
If you do not use your arms or legs for a long time, they become weak. When you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. But many people do not know that memory works in the same way.

When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it a chance to become strong.

If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault(过错). But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame (负责), and few of us know that it is just his own fault.

Have you ever noticed that some people who can’t read or write usually have better memories? This is because they can’t read or write and they have to remember things with their mind – they can’t write them down in a little notebook. They have to remember days, names, songs and stories, so they are always exercising their memories.

So if you want to have a good memory, learn from those people: practice remembering.

1.Does memory work in the same way as arms and legs?


2.Do your arms and legs become strong or weak when you use them a lot?


3.What do most of us think of the people with poor memories?


4.Why do the people who can’t read or write usually have better memories?


5.What is the main idea of the passage?



When students complete a book, they consider the job of reading done. When they are asked what they have got from the book, quite a few of them can give you some information about the plot(情节). But if we ask them more detailed questions, they have nothing to say. In fact, that is not what a good reader is supposed to do.

To be a good reader, firstly, is to know the background. We need knowledge of the life story of the writer, the culture and society in which the story takes place, Otherwise, it is hardly possible for us to better understand the book or come to realize the theme.

Then, we start to read the book. A good reader will not stop since he has already made a good preparation. He goes through the whole book to get the general idea of it instead of reading_____

Next comes an important step一read the book once again and write annotations(注释) when there is something impresses us deeply. It helps us get close to the mind of the writer. Many students underestimate(低估)the importance of writing annotations. They say that they also can understand the writer although they do not write annotations. It is true that it brings us some trouble of writing, but it also gives us a lot of ideas of our own at the same time.

Finally, a good reader needs to write a book report. It is a time when we can sum up all our thoughts and turn them into a report. We start to think of the characters, the plots and the theme. Some say it is boring but in fact it is fun if we do it. Producing something of our own is really wonderful because we are on our way to be better than a good reader.

All of us move our eyes back and forth from words to sentences to paragraphs. However, as a good reader, we learn much more from reading one book carefully than we do from reading ten roughly(粗略地)

1.What background should a good reader know before reading a book?

A.The life story of the characters.

B.The theme of the book.

C.The society where the story happens.

D.The general idea of each paragraph.

2.What does the underlined phrase "off and on" in paragraph 3 mean?

A.上上下下地 B.断断续续地

C.来来回回地 D.里里外外地

3.According to the passage, a good reader ·

A.can just tell the plots of a book

B.can finish reading ten books at a time

C.underestimates the importance of annotating

D.will read a book more than once

4.The passage is mainly written to ·

A.ask readers to prepare well before reading

B.encourage readers to write a book report

C.tell what a good reader is supposed to do

D.remind readers to sum up their thoughts

In Canada you can find dogs, cats, horses and so on, in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these pets and pets are their good friends. Before they keep them at their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to give them needles(针)so that they won't carry diseases(疾病).They have special animal food stores, though(尽管)they can get animal food in almost every store. Some people spend about two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food.

When you visit people's homes, they would be very glad to show you their pets. You will also find almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody can kill(杀死)any animals in Canada. They have a law(法律)against killing wild animals. If you killed an animal, you would be punished(处罚).If an animal happened to get run over by a car, people would be very sad about it.

People in Canada have many reasons to like animals. One of them is: When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own work and life. Then their parents will feel lonely(孤单),but pets can help them. They can be good friends and never leave the old alone.

1.How much do people in Canada spend on animal food every month?


2.What do people in Canada do to protect(保护)animals?


3.Do you like keeping pets? Why or why not?


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