her father and went to college. Four years later Ann passed 
all her examinations and found work in a hospital in the capital.  As she was busy,  she had no time to go
 back to see her father.  But she missed her father very much. So she wrote to her father and asked him
 to come to the capital.      
     When Mr Henry heard from his daughter, he was quite happy and was soon ready to set off. The
 next day, as soon as he got to the station, he rang Ann up and told her the train he would take. At eight 
in the morning the train arrived at the Capital Station. Mr Henry had spent about sixteen hours on the 
train. As soon as he got off  he saw his daughter standing there to meet him. Ann ran up to him and 
found that her father looked pale.       
     "What's the matter with you, Dad?" Ann asked in surprise.  "Do you feel unwell?"     
     "Nothing," answered Mr Henry.   "I'm just not used to sitting backwards (背朝前)  in the train. "  
 "Oh,  dear,"  laughed the girl.  "Why didn't you exchange seats with the man opposite to you?"  
 "How can I do that?" answered Mr Henry.  "No man sat opposite to me!"
1. Mr Henry was ______.           
A. a worker      
B. a driver      
C. a farmer
2. Ann's mother died ______.           
A. before Ann was born                                
B. after Ann was born              
C. when Ann grew up
3. Mr Henry always went to the town on foot because ______.             
A. the town was near to his village             
B. he had no money to take a bus             
C. he was afraid to take a bus
4. Ann didn't go back home because  ______.             
A. she didn't want to              
B. she was too busy to go home              
C. she didn't miss her father
5. Mr Henry didn't exchange seats because ______.             
A. there was no man opposite to him             
B. he had fallen asleep on the train             
C. he hadn't known he had been able to do so
     Mike was starting the fourth grade in the autumn.  He felt that he was old enough to ride a bike
 to school like other kids.  But there were two problems! The first was that he didn't know if his parents 
would let him ride a bike to school.  The second and the bigger of the two problems was that he didn't
 have a bike, because he and his parents had just moved to the town this summer.        
     Mike started to get over his problems.  First,  he asked his parents if  they would let him ride a bike 
to school in the autumn.  To his surprise, they said,  "Sure, Mike, you are old enough, but you don't have 
a bike!" Mike began to think about how to solve the problem. Finally, he thought of an idea.  He asked
 the neighbors if he could mow (割)  their lawns (草坪)  to earn money to buy a bike.  For all of them
 needed to mow their lawns,  they told Mike that would be fine,  if his parents agreed.  Mike's parents 
were pleased that he found a way to buy a bike himself. They agreed and taught Mike how to mow the 
lawn properly. Finally, he had enough money to buy his bike.  He bought a beautiful black and red 
mountain bike.
1. Mike wanted to ______.                
A.  begin to study in autumn               
B.  ride a bike to school                
C.  mow the lawn for his family
2. What was the bigger problem for Mike?              
A.  He didn't have a bike.                
B.  He was not old enough to ride a bike.                
C.  His parents didn't want him to ride a bike.
3. What is the right order of the following events according to  the article? 
① Mike had two problems.                
② like bought a bike.                
③ Mike thought he was never too young to ride a bike.               
④ Mike mowed the lawns for his neighbors.                
A. ①②③④
B. ②①④③
C. ③①④②
4. Which one is WRONG according to the passage?              
A.  Mike's family was new on his block (街区).               
B.  Mike was a gardening worker.              
C.  Mike bought a black and red bike.
5. Which is the best title?             
A. Mike's Kind Neighbors              
B. Mike's New Bike             
C.  How to Earn Money
      May is a lovely girl with two big eyes. But she always hides them behind a pair of glasses.
      She is one of my best friends but once I nearly finished our friendship. One day, the teacher gave us
our result of English test. I did very badly so I didn't want to talk to anyone after class. Suddenly, May
said, "You look unhappy, Millie. What's wrong?" I looked up at her but said nothing. I knew she got a good
mark in the test. I thought she must make fun of me. She kept asking me, "Is it because of the test? Do you
want me to show you the right answers?" I still didn't talk to her. Then she went away with my test paper.
     In the afternoon, May gave me my test paper back. I looked at it and became surprised. May wrote the
right answers next to each of my mistakes. My face went red. How kind she was! I wanted to hug (拥抱)
her, but I only cried and said, "Thank you!" After school, May and I walked home together. I felt very happy
and thanked her again. We are still good friends now.
1. From the passage we know ______.
[     ]
A. May is my friend
B. May is lovely and kind
C. May has poor eyesight
D. All of the above
2. Millie felt sad after class because ______.
[     ]
A. she got good grades in the test
B. May did better than her in the test
C. she didn't do well in the test
D. the teacher was angry with here
3. May came up to Millie to ______ after class.
[     ]
A. go home with her
B. play with her
C. find out what happened to her
D. give the test paper to her
4. Millie felt very happy and thanked May because ______.
[     ]

A. May kept asking Millie questions
B. They are good friends
C. May wrote down the right answers for Millie
D. May helped Millie with her homework

5. Which of the following phrases has the same meaning as "make fun of"?
[     ]
A. Say hello to
B. Talk to
C. Look after
D. Laugh at
     A man was looking for things of old times. One day he came to a village and found a blue bowl
which looked very old. The bowl was on the ground and a cat was drinking milk from it. A farmer, the
owner (主人) of the cat, was lying beside the bowl. In order not to draw the famer's attention (引起农
夫的注意)to the value (价值)  of the bowl,the man said to him in a soft voice,"What a nice cat you
have! Won't you sell it to me?"
    "How much would you give me for it?" the farmer opened his eyes and asked.
    "Twenty dollars. Would it be enough?
    A few minutes later, the farmer agreed. After he paid the farmer,the man said, "My cat will certainly
feel thirsty. May I take the bowl so that the cat can have milk?
    But the farmer said,"I'm sorry I can't give it to you. Thanks to the bowl, I have already sold twenty
1.The man liked _____.
A. collecting (收集) old things
B. travelling from village to village
C. meeting farmers         
D.  buying cats
2. Why did the man want to buy the cat? Because _____.     
A. it was very lovely      
B. the cat cost more money than the bowl      
C. he thought he could easily get the boll if he bought the cat      
D. he hadn't got enough money to buy both the cat and the bowl
3. After he bought the cat, the man asked for the bowl, because he thought _____.     
A. the bowl should go with the cat     
B. the bowl had a beautiful color     
C. the farmer didn't know the value to the bowl
D. the cat could not live without the bowl
4. The farmer kept the bowl so that he could _____.
A. let another cat use it   
B. sell more cats
C. sell more bowls       
D. use the bowl himself
5. From the story we can see that the farmer _____.
A. had only one bowl    
B. was very poor
C. didn't like cats       
D. had got much money with the "help"of the bowl