
Mr. and Mrs. Brown lived in a short and wet room last year. Now their daughter was born, the room was too narrow for them to live in. Last Friday, after the factory paid out wages(工资), Mr. Brown had to borrow some money from his friends and bought an old house. It’s a little bigger and drier than the old one. But the walls were very dirty. Mrs. Brown told her husband to paint them.
It was Saturday. Mr. Brown didn’t go to work. He came in a paint shop and bought two cans(罐) of paint. It was made in(由┅生产) Japan. He looked at the directions(说明书) for a long time, but he couldn’t understand it at all. Before leaving the shop, he had to ask the shopkeeper, “Can I put this paint on myself, sir?”
It seemed the shopkeeper didn’t understand him. He looked at Mr. Brown up and down and then he said,” You’d better put it on the wall, sir. It would look better, I think.”
【小题1】Mr. Brown works in a _______________.
【小题2】There are _____________ people in Mr. Brown’s family now.
【小题3】The house they bought was a little bigger and drier, but the walls were very _______.
【小题4】Mr. Brown bought two cans of paint, but he didn’t _______________ the directions.
【小题5】The two cans of paint are made in _______________.
【小题6】The shopkeeper thought Mr. Brown would paint not on the walls, but on his _______.

【小题 1】factory        
【小题 2】 three         
【小题 3】dirty           
【小题 4】understand
【小题 5】Japan         
【小题 6】body

解析【小题 1】根据第一段Last Friday, after the factory paid out wages(工资), 描述,可知他在一家工厂工作.故填:factory        
【小题 2】 根据第一段Mr. and Mrs. Brown lived in a short and wet room last year. Now their daughter was born, 可知他家现在有三口人,故答:three         
【小题 3】根据第一段. It’s a little bigger and drier than the old one. But the walls were very dirty. 描述,可知答:dirty           
【小题 4】根据第二段He looked at the directions(说明书) for a long time, but he couldn’t understand it at all.可知填:understand
【小题 5】根据第二段It was made in(由┅生产) Japan. 描述,可知填:Japan         
【小题 6】根据最后一段描述,可知他认为布朗先生要刷在自己身体上,故填:body


It was a Saturday afternoon. Mr. Green was reading a newspaper. Suddenly he heard his wife 16    in the next room. He hurried to her and asked, "What happened to you. my dear?”
“Oh, dear!” his wifecried out, "My head hurts!  17    a doctor. Hurry up!”Their two children were both  18   at that moment and something was wrong with the telephone. Mr. Green 19    go to a hospital himself. Bad luck! All the hospitals in the town were 20  that day. Mr. Green didn't know   21   . Just then his friend, Mr. Brown, saw him and asked. "What is   22 ?"
Mr. Green told him everything. The man .said. "Why not turn to  23   ? He can help you."
Mr. Green remembered his friend, Mr. Black was a good doctor. He hurried to Mr. Black's.
When he got there, Mr. and Mr. Black were having their 24 meal . The doctor asked Mr. Green to drink with him.He was happy and sat  25. After that they began to chat. And when Mrs. Black asked, “How is you wife?”“She is fine, thanks…” Mr. Green stopped at once — he remembered his wife was waiting for a doctor at home. ^

A.Look for B.Wait forC.Send for D.Ask for
A.inB.out C.up D.down
A.should B.could C.had to D.was able lo
A.expensiveB.openC.free D.closed
A.when to go B.how to doC.where to goD.what to deal with
A.the matter B.the wrongC.troubleD.problem
A.Mr. Brown B.Mr. BlackC.Mr. GreenD.Mrs. Green
A.in bedB.on floorC.at the tableD.at home

Mr. and Mrs. Brown lived in a small house near London with their child. Sometimes Mr. Brown came back ___11___ home from work very late. At that time both his wife and his son___12___to bed. He would open the front door of his house with his key and came in very ___13___.
One night he came back late again. He lost his key ___14___ the door. He knocked at the door. But ___15___ happened. He knocked at the bedroom window. He spoke to his wife, and ___16___ to her but she did not ___17___. At last he stopped and thought for a while. Then he began to speak ___18___ a child. “Mother, I want ___19___ to the toilet.” He spoke very quietly, but at once, Mrs. Brown got up and ___20___ the door for him.
【小题1】A. to                B. /                C. at      
【小题2】 A. was going          B. go              C. went     
【小题3】 A. quietly             B. slowly           C. quickly   
【小题4】A. of               B. to               C. about 
【小题5】 A. nothing            B. something         C. a sound
【小题6】A. shouted            B. told              C. talked  
【小题7】A. listen to            B. listen            C. hear  
【小题8】 A. like               B. liked            C. liking
【小题9】A. go                B. to go            C. am going to
【小题10】 A. locked             B. closed           C. opened

Mr and Mrs White had two sons and three daughters. One Sunday Mrs White said to her husband, “The children don’t have any lessons today, and you’re free too. There’s a new funfair(游乐场) in the park. Let’s all go there to play.”
Her husband said, “I want to finish some work today.” “Oh, forget it. Go there and make our children happy. That’s the most important work.” Mrs White said.
So Mr and Mrs White took their children to the funfair. Mr White was 45 years old, but he enjoyed the funfair more than his children. He hurried from one thing to another, and ate lots of sweets. One of his children said to his mother, “Dad is just like a small child, isn’t he, mom?” Mrs White didn’t want to follow his husband around any more at that time and answered, “He is even worse than a small child, Mary, because he might spend more money than a small child.”
【小题1】 There were_____ children in the family.

【小题2】 One Sunday, Mrs and Mr White wanted to go to_____ with their children.
A.schoolB.workC.a funfairD.a shop
【小题3】 Mr White liked the place so much that he_____.
A.sold lots of sweets
B.followed his wife all the time
C.hurried from one thing to another
D.asked a lot of questions
【小题4】 From the story we know Mrs White_____ when Mary asked her the question.
A.was still excited to play
B.was a little angry with Mr White
C.looked for Mr White everywhere
D.ate a lot of sweets
【小题5】 Of all the family members, _____enjoyed playing there most that Sunday.
A.Mr WhiteB.Mrs WhiteC.MaryD.the boys

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