I have a pet dog. Its name is Dongdong.____________________________________________
年龄 | 性格 | 作息时间 | 能力 | 关系 |
2 | 聪明,友好, 但有时懒惰 | 6:20起床 8:45睡觉 | 会立着行走 会跳舞 会和我一起看电影 | 放学回家时它跟我玩,当我有空时,去遛狗 |
I have a pet dog. Its name is Dong.dong. It’s two. It is friendly and smart. But sometimes it is kind of lazy. It gets up at six twenty and goes to bed at a quarter to nine. It can walk on two legs. It can dance. It can also watch TV with me. When I get home from school, it plays with me. When I am free, I take a walk with my pet dog. We are good friends.
试题分析:本文的写作重在对所列信息的表达到位。首先用简单的句式表达它的名词,年龄,说明它是友好的、聪明的Its name is Dongdong. It’s two. It is friendly and smart.有时它有点懒sometimes it is kind of lazy.起床用gets up表达,在8:45睡觉用goes to bed at a quarter to nine.表达。然后表达它能直立行走walk on two legs,会跳舞can dance和我一起看电影watch movies with me.与我玩耍it plays with me,去遛狗take a walk with my pet dog.最后总结我们是好朋友We are good friends.