Jack is a twenty-year-old young man.Two years ago,when he finished middle school,he found work in a shop.Usually he works until ten o’clock in the evening.He is very tired when he gets home.After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep.His grandma who lives downstairs is satisfied with him.
One day,on his way home,he met Mary.They were both happy.He asked the girl to his house,she agreed happily.He bought some fruit and drinks for her.And they talked about their school,teachers, and their future.They talked for a long time.
“Have a look at your watch,please,”said the girl.“What time is now?”
“Sorry,something is wrong with my watch,”said Jack.“Where’s yours?”
“I left it at home.”
Jack thought for a moment and found a way.He began to stamp his foot on the floor,“bang!bang!bang!”
The sound woke his grandma up.The old woman shouted downstairs,“It’s twelve o’clock in the night,Jack.Why are you still jumping upstairs?”
【小题1】Jack was      when he finished middle school.
A.sixteen         B.eighteen        C.twenty    
【小题2】The old woman is satisfied with Jack because     .
A.he’s her grandson             B.he can keep quiet
C.he gets up early
【小题3】From the story,we can know that Mary is Jack’s     .
A.classmate      B.colleague        C.aunt
【小题4】The underlined word“stamp”in the story means      in Chinese.
A.盖印          B.跺             C.贴邮票
【小题5】Jack stamped his foot on the floor in order(为了)     .
A.to make his grandma angry
B.that his grandma was going to tell him the time
C.that his grandma was going to buy him a watch
A sign is another kind of language. Here are some of them that you see on the roads.

Number one is a sign with the number thirty on it. When drivers see this sign , they must not go at more than thirty kilometers can hour. We see this sign when we are getting near a town. Number two is a sign that we're near a crossing. We must drive carefully. Number three is a sign that there is a bend in the road. Again, we must drive slowly and carefully. It is not safe to go round a bend very fast. Number four is a sign that there is another road coming in from the right. There is a junction at this place. Number five is a sign that there is a hill and number six is a sign that the road gets narrow. Drivers must go slowly and carefully. Number seven has the word “ SCHOOL” on it. This is a sign that there is a school at the side of the street or the road. Perhaps there are children going to or leaving school. So drivers must look carefully and go slowly. Number eight is a sign with the letter “ P ” on it. The letter “ P ” means “ Parking ”. At some places, there're the signs “ No parking ” or “ No waiting”. If a driver leaves his car near one of these signs, a policeman may come and write down the number of his car.
【小题1】At the places where you see Sign 1,        .
A.you are already out of a town
B.you still have thirty kilometers to go
C.there must be many houses and buildings not far away
D.there must be a town thirty k8ilometers away
【小题2】The underlined word bend probably means         here.
【小题3】You have to drive not only slowly but also carefully when you find        .
A.each of the eight signs
B.either of Signs 2 and 3
C.all of Signs 2, 4, 6 and 7
D.any of Signs 3, 5, 6 and 7
【小题4】People put these signs on the road in order to        .
A.teach drivers lesson
B.make drivers even safer
C.stop cars going there
D.learn another kind of language
【小题5】Which can be the best title for this message?
A.Another language.
B.On the road.
C.What to do.
D.Traffic signs.
If the eyes are the windows of the soul, then the body is the mirror of our feelings. If we are feeling great, we may give our body signals(信号). If we look at someone else’s body, we can often tell how they are feeling by their body signals. So reading body language signals is a great tool in daily communication.
In case(假使) you don't think that learning how to read and use body language is important, here are some numbers for you. 7% of the information we receive is from what people actually say, and 38% of the information we receive is from the tone(语气) and the speed of their voice; while 55% of the information we receive is from their body language.
These non-verbal(非口头的) signals will help you a lot, but you still need to focus on what people are saying. If you focus too much on their body language signals, you and the person may feel uncomfortable. It is useful to be able to read people’s body language, but it is useful to learn how to send the right signals and avoid the wrong signals too. Body language may be given several interpretations. Many signals have different meanings, depending on the person and the situation. Be sure of it when you are trying to read a body language signal.
【小题1】The numbers mentioned in the second paragraph are to ___________.
A.explain what body language is
B.show the importance of body language
C.tell us body language is less used than verbal language
D.tell us body language is the only tool in communication
【小题2】What is the meaning of the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?
A.Body language is widely used all over the world
B.Body language can be explained in different ways.
C.It’s too hard to understand the meanings of body language
D.People have already looked through many books on body language.
【小题3】According to the writer, body language is very ___________.
A.simple to learnB.negative to be used
C.hard to understandD.helpful in communication
【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Body language is uncomfortable.
B.What people are saying is not important
C.Body language can show your emotion.
D.To send wrong signals is not body language
【小题5】We can infer(推断) that the writer will most probably talk about __________ next.
A.what the wrong body language signals are
B.examples of how to understand body language correctly.
C.numbers about how many people wrongly use body language
D.an analysis (分析) of why people wrongly understand body language

Once there was a grasshopper(蚱蜢), who was the best hopper(跳跃者) in the world. She taught __16__ grasshoppers how to hop. Soon all grasshoppers were hopping well, so she felt very proud.
Then one day an eagle appeared. She immediately decided to teach the eagle how to hop, __17__she was sure that hopping was the key to __18___ . But every time she __19___ the eagle to hop, he just said, “There is no need. You are satisfied with hopping, but I can fly. “
“Stop this silly talking of flying!” screamed the grasshopper. “Flying is__20__ in your imagination. “
The next day, some of the grasshoppers went to talk to the eagle. “How is it that you don’t know how to hop, yet you still talk of flying? It is ___21___our teacher’s orders.”
“Hopping is useful and can make you happy, but when you can fly, it is no longer___22___.” said the eagle.
“Tell us more,” said the grasshoppers.
The eagle began telling them what the world___23___the grass fields was like. It was a world that included mountains, rivers and oceans(海洋).
Then the eagle took one___24___grasshopper in his powerful wings to the sky. The grasshopper could see the mountains, rivers and oceans that the eagle ___25___.
After the eagle landed, he saw a spark (闪光) in the grasshopper’s eyes. The grasshopper told others what he had seen in the sky. Therefore, the grasshoppers dreamt of flying in the sky.

A.anotherB.otherC.othersD.the other
A.asB.andC.orD.because of
A.forB.well withC.against D.down
A.imaginedB.had talkedC.toldD.had described

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