
请根据以下要点,以Our school 为题,写一篇短文。要点如下:
1. 学校大而且美丽,它很干净,空气污染较少;有4000多名学生和300多个老师。
2. 老师和同学都很友好,乐于助人。
3. 学校有六幢大楼,我最喜欢食堂,因为可以选择我喜欢的任何食物。在我们学校的右边有一个公园,在星期天,我常和朋友们一起去划船。
4. 学校容易找到:沿着公园路走,第三个路口向右拐,就可以看见我们学校。
注意 1. 不要逐字翻译,要注意句子的连贯性。
2. 要点要全,可适当的发挥。
3. 字数80字左右。

Our school
Our school is big and beautiful, It’s clean and has less air pollution. There are over 4000 students and over 300 teachers here. Our teachers and classmates are all very friendly and helpful. There are six buildings in our school, My favorite place is the dining hall because I can choose any food I like. There is a park on the right of our school. . On Sundays, I often go boating with my friends.
Our school is easy to find. Walk along Park Road, and take the third turning on the right, you will see it.

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