A week in the sun relaxing in the beautiful March weather of Varadero, Cuba is a fantastic vacation for anyone. Luckily, my wife, two friends and I had the chance last year.

To see Cuba, you have to talk to the Cubans. Our friends met us at the airport even at 1:00 a.m. which started our trip on a positive note. After a few days at the hotels, we got to know a local tour guide, Victor.

The trip started off on a sunny morning. Our return trip would be along the coastline from Havana, but out trip to Havana would be through the countryside and the small towns. This trip was designed for us to visit the Cuban countryside.

At first Victor brought us to Revolutionary Square, where Fidel Castro made his yearly speech praising the ideas of the revolution.

Our second stop was the Bocoy Rum Factory. We walked through and learned how 5000 bottles of rum(朗姆酒) are produced every day. The smell of rum, and the huge barrels were interesting.

The final stop was the market in Old Havana. Here my wife and I went away from our friends and we toured through this large shopping center. From store to store we saw so many items that all had a clear Cuban feel to them. We bought a picture and some special local things, and then we took off to meet up with Victor.

As a tourist I was able to have a quick look at Cuban life with the help of Cubans. I felt lucky to have the chance. It was an interesting experience in my life.

1.What time did the writer arrive in Cuba?

A.At one o’clock early in the morning B.A few days later

C.A week ago D.At noon

2.What did the writer think of the trip of Cuba?

A.The trip was really boring B.The trip was enjoyable and interesting

C.The trip was exciting. D.The trip was relaxing in the sun

3.How often does Fidel Castro make his speech on Revolutionary Square?

A.Every day B.Every week C.Every year D.Every month

4.How many tourists were there in the tour trip?

A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5

5.Which of the following is NOT true about this article?

A.The tour group went to Cuba in March.

B.Our trip to Havana was along the coastline.

C.Rum Factory can produce 5000 bottles of rum each day.

D.The writer bought some things in Old Havana.

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