A girl riding a bike hit and scratched(刮)a parked expensive car by accident when she was busily looking at a road sign. That poor girl was Zhang Yu, an 18-year-old college student from Yunnan Province. Instead of running away, she decided to wait for the owner of the car. She made that decision just because she wanted to say sorry for the accident.

Zhang Yu was worried when Li Hao, the owner of the car, saw her standing beside his car. Knowing that she had waited in the hot sun for an hour and that she was from a poor family, he was deeply moved. He told her that she didn’t need to pay any money for the scratched part of the car. Hearing the words, Zhang Yu bowed at once and thanked Li Hao sincerely.

The heartwarming moment didn’t end there. Li Qiang was the boss of the factory where Li Hao worked. After hearing what had happened, he was also deeply moved. He told the story to his workers and announced (宣布), “It is great that Li Hao didn’t ask Zhang Yu to pay, and I would like to help her to complete her college education.”

During the following three years, Zhang Yu made great efforts to study and took an active part in different activities to develop her abilities with the help of Li Qiang. By the time she left college, she had been an excellent student. Having competed(竞争) with many others, she got a job at Li Qiang’s factory. That excited her most.

One good turn deserves another.


1.Where was Zhang Yu from?_______________________________

2.Why did Zhang Yu decide to wait for the owner of the car?


3.How did Zhang Yu feel when Li Hao saw her?


4.Who helped Zhang Yu complete her college education?


5.Did Zhang Yu get a job after she left the college?


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