I'll never forget one summer day in 1975. On that day my  1 suddenly died because of an un­explained illness at the age of 36 . Later that afternoon, a police officer  2 to my house to ask for my father's permission ( 允许) for the hospital to  3 Mother' s valve ( 心脏瓣膜) . I was greatly  4 . I ran into the house in tears. At the age of 14 I just couldn't understand why people would take apart(分解) a person I loved. _5  my father told him, "Yes. "
"How can you let them do that to her?" I   6  him.
" Linda," he said__7  , putting his arms around me, " the greatest present you can give is a part of  8 . Your mother and I decided long ago that if we can make a person' s life  9  after we die, our death will have meaning. "
The lesson my father taught me that day became one of the most __10  in my life.
Years passed. I married and had a  11 of my own. In 1996 my father became seriously ill.
With a smile he told me that when he died, he wanted to  12 whatever was in good condition(状况) , especially his eyes.
My father died and we donated __ 13 as he had wanted. Three days later, my daughter said, " Mum, I' m so 14 of what you did for Grandpa. " At that moment I realized that my father gave 15  his eyes. What he left behind sparkled( 闪烁) in my daughter' s eyes— pride.
(   )1.  A. father         B. mother      C. grandma      D. grandpa
(   )2.  A. shouted       B. sent          C. came          D. reached
(   )3.  A. operate       B. use        C. make        D. repair
(   )4.  A. sur­prised    B. interested   C. excited        D. bored
(   )5.  A. So           B. As          C. But         D. And
(   )6.  A. reported       B. said to       C. told        D. cried at
(   )7.  A. quietly        B. happily      C. angrily      D. loudly
(   )8.  A. yourself       B. myself       C. himself      D. herself
(   )9.  A. worse         B. poorer      C. better        D. more helpful
(   )10.  A. wonderful     B. important     C. warm  hearted       D. beautiful
(   )11.  A. room         B. home        C. family      D. house
(   )12.  A. discover      B. show        C. sell         D. donate
(   )13.  A. his heart      B. his eyes       C. his life        D. his ears
(   )14.  A. afraid         B. tired         C. full           D. proud
(   )15.  A. much more than    B. less than   C. many more than  D. as much as

I’ll never forget one summer day in 1975. On that day my  1 suddenly died because of an un­explained illness at the age of 36 . Later that afternoon, a police officer  2 to my house to ask for my father’s permission ( 允许) for the hospital to  3 Mother’ s valve ( 心脏瓣膜) . I was greatly  4 . I ran into the house in tears. At the age of 14 I just couldn’t understand why people would take apart(分解) a person I loved. _5  my father told him, "Yes. "
"How can you let them do that to her?" I   6  him.
" Linda," he said__7  , putting his arms around me, " the greatest present you can give is a part of  8 . Your mother and I decided long ago that if we can make a person’ s life  9  after we die, our death will have meaning. "
The lesson my father taught me that day became one of the most __10  in my life.
Years passed. I married and had a  11 of my own. In 1996 my father became seriously ill.
With a smile he told me that when he died, he wanted to  12 whatever was in good condition(状况) , especially his eyes.
My father died and we donated __ 13 as he had wanted. Three days later, my daughter said, " Mum, I’ m so 14 of what you did for Grandpa. " At that moment I realized that my father gave 15  his eyes. What he left behind sparkled( 闪烁) in my daughter’ s eyes— pride.
(   )1.  A. father         B. mother      C. grandma      D. grandpa
(   )2.  A. shouted       B. sent          C. came          D. reached
(   )3.  A. operate       B. use        C. make        D. repair
(   )4.  A. surprised    B. interested   C. excited        D. bored
(   )5.  A. So           B. As          C. But         D. And
(   )6.  A. reported       B. said to       C. told        D. cried at
(   )7.  A. quietly        B. happily      C. angrily      D. loudly
(   )8.  A. yourself       B. myself       C. himself      D. herself
(   )9.  A. worse         B. poorer      C. better        D. more helpful
(   )10.  A. wonderful     B. important     C. warm  hearted   D. beautiful
(   )11.  A. room         B. home        C. family      D. house
(   )12.  A. discover      B. show        C. sell         D. donate
(   )13.  A. his heart      B. his eyes       C. his life        D. his ears
(   )14.  A. afraid         B. tired         C. full           D. proud
(   )15.  A. much more than    B. less than   C. many more than  D. as much as

