
8.Air pollution is one of thebiggest(big) problems in our life.

分析 翻译:空气污染是我们生活中最大的污染之一.

解答 根据表范围词的"in our life"判断句子应使用最高级,big的最高级需双写g再加est,故答案为:biggest

点评 本题考查形容词的最高级,做此类题的关键是到句中寻找最高级的特征词,如:in,of all,among,one of,the+序数词+最高级

                                Hip-hop Planet
(76)B  Countrieslike France,Brazil and even Japan have their own hip-hop culture.But where did this strange speaking-singing style come from?Many centuries ago,in West Africa,traditional storytellers played musical instruments while they were telling stories.When this tradition travelled from West Africa to the USA,it developed into different musical styles.For example,blues and jazz.
(77)EAnd in the 1970s,there were many poor areas in New York.There wasn't any money for music lessons in schools,so kids made their own music.Teenagers Afrika and DJ Here played their records outside in the streets.Everybody joined in.MCs had rapping(说唱) competitions.Every week,there were talented new dancers,new DJs and new MCs.Hip-hop culture was born.
(78)A It was 1980.I was at a party in New York.There was a young DJ at the party.He was playing records.While he was putting a record on,a kid picked up a microphone(话筒) and begantapping.Some other kids were break-dancing to the music.It was loud and boring,and I
hated it.I preferred jazz.
(79)FToday's successful American artists like Missy and her friend Tim heard it on the radio when they were growing up.
The last time I heard hip-hop,I was in West Africa. (80)C I was going to interview a traditional storyteller when I met a young hip-hop artist,He told me there are hundreds of rap groups in Africa today.We live on a hip-hop planet.
A.I remember the first time I heard hip-hop.
B.You can find hip-hop everywhere you go.
    C.I was writing a book about African-Americans.
D.Many Americans gave music lessons to poor children.
E.These styles all started in poor African-American areas.
F.During the 1980s,hip-hop became popular all over the USA.
G.Some people don't like hip-hop because of its spoken words.

A life decided to eat fruits and greens or one in which you enjoy juicy steak (牛排) and hamburgers, which do you prefer?

It is not a question of culture, it is not even a question of killing animals. Even a carrot dies when pulled out of the ground. It is a matter of the protection of the planet

because our meat eating habits might be stressing (给……压力) our ecological (生态

的) system.

It’s no longer ―might‖, we are destroying our planet.

Most of the meat that we eat comes from livestock, which is about 23 billion in population and causes the waste of our natural resources. Every second of every day one football field size rainforest is destroyed, and much of it is used to farm and raise livestock.

Raising the animals also requires huge quantities (量) of water, mostly to grow

the grains (谷物) fed to them. It takes over 2,000 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef, which can be used for a seven-minute shower every day for a minimums (最小量) of four months. Take your pick: four months without a shower or a hamburger.

Meat has to be cut, cleaned and processed. One doesn’t just buy a cow and start eating it. According to David Pimentel from Cornell University, it takes 20 times more energy to produce beef than tofu, and both have the same good sources of protein (蛋 白质).

The waste from the animals is one of the main causes of water and air pollution. The animal waste cannot be used in the fields because it can spread diseases to humans. In 1995, 25 million gallons of animal waste flowed into the New River in North Carolina, killing 10 million fish and destroying 364,000 acres of coastal (沿海 的) wetlands.

Animal farming also produces larger quantities of greenhouse (温室) gases, such as methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). If your next Christmas is unusually hot or especially cold, blame the steak you ate the night before.

I am not saying that everybody needs to stop eating meat right this minute. I don’t think we can produce enough corns, fruits, and vegetables. I am just saying we need to

cut our meat consumption (消费), 70 grams per day is okay if we want normal weather,

clean air and drinking water.

1.According to the passage, our meat eating habits are a question of .

A.showing the culture B. killing the animals

C. harming the plants D. protecting the planet

2.What does the word ―livestock‖ in Paragraph 4 probably mean .

A.the animals we feed B. the farm growing the grains

C. the supermarket near us D. the factory producing meat

3.From the passage, we can learn that .

A.animal waste should be used for planting

B.we’re destroying the farm to raise animals

C.animal farming produces greenhouse gases

D.we use the same energy to produce beef and tofu

4.According to the passage, the writer thinks we should .

A.try our best to eat less meat every day

B.only eat steak for our health next Christmas

C.eat less vegetables for the clean air and water

D.feed animals instead of planting enough plants

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