

You and your parents can stop worrying- Edison, Pasteur, Darwin and many others were far from being "bright boys " when they were under twenty. Some of them, in the eyes of their teachers, were day- dreamers or slow pupils. So, young men or women, if you have the same experience, don' t fed disappointed.

It is always the case that parents prefer giving mere inspiring examples to encourage their children. If you take piano lessons and are not practicing hard, your parents might justly complain and show you the famous picture of little Mozart in his night- shirt, playing the piano at midnight. But the fact is that he didn’t appear to have much talent(才干)for music when he was quite young. It was not until 22 that Mozart suddenly became fired with a great liking(爱好)for music.

In the sciences, there have been thousands of people who showed great interest in certain subjects from their earliest years, and hundreds who had no idea of what they would do in the future. The well-known French chemist Pasteur displeased his parents because Louris did nothing but drew pictures and went fishing. Pasteur was twenty years old before he showed any interest in science. You have the Wright brothers, who showed great talent in engineering when they were quite young. And you have Thomas Edi-son, whose teacher tried to get him out of the class because his brain was often confused. You have the Nobel Prize Physicist Enrico Fermi, who at 17, had read enough mathematics for a doctor's degree. But there is also Charles Darwin, who hated to go to school when he was young. His farther was once so angry and shouted, "You care for nothing but shooting dogs and rat - catching. You will put your parents to shame."

So who knows what might happen in the future? It is, of course, better for the young people to know what they want to do in life . But they needn’t despair if they don ' t . There is still plenty of time and it’s never too later for success.

1. Before the age of 20, Pasture, Darwin and Edison__________.

A. were very interested in their future work .

B. were far from showing their talents .

C. showed early promise(有成功的希望)

D. failed in school.

2. To encourage their children parents are likely to give them__________

A. very excited examples        

B. real examples

C. some false examples          

D. extremely(非常) good examples

3. At the age of 22 Mozart________

A. was accidentally wounded by a fire 

B. suddenly become a great musician

C. started to play the piano at midnight  

D. became greatly interested in music

4. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A. Most successful adults are failures before the age of 22.

B. Early schooling is not important for later success.

C. People who show no signs of great talent when they are young might turn out to be greatly successful as adults.

D. People who show signs of great success when they are young might turn out to be failures as adults.

5. Young people should not despair (丧失信心) if they are not successful because________.

     A. Edison and Darwin were not bright when young

     B. they have more years to live than adults

     C. they still have a lot of time to work for it

     D. no one can tell what might happen in the future


When I was six, I went to a public school. In the school I was  1  the other kids because of my speech and reading problems. All the kids would say, "You are a fool (傻瓜), you are a fool," and so on. I thought they were  2  because all my grades (成绩) show it. I had no  3.

   During the first  4  years of the public school, I was small and clumsy (笨拙的). In the sixth grade, I became interested in  5  . The class had its own sports day every year. Each class would have its own  6  to play against each other. I went out for all of the teams, I was not the best  7  I was not bad. The only thing that I could do was to run  8  . This surprised the other kids  9   I was so clumsy, and then came a lot of more nicknames (绰号) from the kids. I didn't know why they were doing this, and it really  10  me.

   Between the seventh and eighth grade, I started to  11  . In three months, I grew seven inches. At the start of eighth grade, I began to play  12 . I was much bigger than everybody else. I was  13  than most of the backs (后为) we played against. The other team would not run the ball towards me because of my great speed. It was the  14  time that I was really good at  15  and knew it in my life. It was a new feeling of pride.                               

1. A. before       B. between       C. behind        D. among

2. A. wrong       B. right          C. silly          D. noisy

3. A. surprise      B. friendship     C. interest       D. confidence

4. A. five         B. six           C. seven         D. eight

5. A. studies      B. music         C. programs      D. sports

6. A. books       B. singers        C. teams         D. players

7. A. and         B. or            C. but           D. then

8. A. slowly      B. fast           C. hard          D. quietly

9. A. if           B. though        C. because       D. when

10. A. hurt         B. filled         C. frightened     D. encouraged

11. A. fight        B. play          C. grow         D. sing

12.A. ping-pong    B. football       C. volleyball     D. yo-yo

13. A. taller        B. harder        C. cleverer       D. faster

14. A. first         B. second        C. third          D. last

15. A. everything    B. something     C. anything      D. nothing

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