
Judy had very bad luck yesterday. In the morning, she came to school late, because her alarm clock didn’t go off. Usually she goes to school at 7:20 am. But yesterday, it was already 8:00 am when she got up. The teacher was angry(生气的) and asked her to stay in the classroom after school. At 5:00 pm, it was time for students to go home. But Judy couldn’t. She stayed until(直到) 5:30 pm. When she just went out of the classroom, it began to rain. She didn’t have an umbrella. On her way home, she fell off(摔下) her bicycle. When she got home, she was wet all through.
小题1:Judy was a(n)       .
小题2:What does the underlined “go off” mean?
小题3:When did Judy’s classmates go home?
A.At 7:20 am.B.At 8:30 am.C.At 5:00 pm.D.At 5:30 pm.
小题4:How did Judy go home?
A.By bus.B.By car.C.By bike.D.By train.
小题5:Which is the best title?
A.Judy, a bad girl.
B.What a terrible day!
C.Judy’s school life.
D.A lucky day.


小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“The teacher was angry(生气的) and asked her to stay in the classroom after school.”理解可知。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“In the morning, she came to school late, because her alarm clock didn’t go off.”理解可知。
小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“At 5:00 pm, it was time for students to go home.”理解可知。
小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“On her way home, she fell off(摔下) her bicycle.”理解可知。
The other day, I happened to meet someone I hadn’t seen for many years. I couldn’t believe the change in him. In fact, he didn’t even seem like the ___16___ person.
When I first knew Bill, back in college he was one of the most carefree(无忧无虑) people I had ever ___17___. Bill and I were in the same class in college, and ___18___ was never dull(枯燥的) when he was ___19___. With him there was one wild adventure (探险) after another. Sometimes I wonder how we ___20___ to study for our exams.
Last week I was in Huston on business and I ran into Bill in the bar at the hotel. At first I wasn’t ___21___ sure it was him. Was this short-haired businessman really the same person? I wasn’t really sure until I came near him but it indeed was Bill. Now he works for a bank. He talked most of the evening about his job, his new car and his house. How he had changed! Back when we were in college, the ___22___ thing Bill cared about was possessions(财物). Now they seemed to be his main ___23____.
I suppose it’ s ____24____ to expect people to remain the same, especially when I have changed so much myself. But I must say that I enjoyed the old Bill much more than the new one. Maybe he ___25____ the same way about me.
Will Smith is famous for his movies. He thinks it's  26  that people like his movies. The actor admitted that he was touched  27  by the warm welcome from his fans.
He said that he judged(评价) the   28  of the material by how it was liked by people. People worked hard to make a living and then on a Friday night they went to the   29 , and a lot of the time they   30  his movies over a lot of other movies. So he thought that was very ,very crazy.
Will— who made the most money in Hollywood in 2008 —    31   almost an hour talking to the thousands of exciting fans who came all the way to see him though it was a freezing cold day.
Huge letters, "W-I-L-L S-M-I-T-H", also made a deep  32  upon the married actor.
The "Men in Black" star was deeply moved and said, "Oh this is so fantastic.You see that? It's beautiful you know.  I told them I wanted my   33  40 metres high!"
In his new movie, Will    34  a man with a secret who starts out to set himself free by changing the   35  of seven strangers,but unexpectedly falls in love with one of them.
A.funnyB.interesting C.crazyD.exciting
A.boughtB.wantedC.got D.chose
They are out there. They may be your friends, your teachers or your parents. Anyone can be a difficult person to someone else.
It is important to see if you are with a difficult person. The first solution(解决方法) to any problem is that you realize the problem. Most of the time, difficult people do not realize(意识到) they are difficult. They think what they do is just normal. But do you know how to cope with(应付) difficult people?
The best way is not to care what they said.
If this does not help, think about the following:
◆Difficult people are easy to be very angry, and you just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
◆Difficult people do not even hear the words you say, but are only guessing the meaning of your words according to their own thought.
So when you really look at it deeply, it is not wise(明智的) to take things personally.
小题1:Who can be a difficult person to someone else?
A.A teacher.B.A parent.C.A friend.D.Anyone.
小题2:Difficult people          realize they are difficult.
小题3:The best way to cope with difficult people is          
A.not to fight with them
B.not to mind their words.
C.to do the same as they do
D.to follow what they said.
小题4:Which of the following is the title of the passage?
A.How to cope with difficult people
B.How to get on well with people
C.Who are difficult people?
D.How to make friends
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Difficult people often hear the words you say.
B.Difficult people are not easy to be very angry.
C.The first solution to any problem is that we realize it.
D.It’s wise to take things personally.

There would be a school party on Friday evening. The girls were talking about what they were going to wear.
“I’m going to wear a black dress, so everybody will notice me,” said Emily. “How about you, Linda?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe jeans, an old shirt, and a hat. People will notice me more than you!” Linda said.
“What are we going to do about the boys?” asked Jane. “Do you remember the last school party, last year? They just stood there, and we girls had to dance by ourselves!”
“I hear that some of the boys learned how to dance this summer. Maybe it’ll be better
this time,” said Mary.
The party was held on Friday evening. Groups of students arrived. The music began. The girls stood in a line on one side, and the boys on another side. Mr. Green, their teacher, tried to get them together, but failed. After a while, Tim said, “I don’t want to stand here the whole time. The party is only for two hours. It’ll be over soon.” He started to dance. All the others watched him. Then David asked Emily if she wanted to dance. Then Jack and Linda. Then, all began to dance. Soon there were more dancers than watchers.
小题1:Before the school party, the girls were mainly discussing __________.
A.the dance at the party
B.the teacher at the party
C.the dresses they would wear at the party
D.the boys at the party
小题2: The girls wanted people to _________.
A.buy them some dresses
B.teach them how to dance
C.notice them
D.invite them to the school party
小题3:. The teachers tried to ___________.
A.invite the girls to dance
B.play music instead of dancing
C.get the girls and boys to dance alone
D.get the girls and boys to dance together
小题4: The party was ______________ last year.
A.better thanB.not so good as
C.as good asD.as bad as
Once there was a king who told some of his people to dig a pond (池子).The king then told his people that one person   15  each family had to bring a glass of milk during the night and put it into the pond. So, by the morning, the pond should be   16 of milk.
After   17  the order, everyone went home. As one man prepared his milk, he thought that since everyone was bringing milk, he would just   18  a glass of water and put that into the pond instead.   19  it was dark at night, no one would notice it, so he quickly went and put the water into the pond and  20  home.
In the morning, the king went to visit the pond. To his surprise, the pond was only filled with water! What happened? Yes! Everyone had the same idea   21  that man. They all thought, “I don’t have to waste my milk. Someone else will do it.”
Dear friends, when you plan to help poor people or people in trouble, do not think that   22  will take care of it.  23 , it starts with you. If you don’t do it, no one else will, so change yourself and make a   24  .
A.IfB.SinceC.While D.After
A.othersB.the othersC.noneD.neither
A.HoweverB.InsteadC.ThereforeD.Of course

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