It was at least two months before Christmas when nine-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bicycle. As Christmas was nearer, her dream for a bicycle seemed to fade (消退). We bought her a lovely doll, and a doll house. Then, much to our surprise, on December 23rd, she said that “I really want a bike more than anything else.”

It was just too late. With such a lot of preparations to do for the Christmas dinner, we did not have the time to buy our little girl a bike. On Christmas Eve around 9:00 p.m., Almie and her six-year-old brother, Dylan, were sleeping in their beds. Now we could only think of the bicycle and the sadness of our child. “What if I make a little bicycle out of clay (泥) and write a note that she could exchange the clay bike for a real bike?” her dad asked. So he spent the next four hours making a small clay bike.

On Christmas morning, we were excited to wait for Almie to open the little gift box with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note. Finally, she opened it and read the note aloud. “Does this mean that I can exchange this bike that Daddy made me for a real one?” I said, “Yes.” Almie had tears in her eyes when she replied, “I could never exchange this beautiful bicycle that Daddy made me. I want to keep this instead of getting a real bike.” At that moment, we would have moved heaven and earth (竭尽全力) to buy her every bicycle in the world.

1.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.The parents wanted the girl to have the clay bike forever.

B.Tears were in the girl’s eyes because she didn’t like the present at all.

C.The girl never lost her dream for a bike.

D.The parents cared little about the daughter’s dream for a bike.

2.Why did Dad make the clay bicycle?

A.He didn’t want to make his daughter sad. B.He wanted to buy a real one, but had no money.

C.He thought his daughter would like it. D.He wanted to give his daughter a surprise.

3.Choose the right order of the following events:

a. The girl asked for a new bike.

b. The girl opened the little gift box.

c. The parents bought the girl a modern and popular doll.

d. The father made the girl a bike with clay.

e. The girl want to keep the clay bike instead of getting a real one.

A.a,b,c,e,d B.a,c,d,b,e C.a,c,b,d,e D.a,b,d,c,e

4.Which do you think is the best title for the story?

A.A Lovely Little Girl B.A Great and Serious Father

C.A Clay Bike D.Christmas Shopping


Mr.Smith is fifty years old.He began to teach in a middle school twenty-six years ago.He works hard and always comes to his office on time.He expects his students to be honest and is strict with them.Some of his students become famous people,but they still remember him and often write to him.Of course the old man is proud of it.

This term he began to teach Grade One.Some of the new students were told about him,but the others didn’t know him well.He told them how to be an honest person.He gave them several examples and said,“I hate telling a lie most.”

Before class was over,he told all his students to finish Exercise 8 in Unit 1.The next morning,as soon as he came into the classroom,he asked,“Who’s finished Exercise 8?”

A few students put up their hands.He shook his head and said,“Open your workbooks and see whether there’s Exercise 8 in Unit 1 or not?”

The students had a look at their workbooks and their faces turned red at once.

1.How long has Mr.Smith taught in the middle school?

A. For fifty years.

B. For twenty-six years.

C. For twenty years.

D. For thirty-six years.

2.What is Mr.Smith proud of?

A. All students are honest.

B. He teaches math very well.

C. His students often write to him.

D. He is strict with the students.

3.Mr.Smith told his students

A. how to study hard

B. not to tell a lie

C. how to be famous

D. not to be late for class

4.Why did Mr.Smith tell his students to finish Exercise 8 in Unit 1?

A. Because he wanted to know if they were honest.

B. Because Exercise 8 was very easy for them.

C. Because he wanted them to do more exercises.

D. Because the students could do it well.

5.The students felt when Mr.Smith found them telling a lie.

A. angry B. happy C. bored D. sorry

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