

Jenny is an English girl. She is 【1】 (九) years old. Today is 2 (三月) 16th. It’s her birthday. She wants to have a birthday 3 (晚会). It is 4 (在) seven this evening. But her uncle and aunt are 5 (迟到的).

She 6 (见面) five of her friends. They buy her a big birthday cake,two boxes of

7 (牛奶), a basket of fruit, and 8 (一些) school things. Jenny wears a 9 ( 绿色) sweater and brown trousers. She looks very nice.

They all 【10 (度过) a good time.





















【8】句意:他们给她买一个大生日蛋糕两盒牛奶一篮子水果一些学习用品。 一些,some,在句中作定语。


【10】句意:他们都度过了一段美好的时光。Have a good time固定短语,玩得高兴,过得愉快,故填have



Rainforest Layers

This is part of a script for a television programme about rainforests . This part is about the different layers there are and what lives there.

At the very top of the rainforest there are only a few trees. These trees have grown taller than most. They can be between 40 and 60 metres tall. They have been growing since long before we were born. Eagles, bats and even monkeys live here.

Below this is a large layer of leaves-the tops of many, many trees. From the above, it looks like a floor. These trees are between 30 and 45 metres tall. More wildlife lives here than anywhere else in the rainforest. This is home to many birds, butterflies, tree frogs and snakes. A quarter of all insects live here. There are also large animals here. Leopards and jaguars can come up to this layer from the lower layer to hunt for food.

Close to the ground, many smaller trees and bushes grow. They grow quickly, trying to grow towards the light—and die quickly. Most insects live in this layer.

The forest floor has lots of decay. It is so dark here that very little can grow. Dead leaves and animals fall to the ground and decay. The only thing that grows here is fungi. It feeds on the decaying leaves and helps to break them down quickly. The rainforest floor is home to larger animals such as elephants, leopards, and bears.


1 things


Trees grow 【2】 than most, and between 40 and 60 meters tall. Eagles, bats and 【3】

live here.


【4】 wildlife of the rainforest lives here, they are between 30 and 45 meters tall; many birds, butterflies, tree frogs, snakes and insects live here; large animals come to this layer to 【5】 for food .


Many 【7】 trees and bushes grow close to the ground; they grow quickly and 【8】 quickly; most insects live in this layer.


Dead leaves and animals 【9】 to the ground and decay; fungi and 10】 animals, such as elephants, leopards and bears live here.

【题目】There is a bar (酒吧) with the name “The White Horse (马)”. A picture of a white horse is on the door (门) of the bar. It is Mr. Webster’s. Few (很少) people go to the bar.

One day, Mr. Wilson comes in, drinks (喝) a cup, watches the bar, and then says to Mr. Webster, “Few people come here. Take down(拿下) the picture of the white horse and put (放) a picture of a black horse.” “But the name of the bar is ‘The White Horse,’” Mr. Webster says. “Yes, but do it,” says Mr. Wilson.

After that, Mr. Webster goes to a store and says, “I want a picture of a black horse.” The next day, a picture of a black horse is on the door of the bar.

The next morning, a man comes in and asks, “The name is “The White Horse”, but why do you put a picture of a black horse on the door of your bar?” The man sits down and asks for a cup. Then a second man comes in and asks the same question, and then a third man .... Many people (许多人) come in and say, “The picture on your door is not right.” After that, they all sit down and drink in Mr. Webster’s bar.

【1】The name of the bar is ________________.

A. The Black Horse B. The White Horse

C. Mr. Webster’s Bar D. Mr. Wilson’s Bar

【2】The next day Mr. Webster ___________ .

A. buys a picture of a white horse in a store

B. sells his picture of a white horse to a store

C. puts a picture of a black horse on the door of his bar

D. doesn’t want to take down the picture of a white horse

【3】Many people come to the bar because they want to tell(告诉) Mr. Webster _________.

A. they like the bar B. they love the horse

C. the picture is nice D. the picture is not right

【4】What can we know about Mr. Wilson’s idea(主意)?

A. It is useful.

B. It is boring.

C. It is difficult to finish.

D. It doesn’t help Mr. Webster.

【题目】One day, a farmer was walking along a road with his son Thomas. The father said. “Look! There’s a horseshoe. Pick it up and put it in your bag.” Thomas said, “It isn’t worth the trouble.” His father said nothing but picked it up himself. When they got to a nearby town, they had a rest. There the farmer sold the horseshoe and with the pennies he bought some grapes.

It was very hot, and there wasn’t a house or a tree where they could have a rest. Thomas felt too thirsty to walk on. At this time. his father dropped a grape on the ground and Thomas picked it up quickly and ate it. After a while. his father dropped another grape and once again. his son picked it up and put it in his mouth.

And so they went on. The old farmer dropped the grapes and the son picked them up. When Thomas had eaten up all the grapes, his father said to him. “My dear son, if you had bent down early to pick up that horseshoe. It would not have been necessary for you to bend so many times for the grapes, always remember the lesson(教训) A person who does not worry about the little things will find that he can not do the great things.”

【1】__________ picked up the horseshoe?

A. The father B. The son

C. Nobody D. The shop assistant

2The father bought some__________ after he sold the horseshoe.

A. pennies B. grapes C. trees D. water

3Thomas picked up the grapes and ate them because___________.

A. his father wanted him to eat them

B. he liked them

C. he was thirsty

D. he wanted to sell them

4The father dropped the grapes one by one because he wanted ___________.

A. his son to eat them all

B. to teach his son a lesson

C. to make fun of his son

D. to show his love

5From the passage, we can learn that __________.

A. if we want to eat grapes. we must pick up a horseshoe

B. a horseshoe is so expensive that it can bring us much money

C. we should worry about small things before we do the great things

D. It’s important to pick up a horseshoe on the road

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