



1.What time is the second train to London?




2.Where is this conversation probably taking place?

A.At a police station.

B.In the lost and found department.

C.On the phone.

3.What does the man say about September in his country?

A.It’s cold.

B.It’s rainy.

C.It’s very pleasant.

4.What can we learn from this conversation?

A.The woman does not want to go to the movies.

B.The man is too tired to go to the movies.

C.The woman wants to go to the movies.

5.How much money will the man have after he buys the tickets?

A.$ 9.

B.$ 4.

C.$ 1.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.Why does the man want to buy some records of Julian Bream?

A.Because he broke the same ones.

B.Because he has to return them to his cousin.

C.Because it can’t be found in Canada.

7.Where does the shop assistant find the records?

A.In the window.

B.On the shelf.

C.Under the shelf.


8.What’s the man’s first name?




9.Who is Mrs.Morrison?

A.The woman’s husband.

B.The woman’s father.

C.The woman’s aunt.

10.How long has the man studied and worked in Canada?

A.For two years.

B.For three years.

C.For five years.


11.How did the woman keep in touch with her family?

A.By letter.

B.By computer.

C.By telephone.

12.What does the man suggest the woman doing?

A.Learning how to use the Internet.

B.Talking with people online.

C.Making friends all over the world.

13.What is the man most interested in?

A.Discussing problems.


C.Word processing.


14.Why was it a terrible journey?

A.The driver was frozen in the wind.

B.The dogs became blind in the snow.

C.The snow was heavy and the wind was strong.

15.How did the driver try to keep the dogs warm?

A.By building fires.

B.By making them run.

C.By tying skins about them.

16.Who are the main characters in the passage?

A.The drivers.

B.The dogs.

C.The medical workers.

17.What is the story about?

A.A trip to save human lives.

B.How to keep warm in Alaska.

C.The danger of an Alaska snow and wind.


18.What problem does the woman have?

A.She wants to know if she can take a certain course.

B.She wants to know the requirements for the course.

C.She can’t find the housing office.

19.What do we know about Registration Office and General Housing Office?

A.They are in the same office.

B.They are both open at the same time.

C.They are in the same building.

20.What will the man probably do next?

A.Connect the woman’s line to the General Housing Office.

B.Call a staff from the Housing Office.

C.See if there are any openings.


Text 1

  M:Excuse me.What time is the first train to London?

  W:8∶30, but you can’t catch this train.There is one every thirty minutes.

Text 2

  M:Good evening.City Police Station.Can I help you?

  W:Oh hello.I’d like to report a stolen briefcase, please.

  M:Just a minute and I’ll put you through.

  Text 3

  W:I’ve been wondering what sort of clothes my husband and I are going to need for our visit.What’s the weather usually like in your country in September?

  M:It’s not very pleasant, I’m sorry to say.Generally, there are more rainy days in September than in any other month, but at least it’s not very cold there then.

Text 4

  M:Mary, would you like to go to the movies with me after dinner?

  W:Well, I’ll go if you really want me to.But I’m rather tired.

Text 5

  M:I have only $10.Is it enough for 3 tickets?

  W:Well, you can buy 3 $2 tickets or 3 $ tickets, whichever you prefer.

  M:I’ll take the cheaper seats, please.

Text 6

  W:Good afternoon.

  M:Good afternoon.Have you got any records of modern guitar music?

  W:We’ve got a lot of them.Which ones are you looking for?

  M:I’m looking for some records by Julian Bream.I saw them in your window last week.

  W:Excuse me, aren’t you American?

  M:No, I’m Canadian, once I had these records, but I broke them.

  W:What happened?

  M:They were in my suitcase.I sat on my case and broke the records.Mr cousin told me about your shop.I came here last week and saw the records.

  W:Let’s look for the records.I put some new ones in the window yesterday.I took the Bream records out and I put them on the shelf.Yes, the records are here.

  M:I see.They’re four pounds and fifty pence.

Text 7

  W:I’m Kate’s cousin.My name’s Penny Conway.

  M:Of course Mrs.Morrison is your aunt.She told me about you.Your mother lives near Plymouth, doesn’t she?

