Tuesday, Jan. 6, 9: 50 p.m.

We are sitting in our warm living room; the TV is running; everything is peaceful. Our back yard is brightly lit(照亮的), as if somebody turns on floodlights! Suddenly the light goes out. Then everything goes black. We find the flashlight and some candles and go to bed.

Wednesday, Jan. 7, 7: 30 a m.

My first thought after waking up is that it is very cold in the bedroom. Clearly, the power has not come back on. After I look out of the window, I feel even more depressed because it is still raining heavily. The temperature in the house has gone down to 10 degrees. Although that isn’t too bad, we have no idea when the power will come back on. So Ron lights a fire in the fireplace.

Thursday, Jan 8, 12: 30 p. m.

It has started to snow. The poor trees, which are already bent(弯曲的)under the ice, now have to carry the weight of snow. Ron comes back home, as there is no power in his office. What’s more, the storm is supposed to last until Saturday morning.

Friday, Jan 9, 6: 00 p. m.

Still no power. Even though we have lit a series of candles, it is difficult to do anything in their weak light. I am sitting beside several candles, but I am having trouble reading.

Saturday, Jan. 10, 1: 00 p. m

I take the car to go on a search for a store. The destruction along the roads is sad: everywhere, trees have been broken and the traffic light is out of order. I buy something like bread, some fruit, more drinking water and cat food.

Monday, Jan 12, 9: 46 p. m.

Suddenly the alarm system(警报系统) goes off and the fridge and the answering machine come on. After so many days, the power has come back on!

1.What did the writer do after the light went out on Tuesday?

A.She went to bed. B.She looked out of the window.

C.She took the car to a store. D.She turned on the fridge.

2.What do the underlined words “more depressed” mean in English?

A.Happier. B.Sadder. C.More careful. D.More humorous.

3.What did Ron do to help the writer?

A.He bought a lot of things. B.He took her out for dinner.

C.He tried to make her warm. D.He tried to turn the power on.

4.Why did the writer say it was hard to do anything on Friday?

A.Because the power kept turning on and off.

B.Because the flashlight batteries had run out.

C.Because the candlelight was not bright enough.

D.Because the temperature in the house was too low.

5.Why does the writer write the diary?

A.To tell us an interesting story. B.To encourage us to look after ourselves.

C.To explain how to be safe. D.To introduce a disaster.


To celebrate her friend's birthday,Judy drove from a small town to Portland. She parked her car in a paid garage overnight. The next morning,she 1. that the car's window had broken. 2. her backpack and computer were gone. Everything important to her was on that computer. She felt 3. . Judy was twenty-one years old. She was studying to become a doctor. So everything on her computer was very important to her.

Two days later,Mario had been approached by a man who said he had a 4. for sale. It only cost $200. He was 5. exchange student from the United Arab Emirates. He had been in the United States for only a year. He needed a computer,so he bought it and took it home,and turned it 6. .Within seconds,he saw files and photographs.

He realized that the computer could be stolen. Mario tried to find out the owner's phone 7. and call it. Mario told Judy that he had her computer. Mario told her the story and said it was his fault. She thought it was a scam. So she told him 8. he really had the computer,he should take it to the police. "

Soon after,a police officer called Judy to say that a man had dropped the computer off and had said he was sorry. Judy called and thanked Mario. He insisted on paying Mario a reward of $200. But Mario 9. and said that it was his mistake to buy the computer from 10. he didn't know. It was his honor and duty to return the property to the rightful owner. He thought that's the most important thing for him.

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