
     In a small village called Ban Lie in Guangxi Lu An’ke is quite popular. In fact,his real name is Eckart Loewe.

     In the early 1990s,Loewe traveled to China for the first time and became interested in the country. In 1997,he started working as a volunteer teacher in different schools.

His teaching methods are different from Chinese teachers. ( A) Loewe hardly uses textbooks in his classes. Instead,he uses other teaching methods. For example,to teach his students about the spirit of teamwork,he asked them to paint a picture together.

    Some students painted first. Others found there was not enough space left for them, (B) 但是他们可 以改变图画。

The students who painted first had to agree that their drawings might be changed. It might hurt them,but in their future lives,there will be a lot of things that they cannot finish alone and they have to work with others.

    Loewe is very popular with the kids. There are often many kids around him,and they like to play with him. He says ,“I'm doing what I really like. ”


任务一:将(A) 处的句子翻译成汉语。

任务二:将(B) 处的句子翻译成英语。


3. What does Loewe think a student should do if he can't finish his task by himself?

任务四:从短文中找出能表现洛伊喜欢他的教学工作 的话。



本文讲述了一位德国志愿者在中国任教的故事。洛伊 在第一次来中国旅行时就喜欢上了中国,自1997年他就开 始在中国任教了。他的课与其他老师的课有很大的区别,他 几乎从不用课本,但他的课很成功。


1. 洛伊在课堂上几乎不使用教科书。

2. but they could change the pictures.

3. He should work with others. 由第四段的最后一句可

知,如果一个学生不能独立完成一项任务,他应当与他人 合作。

4. Pm doing what I really like.由最后一句可知,洛伊说


method 方法 spirit 精神


The students who painted first had to agree that their drawings might be changed.第一批作画的学生不得不同意他 们的图画可能会被修改。


that their drawings might be changed 是一个宾语从句,前面的 who painted first 是一个定语从句,修饰students。


   As children,we think that gifts in small packages are less important. The larger a gift box is,the more we 1 it. On birthdays we always 2 what a large gift package holds inside for us. We shake the package and listen to the sound of the things inside carefully. If there is no 3 ,we might think that the package is full of clothes一very 4 if we really want toys.

    Good things come in 5 packages. The world shows its treasures (珍宝) to us not only in big things like planets,but also in little things. Let's take a diamond (钻石) for example. It is small,but 6 .

   It takes years to create a diamond and it is one of nature's hardest things. More 7,parents consider their children as small packages. But inside the packages,there are priceless (无价的) gifts — 8 As we move on in life,when we 9 others,we always try to get to know them by listening to what they say 10 making further studies. This is just like when we shake a package and listen to the sound inside it.

1. A. buy   B. want

   C. take   D. throw

2. A. wonder   B. open

   C. ask   D. put

3. A. money   B. clothes

   C. food   D. sound

4. A. excited   B. disappointed

   C. annoyed   D. embarrassing

5. A. large   B. light

   C. bright   D. small

6. A. priceless   B. beautiful

   C. shiny   D. heavy

7. A. carelessly   B. actually

   C. personally   D. successfully

8. A. toys   B. books

   C. love   D. wishes

9. A. trouble   B. need

   C. help   D. meet

10. A. before   B. after

   C. when   D. as

   A girl named Jo Hale has won her battle against the school rules. What was the battle about? It's about whether students should wear pants at school.

  Jo Hale is fourteen years old and is a student at Whickham High School in the northeast (东北) of England.

   Jo wore pants when she was at her elementary school (/j、学) ,but she wasn't allowed to wear them when she went to Whickham. Jo was unhappy because she was cold in a skirt in winter,but the school didn't change its rules about uniforms (校服) . Jo said, “If you are in class doing your work,what difference does it make if you are wearing pants?”

  Jo's mother,Claire,is a professor at the University of Leeds. She contacted (耳关络) the school because she thought the rules were unfair. “The female (女性的) teachers can wear pants but the students can't,” she said. “Pants are warmer in winter and cheaper to wear than a skirt. ”

    Finally the school changed the rules. Now Joe and the other girls at Whickham are allowed to wear pants. Jo says that she's “delighted” .

1. Jo Hale has won her battle about whether students should .

   A. wear skirts at school

   B. wear pants at school

   C. study at home

   D. design their own uniforms

2. Why did Jo feel unhappy when she went to Whickham?

   A. Because she has no good friends.

   B. Because she didn't have money to buy pants.

   C. Because the school didn't allow students to wear pants.

   D. Because her teacher didn't like her very much.

3. Jo's mother,Claire thought .

   A. the school rules were reasonable

   B. the school rules were not fair

   C. the female teachers shouldn’t wear pants

   D. the pants cost more than skirts

4. What does the underlined word “delighted” mean in Chinese?

   A. 沮丧的   B. 失望的

   C. 高兴的   D. 惊讶的

5. The passage shows us that .

   A. Jo Hale is a student at a school in the northwest of England

   B. Jo Hale could wear pants at the elementary school

   C. the school didn't change their rules about uniforms

   D. Claire and Jo Hale said sorry to the school about the battle

Dear Anna Peterson,

   I'm having some troubles now. I ever did well in my study before. But now I find it difficult to concentrate on (集中精力) it. Even when I'm in school,in the quiet classroom and when the teacher is speaking in class,I can't concentrate. I don't think about anything;my mind goes nothing. And sometimes I think about something. It could be anything,say a movie. And then I act like one of the characters (人物) ,and I do this everywhere. I don't even realize what I'm doing till something gets my attention and pulls me back to my real life.

    I can't always remember the important things my teacher says,because I write too slowly. I'm not good at writing and I usually hand in my homework late because I put off doing it until the last minute. So I often have to find different excuses to tell my teacher why I didn't do my homework. I'm sure I'm going to fail my final exam in late January. I'm behind other students now and I don't know how to catch up with them. But there is only one month left,you know. I am worried all day,and I know this won’t be helpful for me at all. I get distracted (分心的) really easily.

    My life has changed a lot. Can you help me?


                                         Mel Barnes

1. From the letter we can see that needs great help.

   A. Anna Peterson

   B. Mel Barnes

   C. Mel Barnes’ friend

   D. Anna Peterson and Mel Bames

2. We can believe that Anna Peterson may be a

   A. father   B. doctor

   C. student   D. hotline host

3. Mel Bames likes now.

   A. working hard at school

   B. doing sports in his spare time

   C. having a daydream in his mind

   D. doing housework at home

4. Mel Bames wrote to Anna Peterson .

   A. in early December   B. in late December

   C. in late January   D. in late February

5. According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?

   A. Mel was good at his study before.

   B. Mel can't remember the important things in class now.

   C. Mel didn't get through his final exam in January.

   D. Mel's life has changed a lot.

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