
     Monty Roberts was the son of a poor family.  He liked horses.  He had a dream to own a horse ranch ever since he was a little child.
     One day when he was at high school, he was asked to write a paper. It was about what he wanted to
be and do when he grew up.  He worked hard on it,  and  wrote  a  seven-page  paper.  In  the paper he
described his dream of owning a big horse ranch someday.
     The next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he receivcd his paper back. On the front
page was a large red F (fail) with a note that read,  "See me after class. "
     He went to sec the teacher after class and asked, "Why did I receive an F?"
     The teacher answered, "This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you.  You come from a poor
family.  Owning a horse ranch needs a lot of money.   There  is  no way  you  could  ever do it. " Then he
added,  "Write this paper again.  If you  write  it  with a realistic plan, you may receive a better grade. "
     After sitting with it for a week, he turned in the same paper, making no changes at all.  He said to the
teacher, "You can keep the F and l'11 keep my dream. "
     Monty kept his dream and worked very hard.  Today he owns a large horse ranch with a big house
on it, and he keeps that school paper he wrote on the wall of his sitting room.
      Last summer the same school teacher came to visit him. When the teacher was leaving,  he said,  
"Look,  Monty,  when I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer.  It was lucky you hadn't
given up yours. "
      Don't let anyone steal your dream.  Follow your dream, no matter what.
1.What was Monty Robert's dream when he was very young?
2.What did the teacher think of Monty's dream?
3.Did Monty change his dream after hearing his teacher's advice?
4.Where does Monty p the school paper he wrote today?
5.Why did Monty aheve his dream at last?
 1. He had 'a dream to own a horse ranch.
 2. The teacher thought it was an unrealistic dream. / It was unrealistic.
 3. No, he didn't.
 4. On the wall of his sitting room.
 5. Because he kept his dream and worked very hard.


  Mo Yan, a well-known Chinese writer, won the Nobel Prize for literature(文学)in 2012He was also the first Chinese writer who got this prize in historyWhen he was interviewed, he said he was only a normal person who could tell storiesHe especially thanked his motherHe thought his mother had a strong influence on him

  Mo Yan was born in a poor family in China's rural areaWhen he was young, he was a little bit shy because he thought he wasn't good-lookingHis classmates often played jokes on his lookThat made him very upsetHis mother encouraged him to face the fact bravelyShe told him not to look down on(看不起)himselfShe said it didn't matter if a person didn't have a good look and it was important to work hard and never give upShe hoped that his son would be a useful person in society

  Mo Yan didn't let her mother downHe worked hard at writingHe wrote many famous novels, such as Hong Gao Liang(《红高粱》)and Wa(《娃》)His success tells us a truth,Nobody can beat you unless you beat yourself.”Hold on to your dream and your dream will come true in the end


What does Mo Yan do?

[  ]


He is a famous singer


He is a famous actor


He is a famous writer


He is a famous doctor


When did Mo Yan win the Nobel Prize?

[  ]


In 2010


Last year


In 2013


Last month


Why did Mo Yan feel upset when he was a little boy?

[  ]


Because he was poor


Because he couldn't tell stories


Because his classmates often laughed at his look


Because he didn't work hard


What is the most important for a person according to the article?

[  ]


Working hard




A good job


A good look


What can we learn from the story?

[  ]


Mo Yan's classmates were friendly to him


Mo Yan was born in a rich family


Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for peace


Mo Yan's mother helped him a lot

     ①The new film Under the Hawthorn Tree 《山楂树之恋》directed by Zhang Yimou tells the sad story
of the love between Jingqiu and a handsome young man named Laosan.
Before it came out, people was
expected to know what this "pure (纯洁的) beauty"could be. ②Director ZhangYimou complained of how
long it had taken him to find the right girl for the part of Jingqiu-an innocent (纯真的)character.

