
1. 你想要和我们一起去看鸟吗?
    Would you like _____  _____  _____  with us?
2. 它为野生生物提供了食物和栖息地。
    It _____ food and _____  _____  wildlife.
    People want to change wetlands _____ _____ _____ _____ for farms and buildings.
4. 吸烟有害健康。
    _____ is _____ _____ your _____.
5. 他们每年数一次鸟。
    They  _____ _____ _____ _____ once a year.
6. 这个问题对我来说很容易回答。
    This question is very easy _____ me _____ _____.
7. 巩俐是中国最好的女演员之一。
    Gong Li is _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ in China.
8. 蜜蜂一年忙到头。
    Bees are busy _____ _____ _____.
9. 如果我们积极采取行动,地球的污染程度将会越来越轻。
    If we _____ _____ actively, the earth will be _____ _____ _____ polluted.
    Girls _____ _____ _____ snakes.
11. 直到他到北京,他才给我打电话。
    He _____ call me _____ he arrived in Beijing .
12. 我们应该阻止小孩子们玩火。
    We should _____ the children _____ _____ with fire .
13. 如果西蒙来了,请拨025-8528128 打电话给我。
    If Simon comes, please _____ _____ _____ 025-8528128.
14. 他们都等不急要看下周的展览了。
    They _____ _____ _____ _____ the show next week.
1. to go birdwatching
2. provides shelter for
3. to make more space
4. Smoking bad for health
5.do a bird count
6. for to answer
7. one of the best actresses
8. all year round
9. take action, less and less
10. are afraid/frightened of
11. didn't until
12. prevent from playing
13.call me on
14. can't wait to watch                                                            

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