l   Last month, some volunteers from Xi’an went to a middle school in the mountain area. They gave away 40 beds, 2 computers and hundreds of books to the students. The school lies deep in the mountains. Students have to live in the school. But the school was too poor to provide beds for them, so they had to sleep on the desks. Thanks to the volunteers, now the students can sleep on their own beds in the school.
l   The Zapps, from Argentina( 阿根廷), began their tour in their old cars several years ago. They travelled to over 40 countries with four kids. Many people wondered what made them travel around the world. They said, “It’s just oue dream, a big dream, from Argentina to the whole world. Thanks to those who supported us during our journey, our dream came true in the end. “Do you want to see your dream come true?” If so, why not start right away?
l   Jack Tsonis and Lindsay Morrison in Sydney decided to do something special on the UN’s International Day of Peace. They both loved peace. They both wanted to break the world record for the longest handshake to bring more love and peace to the world. To break the world record, they needed to shake hands for over 11 hours without a stop. Finally they make it. Their arms hurt a lot, but they were very happy.
【小题1】 The volunteer gave away       to the students.
A.beds and computersB.clothes and books
C.desks and bedsD.beds and bags.
【小题2】 What can we learn from the second story?
A.We can hardly travel around the world if we have an old car.
B.We can travel around the world if nobody helps us.
C.We should realize our dreams if we have lots of money.
D.We should start right away if we want to realize our dream.
【小题3】 Which is TRUE about the men in the last story?
A.It took them less than 11 hours to break the world record.
B.They were happy though they didn’t break the world record.
C.Both of them loved peace.
D.They often shook hands

Text messaging, or simply “texting”, which allows people to send and receive messages on  mobile phones, becomes very popular today.

The advantages of texting are obvious. Texting helps to save money. If you have a few words to greet your families and friends on their birthdays or on some important festivals, sending messages can be cheaper than phone calling. Texting helps to save time. Even if you want to send a message to 100 people, you can do it one second. Texting helps you to “talk” to someone when he is too busy to answer the phone. Texting can also help you to “talk” to someone secretly if you don’t want others to hear what you are talking on the phone. These advantages are so amazing that many people are crazy about it. They hold mobile phones in hands all day long, send dozens of messages each day, and even text while driving or walking.

 However, texting has its disadvantages. Junk messages may come into your mobile phone box now and then. When your phone box gets too full, you can’t receive any more messages. You may therefore miss some important information.

What’s more, if you don’t do texting properly, for example texting while driving or walking, it can be dangerous. It can cause injuries and even death. It was reported that about 6,000 people were killed and half a million were injured for this reason each year. In Fort Lee, a small town in New Jersey, USA, three people died because they walked into traffic while texting in 2011. Two researchers at Stony Brook University, New York found that texters are 60% more probably to have an accident than others. When people are texting, they don’t notice other people or things around them. To reduce traffic accidents, all drivers of the UN are now not allowed to text while driving. About 32 countries have passed laws restricting the use of mobile phones while driving.

Texting is a wonderful way of communication. However, only when we use it properly, can we fully enjoy the fun it brings.

1. How many advantages of texting are mentioned in the passage?

A. Two.       B. Three.        C. Four.      D. Five.

2. What did the researchers at Stony Brook University find?

A. Texting is a good way of communication. 

B. 6,000 people were killed and injured.

C. Texters are easier to have an accident.

D. Many people text to greet families and friends.

3. The underlined word restricting probably means _________.

A. not telling   B. not allowing    C. enjoying   D. making

4. This passage is written to tell us that __________.

A. we should do less texting

B. texting has many advantages

C. texting is better than phone calling

D. we should do texting properly



l   Last month, some volunteers from Xi’an went to a middle school in the mountain area. They gave away 40 beds, 2 computers and hundreds of books to the students. The school lies deep in the mountains. Students have to live in the school. But the school was too poor to provide beds for them, so they had to sleep on the desks. Thanks to the volunteers, now the students can sleep on their own beds in the school.

l   The Zapps, from Argentina( 阿根廷), began their tour in their old cars several years ago. They travelled to over 40 countries with four kids. Many people wondered what made them travel around the world. They said, “It’s just oue dream, a big dream, from Argentina to the whole world. Thanks to those who supported us during our journey, our dream came true in the end. “Do you want to see your dream come true?” If so, why not start right away?

l   Jack Tsonis and Lindsay Morrison in Sydney decided to do something special on the UN’s International Day of Peace. They both loved peace. They both wanted to break the world record for the longest handshake to bring more love and peace to the world. To break the world record, they needed to shake hands for over 11 hours without a stop. Finally they make it. Their arms hurt a lot, but they were very happy.

1. The volunteer gave away       to the students.

A.beds and computers

B.clothes and books

C.desks and beds

D.beds and bags.

2. What can we learn from the second story?

A.We can hardly travel around the world if we have an old car.

B.We can travel around the world if nobody helps us.

C.We should realize our dreams if we have lots of money.

D.We should start right away if we want to realize our dream.

3. Which is TRUE about the men in the last story?

A.It took them less than 11 hours to break the world record.

B.They were happy though they didn’t break the world record.

C.Both of them loved peace.

D.They often shook hands


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