There was a young woman. She was quite proud of growing flowers in her yard. She had been raised by her grandmother, who had taught her to love and care for flowers. So her yard was the most beautiful one in her village.

One day, while looking through a flower, list that she often ordered from, a picture of a plant immediately caught her eyes. She had never seen a flower like it before, "I have to have it," she said to herself, and she ordered it right away.

When it arrived, she found a place to plant it. She planted it at the bottom of a stone wall at the back of the yard. It grew vigorously, with very beautiful green leaves all over it. Day after day, she continued to take good care of it, and she also looked forward to enjoying the flowers, but still there were not any.

One morning, as she stood looking at the plant, she felt sad,.”It grows well, but why don’t I see any flowers?” She wanted to know the reason why her plant had not flowered, but still there was no idea.

However, at this moment, her friendly neighbor invited her to his yard and said, “Thank you so much! You can’t imagine how much I have enjoyed the flowers that you planted.” “Did I plant? Where?” the young woman was quite surprised. Quickly she walked through the gate into her neighbor’s yard. She saw that on the other side of the wall the plant was full of flowers. She couldn’t believe her eyes.

They were, indeed, the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen. The plant had grown up through the crevices in the wall.

Just because you can’t see the results of your work, it does not mean that there isn’t any fruit.

1.Who taught the young woman to take care of flowers?

A.Her friend. B.Her mother. C.Her neighbor. D.Her grandmother.

2.The underlined word “vigorously” in Paragraph 3 means .

A.healthily B.seriously C.shyly D.badly

3.Which is the right order of the following events according to the passage?

a. The young woman felt sad.

b. The young woman bought the plant at once.

c. The young woman saw the plant in a picture.

d. The young woman went to her neighbor's yard.

e. T he young woman saw the beautiful real flowers.

A.a-b-c-d-e B.a-c-e-c-b C.c-b-a-d-e D.c-d-e-a-b

4.What's the best title for this passage?

A.How to Plant Flowers. B.The Other Side of the Wall.

C.Beautiful flowers. D.In the yard.


Everyone wants to do something for our earth. The new app--Ant Forest designed by Alibaba Group really makes it much easier. Taking public transport, making payments online or just walking around-these daily activities can help 1.China's deserts (沙漠) into forests if you are using Ant Forest.

Ant Forest is in the Alipay mobile payment app. It records users' low-carbon (低碳的) activities-taking a bus to work instead of driving, for example- and gives users “green energy”. Users can't depend on2.else to increase the “green energy” because the app can only be registered(注册)by their own ID.number. What's more, they need to continue their low-carbon(低碳的) activities, or the “green energy”may not be make Ant Forest plant a real tree for them.

Ant Forest recently received the UN's highest environmental prize, for4.people to live greener lifestyles and protect the environment. began in August 2016, Ant Forest and its partners have planted some 122 million trees in China’s driest areas, including Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai and Shanxi,reported Xinhua News Agency. The trees cover an area of 112, 000 hectares(公顷).

“Alipay Ant Forest shows how successfully technology can change our world 6.the help of global users, said Inger Andersen, director of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Seeing China's success against desertification (沙漠化), the UNEP believes the country is a good 80 for others to follow. They also said that China is one of the most successful countries in greening the desert and has lessons to share with the world.

The Kubuqi Desert just shows China's efforts against desertification. The desert once caused a lot of sandstorms in Beijing. However, thanks to people's hard work, about one-third of the Kubuqi Desert is now covered with kinds of plants, and sandstorms are7.common now, reported Xinhua.

Have you ever taken the train from Beijing to Shanghai or- the train from Shanghai to Beijing? Then how much do you know about the Beijing-Shanghai railway?

The Beijing-Shanghai railway was completed in 1968. The line runs 1, 462 kilometers between China’s two main cities and passes through five provinces and the city of Tianjin.

Since opening, it has been one of the busiest lines in our country. Ten trains run on the Beijing-Shanghai railway every day. Five of them are non-stop. Now trains can travel at 250 kilometers per hour at most and the time of the travel is only 10 hours.

China has become one of the countries with high-speed train services. Trains run at the speed of 200 kilometers per hour on 6,003 kilometers of track(轨道), and on some parts,the highest speed can be 250 kilometers per hour. The 6,003 kilometers of track serves both high-speed passenger trains and low-speed cargo(货物))trains.

Railway drivers have to deal with the problem of the speed difference between the two kinds of trains to make sure they both run safely.

1.The Beijing-Shanghai railway is_________.

A.1,462 kilometers B.1,968 meters C.6,003 kilometers D.200 kilometers

2.Half of the trains on the Beijing-Shanghai railway are_________.

A.old B.non-stop C.made in Japan D.too slow

3.Which of the following sentences is RIGHT according to the passage?

A.Only one train is running on the 6,003 kilometers of track.

B.The Beijing-Shanghai railway passes through six provinces.

C.All the trains in China run without stopping.

D.The Beijing-Shanghai railway has been one of the busiest lines in China.

4.The passage above is probably from_________.

A.a storybook B.a dictionary C.a newspaper D.a map

We asked the students a question on the Internet, “Do you get on well with your parents?”

Over 8,000 children give their answers. All the children want to feel close (亲近的) to the important people, their mum and dad, in life. But their answers show that it is not always easy to do that.

Over 65% of the children say they get on really well with their parents. And about 80% of the children say they have fun with their parents. But it doesn’t mean (意味着) that they always agree with each other. Most children argue (争吵) with their parents sometimes or often. About 50% of the children say when they don’t agree with their parents, they will sit down and talk with them carefully. But 40% of the children say they will shout.

“Shouting never helps,” says one of our teachers. “Speak up and let your parents know your ideas.But don’t use a loud voice.”

1.All of the children who give their answers __________.

A.can get on well with their parents B.needn’t get on well with their parents

C.want to get on well with their parents D.don’t want to get on well with their parents

2.How many children have fun with their parents?

A.About 3,200. B.About 4,000. C.About 5,200. D.About 6,400.

3.About 50% of the children will __________ their parents when they don’t agree with each other.

A.argue with B.worry about with D.shout at

4.If you want your parents to know your ideas, you should __________.

A.keep quiet B.speak up C.repeat yourself D.shout loudly

5.Who probably writes the passage?

A.A school teacher. B.A student. C.A doctor. D.A driver.

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