  W:Yes, that’s right.

  M:Your father works for the government, and you work in a television studio.

  W:You know about me, don’t you?But you’re not Canadian, are you?

  M:No, I was studying and working in Canada for two years.I enjoyed myself there.I was living very near the Morrisons.They were very kind to me.But I must tell you my name.I’m Michael Anderson.

  W:How do you do?Please take your coat off and sit down, Mr.Anderson.

  M:Don’t call me Mr.Anderson.Everybody calls me Mike.First names are more friendly than surnames, aren’t they?

  W:Yes, they are.Would you like some coffee, Mike?

  M:Thank you.

Text 8

  M:Well, you could use e-mail to keep in touch with your family and your friends back in Italy

  W:I know, I know but to tell the truth, I’d rather talk to them by phone.It’s more personal that way.

  M:But seriously, Anna, there are lots of other things you can do with a computer besides word processing and e-mail.

  W:Yes, like what?

  M:Well, first of all, there’s the Internet, of course.

  W:Yes, I know, you seem to be online all the time.What do you do, surf the net?

  M:Sometimes.But mostly I use the Internet to get information about things I’m interested in and to talk with people all over the world about music.It’s very convenient.

  W:It sounds good.Well, thanks for talking with me, Jack.

Text 9

  When the people in far-away parts of Alaska were dying because they did not have the medicine for a throat disease, men decided to get them using dog teams.It was a terrible journey through blinding snow and freezing wind.The driver tied skins about the dogs to keep them warm, but the wind cut through and nearly froze them as they ran.The dogs breathed so much of the icy air that it injured their lungs.But they struggled on until they reached the town with the medicine and saved the people’s lives.These dogs were real heroes.Had it been today, the medicine would have been sent in a few hours.

Text 10

  M:You have reached the number of the Student Registration Office.If you want to reach the Admissions Office press 1 now.For general information press 2 now Good morning Admissions Office.Can I help you?

  W:Yes, my name’s Terry and I’m interested in finding out whether History 107 has been filled yet.

  M:Do you know the official registration code number for that class?

  W:I think it is HIS 107 BC3 if I’m not mistaken.

  M:OK, good and may I ask if you have all the right pre-requisites for the course, because there are some listed here.

  W:Yes, I’m quite sure of that.

  M:Right then Hmm it says that the class is full.You could check back in a couple of weeks.It will probably open up by that time.

  W:Yeah, I could try to talk to some people and see if they might drop it.

  M:Well, but you do realize that there’s a waiting list.And that means that you’d have to wait for your turn to come up.So, if your fiends drop it, there is no guarantee you’ll be officially registered on that course.

  W:I get you.Well, one more question.Is the General Housing Office on the same floor as the Registration Office?

  M:Yes, in fact I’ve got the number, so if you’d like I can connect you.Just hold the line and I will put you through.

  W:Thanks.That should save me a coin or two.


第一部分 听力理解(一道大题,共25分)

























6.Where will the dinner party be held?

A.At Helen's.

B.At Paul's.

C.At Brown's.

7.Why can't Helen go to the party?

A.She is seriously ill.

B.She doesn't like dinner parties.

C.She has to stay at home.


8.What did Marco do yesterday?

A.He worked with Steve.

B.He went boating in the park.

C.He went fishing in the river.

9.What do we know about Steve?

A.He wanted to study at Cambridge before.

B.He is now studying at Harvard.

C.He has no interest in business.


10.What are they going to buy?

A.A shirt.

B.A skirt.

C.A dress.

11.What color does Peter prefer?

A.Red color.

B.Light color.

C.Dark color.

12.Why doesn't Kate like the light color one?

A.Easy to get dirty.

B.Too small.

C.Very expensive.


13.What happened to the man?

A.He didn't go home last night.

B.He was angry with his friend.

C.His wife was angry with him.

14.Why did the man come home late last night?

A.He had a lot of work to do.

B.He met an old friend.

C.He went to look for Lily.

15.What did Lily ask the man to do?

A.To come back home early.

B.To bring his friend home.

C.To have a heart to heart talk.


16.________ suggest that students should have 9 hours’ sleep every night.




