Music is something that every person has his or her own opinion about. Different people have different tastes, and various types of music have many ways of leaving an effect on someone. It can be relaxing, angering, soothing (抚慰的), energizing, and many more.

There are so many types of music out there today. Rap, pop, rock, country, indie, alternative, hardcore are some of the abundant (丰富的) types in the world. Music sends out either good or bad messages that have big impacts on how people act. People usually become friends with others who have the same taste in music as the rest of the people they hang out with. People may not want to associate with people who have different tastes in music because they’ll argue about what they think is better, but they are just their own opinions.

Rap and Rock music are two very important types of music in the world. They both send out different messages and help kids. The lyrics sung or rapped by the artists can be things going on in their own personal lives, and people with the same types of problems can listen to them so they know their hopes and people like this out there in the world. Music can also serve as a catalyst (催化剂) for new ideas. When people listen to the new things out there, they learn different things going on in the world and they become more open-minded.

People can use music to express themselves, in ways it can’t be expressed through behavior, or art. You can usually tell how someone’s feeling by the type of music he or she is listening to at the time. It’s a tool used by many. Groups of people around the world can come together and gather at concerts, shows, and venues to show what their interests and likings are and you see how many people have similar likings as you.

1.How many kinds of music are mentioned in the passage?

A.9 B.8 C.7

2.What can music do EXCEPT __________.

A.sending out messages B.serving as a catalyst C.expressing itself

3.One who likes country and pop music, he may make friends with __________ according to the passage.

A.others that have a same taste.

B.the rest who he argues with.

C.people who like Rap and Rock.

4.From the last paragraph we can learn that __________.

A.every coin has two sides

B.birds of a feather flock together

C.a friend in need is a friend indeed

5.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.What is good music for people.

B.Why do people love music.

C.How music influences people.

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