
     Bill likes football very much, and he often goes to matches in our    1    on Sundays. He doesn't go to the best seats,
   2    they are very    3   .
     There was a big football match in our town last Sunday.    4    it was very cloudy, but then the sun    5   , and it was
very hot.
     There were a lot of people on benches    6    Bill at the match. Bill was on one bench and there    7    a fat man on a
bench behind him. At first the fat man was cold,    8    then he was very hot.  He took his coat off and put it in front of
him, but it fell on Bill's head. Bill was not angry. He took the coat    9    his head, looked at it and then. laughed and said,
"Thank you. but    10    are the trousers?"
(     )l. A. village    
(     )2. A. so          
(     )3. A. dear        
(     )4. A. At that time
(     )5. A. went down  
(     )6. A. in front of
(     )7. A. was        
(     )8. A. or          
(     )9. A. away        
(     )10.A. how
B. town    
B. if      
B. cheap  
B. Then    
B. was away
B. behind  
B. had    
B. but    
B. from    
B. when
C. country        
C. because        
C. nice          
C. The first      
C. came out      
C. around        
C. was going to be
C. and            
C. on            
C. whose
D. home    
D. but      
D. high    
D. At first
D. came down
D. near    
D. would be
D. so      
D. off      
D. where
1-5 BCADC   6-10 CABDD
     Bill was a newspaper boy. He went from house to house    1    the day's papers to the neighbors.
Each week he went to get his    2   . Bill kept a little book. In the book he wrote down who    3    him
and who did not. Bill was keeping a record (记录)
     Men have been keeping records    4    very early time. How did they do this before they learned to
write? Sometimes they made knots (打结) in different colored strings (绳子).Indians in South America
kept records in this    5  .
     Today we have machines for    6    and keeping records. Do you go to the grocery store? Does it
have a cash register?
     The cash register keeps records. It adds up the things you    7   . It tells how much is sold in the
store everyday.
     Many places have machines called computers. They    8    computers to keep all the records.
Computers are   9   than knots in strings. Someday men may use _10   even better than computers.
(    )1. A. buying  
(    )2. A. cost  
(    )3. A. took   
(    )4. A. before  
(    )5. A. time    
(    )6. A. counting  
(    )7. A. buy  
(    )8. A. let  
(    )9. A. worse  
(    )10. A. machines
B. bringing
B. job    
B. spent    
B. from    
B. place    
B. numbering  
B. want    
B. use    
B. slower  
B. something  
B. bringing
B. job    
B. spent    
B. from    
B. place    
B. numbering  
B. want    
B. use    
B. slower  
B. something  
D. bought    
D. papers    
D. paid      
D. by        
D. message  
D. getting  
D. lend      
D. make      
D. bigger    
D. someplace

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