    ③It was 18-year-old Zhou Dongyu who stood out from the crowd.   According to Zhang, Zhou has
"eyes that are clear like a fountain on a mountainside". Born to a common worker's family, ④the Shijiazhuang
girl was in her final year of high school and working hard for a place in an art college.
     People are impressed with Zhou for a performance that they say is so clear.
     "If you have fair skin and clear eyes, as Jingqiu does, it is easy to look pure. Girls today wear so many
accessories and make-up."said Du Yanlai, 17 of Chengdu.
     While some teenagers consider it difficult to be such a "pure" beauty, others believe that it speaks of
something from hearts
     Mo Diya, 16, of Shenzhen thought that purity isn't a matter of physical beauty but of whether someone
is "easygoing, honest and friendly".
     Purity is all about an innocence that shines through from inside, thinks 16-yaer-old Tan Mengxi of
     "Being pure can be simple, not having different kinds of thoughts and being inexperienced. However, it
doesn't mean a foolish or na?ve person. So, a person is pure in his or her nature if he or she is always active
and able to deal with difficult matters independently. This purity doesn't pass with time," she said.
     Chen Haocheng, 16, from Shanghai, thinks that the love between Jingqiu and Laosan in the movie is also
     "Their love is simple and can last long, without any selfish or material side," he said.
1. 根据①处完成下面的句子。(每空一词)
     The new film Under the Hawthorn Tree ______ ______ directed by Zhang Yimou tells the sad story of
     the love between Jingqiu and a handsome young man named Laosan. 
2 将②处翻译成汉语。
3. 根据③、④补全句子 ,每空一词 。
    Zhou Dongyu from Shijiazhuang was a ______ ______ student when she to act as Jingqiu.
No. 1
                                                 HOUSE TO RENT
     Older house to rent in city center. One bedroom and one kitchen. Near important station.
Buses pass back door.    $ 475 / mo. Phone 332-0178
No. 2
                             WELCOME TO OUR DANCE CLUB
     Free lessons. Every Saturday evening a different lesson every week. Bring your favorite CDs.Call Bridget at: 520-1928
No. 3
                          SWIMMING LESSONS FOR STUDENTS
     New quay Training Centre   July 8~10
                               WORK WANTED
     Strong boy pleased to work in garden or do housework. 3 hours a week. See Tom.
Look at No. 1
     Susan is looking for a house to rent. It doesn't matter how old and how expensive it is. She's
got to study for her exam, so the house must be quiet.
1. Susan doesn't want to rent the house because _____.
A. it's too old                
B. it's too expensive  
C. there is only one bedroom    
D. it's too noisy
Look at No. 2
     Mum: look at that ad for the dance club! The lessons are free. You can join it.
    Daughter: My dear mum! You haven't read it carefully. On Saturday, I have an English lesson
in the morning, an art lesson in the afternoon and maths lesson in the evening. I want some free
2. Why can't the daughter join the club?
A. it's free           
B. it's too expensive
C. she wants to do her homework  
D. she wants to have a rest
Look at No. 3
Mr. Klip's children are going to learn swimming. They'll have a holiday from July 1 to 14.
3. How long will it take the children to learn to swim in the Centre?
A. 3 days    
B. 4 days      
C. 1 week    
D. 2 weeks
Look at No. 4
     Nick has always wanted to work in a garden. He thinks it's an exciting place. It's hard work,
but he can do it.
4. What else does he need to do if he chooses to do the garden work?
A. To help with his lessons.
B. To clean the kitchen and the rooms.
C. To look after the flowers and grass.
D. To do the washing for 3 hours a week.
     We often see planes speed up on the runway and take off at the airport. Can this happen on the water?
Aircraft carriers (航空母舰) make it possible. An aircraft carrier is a type of ship that planes can fly from-and
land on-like an airport on the sea.
      On the foggy mo/'ning of August 10, China's first aircraft carrier began its trial run at Dalian Port in
Liaoning and returned four days later.
     The carrier was at first called the Varyag ("瓦格良"号). It was built in the former Sovriet Union (前苏联).
However, the Soviets failed to complete the ship. China bought the Varyag in 1998 from Ukraine (乌克兰) after
the former Soviet Union collapsed (解体).
     After the first sea trial, China will go on refitting (改装) the ship and doing test work. Building an aircraft
carrier is hard work. There is still a lot to do, such as training pilots.
     Many people remember the aircraft carriers of World War II, a war in which big ships played an important
role. The Japanese attacked the US Navy at Pearl Harbor (珍珠港) in 1941 by surprise with the help of an
aircraft carrier. The Japanese also lost the Battle of Midway (中途岛之战) with the US in 1942 because their
carriers were hit.
      Only nine other countries in the world have aircraft carriers. Some countries consider a Chinese aircraft
carrier a threat. But China's Defense Ministry (国防部) spokesman Geng Yansheng said: "China always sticks
to the road of peaceful development. The aircraft carrier is for protecting national security (安全) and doing
more for world peace."
1. The underlined phrase "trial run" means  _____ in Chinese.
A. 试飞
B. 试航
C. 实施
D. 实验
2. After the first sea trial, China will _______.
a. refit the ship again
b. do a lot of test work
c. sell this aircraft carrier
d. train some pilots
A. abc
B. bcd
C. abd
D. acd
3. The fifth paragraph mainly tells us about _____ of aircraft carriers.
A. the threat
B. the history
C. the disadvantages
D. the importance
4. _____ countries in the world have aircraft carriers.
A. Ten.
B. Nine.
C. Six.
D. Four.
5. We can tell from the story that ______.
A. China's first aircraft carrier was built in Ukraine
B. it took six days for the carrier to finish its first trial
C. China will use the carrier to protect national security
D. a Chinese aircraft carrier is welcome all over the world

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