17.What can cause problems in a student's study?

A.Quarreling with their parents.

B.Arriving late for class.

C.Falling asleep in class.

18.Most students feel nervous and forgetful because ________.

A.they worry about their studies

B.they don't get enough sleep

C.they often get lower grades

19.When should many students go to sleep?

A.After 12 am.

B.Before 11 pm.

C.At about 9 pm.

20.Most students go to bed late because ________.

A.there may be too much noise in his room

B.there may be a parent in his room

C.there may be a computer in his room


第一部分 听力







第二节 根据你所听到的句子,选出正确答语.每个句子听两遍.(共10个小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

6.A.I have a sore throat.

B.My nose is big.

C.His bike is broken.

7.A.I will drink a glass of water.

B.That sounds like a good idea.

C.I will listen to you.

8.A.You should drink a lot of water.

B.You should see a dentist.

C.You should drink some hot tea with honey.

9.A.The medicine didn't cost much.

B.He has to take the medicine in the afternoon.

C.Twice a day after meals.

10.A.About two days ago.

B.Three times a week.

C.In two days.

11.A.I'm visiting my grandmother.

B.I'm playing football now.

C.I did nothing.

12.A.In a week.

B.Two weeks ago.

C.For a month

13.A.He is visiting his parents.

B.He is going on Sunday.

C.He is going with Mike.'

14.A.I'm leaving for Chicago.

B.I'm leaving at nine o'clock.

C.I'm leaving from Tokyo at nine o'clock.

15.A.Great!Let's go.

B.Enjoy yourself.

C.That's good advice

第三节 听对话,回答问题.每段对话听两遍.(共10个小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


16.Why did the woman call the police?

A.She was in trouble.

B.She was in danger

C.An accident happened.

17.What was the matter?

A.Donna got lost.

B.Two men fought on the road.

C.A car hit a man.


18.How many kinds of things did the woman need?




19.How much milk should the man get?

A.A gallon.

B.Half a gallon.

C.Two gallons.


20.________ will hold a party at 201 Dongfeng Road.



C.Someone else

21.The party will begin at 7∶00 ________.

A.this Saturday afternoon

B.next Sunday evening

C.next Saturday night

22.The guests were asked to bring ________ to the party.

A.the invitation




23.The woman was ________.

A.in a bookstore

B.in a computer store

C.in a food shop

24.The woman came to ________.

A.get the book she had ordered

B.tell the owner her name

C.see if the books were on sale

25.The book the woman ordered arrived ________.

A.yesterday morning

B.this morning

C.a moment ago

第四节 听对话两遍,完成下面的信息表格.(共5个小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

26.A.July 2nd

B.June 2nd

C.June 1st






C.Tsinghua University




30.A.the woman's

B.the women's

C.the women




1.Which is Jim’s house?

2.How did the boy sleep last night?

3.What are on the table?

4.How does Limei go to school every day?

5.Where does the boy’s father work?



6.A.At a bus stop

B.At an airport

C.At a train station

7.A.Next to a supermarket.

B.Next to a post office.

C.Next to a bank

8.A.On Tuesday morning

B.On Thursday morning

C.On Saturday morning

9.A.By car.

B.By bus.

C.By train.

10.A.Under the table.

B.On the chair

C.Under the window




11.What is the girl doing now?


B.Watching a game.

C.Writing a letter.

12.What do we know about the boy’s computer?

A.It’s old

B.It’s slow

C.It’s being mended.

13.Why does the girl often go to the library?

A.To do her part-time job

B.To meet her friends.

C.To waste the time.


14.When is their mother’s birthday?

A.May 10.

B.May 11.

C.May 12.

15.What will they buy as a present for their mother?

A.A pair of shoes.

B.A handbag.

C.A cake.

16.Where will Sam wait for Mary after class?

A.At the school gate.

B.In the classroom.

C.On the playground.


17.What was the weather like that day?




18.What was Tim doing when he met the speaker at first?

A.Having a holiday.

B.Studying abroad.

C.Going on a business trip.

19.Where does the speaker come from?




20.What was the relationship between the speaker and Tim later?

A.Good friends.

B.Husband and wife.


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