
The Save the Children Fund is known as Save the Children. It is an internationally organization that protects children’s rights and helps support children in developing countries. It was set up in the United Kingdom in 1919 in order to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic chances, it also provides food and water for the children in natural disasters, war, and other serious situations.
Except for the UK organization, there are 30 other national Save the Children organizations who are members of Save the Children International, a global network of charity organizations supporting local partners in over 120 countries around the world.
Save the Children helps the local government change so that it can help young people get more rights, it works very well, especially with the support from the UN. Save the Children joins all the members’ efforts to protect children from the effects of war.
小题1: Which charity is Save the Children like?
C.UNICEFD.Spring Bud Project
小题2:Which of the following is NOT the aim of Save the Children.
A.To protect children’s rights.
B.To help children’s parents get more jobs.
C.To support children in developing countries.
D.To improve the lives of children in poor countries.
小题3:How many Save the Children organizations all over the world?


小题1:细节理解题。问题:拯救儿童基金会与下列哪一个慈善机构相似?分析选项:Oxfam乐施会(Oxfam)是一个具有国际影响力的发展和救援组织的联盟,它由十三个独立运作的乐施会成员组成; ORBIS国际奥比斯组织 (Project Orbis -- ORBIS) 是一个致力于为世界各国盲人和眼疾患者恢复光明的国际性慈善机构,它的宗旨是“使全球失明者重见光明”;  UNICEF联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF),是致力于保护和促进儿童权益的联合国机构; Spring Bud Project 春蕾计划,帮助失学的女孩重新走进学校。结合文章对拯救儿童基金会的介绍,与第三项的联合国儿童基金会相近。故选 C
小题2:细节理解题。问题:下列对拯救儿童基金会的宗旨描述错误的是哪一项?分析:拯救儿童基金会,它是一个国际组织,保护儿童权利,帮助支持发展中国家的孩子。结合选项的描述,在第二项的描述中提到帮助孩子的父母找工作是不正确的。故选 B
小题3:细节理解题。问题:拯救儿童基金会在全世界有多少个组织?分析原文:Except for the UK organization, there are 30 other national Save the Children organizations who are members of Save the Children International.句意:除了英国,还有30个这样的组织在全世界。那么全世界中有31个组织。故选 B
We go to school every day to become a better
person. So how can we become powerful and start
changes in our own life? Perhaps we can get tips from the US
First Lady Michelle Obama. During her 'visit to China, from March 20-26, Mrs. Obama shared her views on education and youth empowerment with students.
The first lady encouraged Chinese students to aim high and get a good education* In Chengdu No. 7 High School, she told students that having humble (贫寒的) roots doesn't matter as long as you have perseverance(毅力)
Mrs. Obama said her family was not rich. Like many Chinese students, her parents had big dreams for her. She felt the weight of her parents' sacrifices(牺牲) on her shoulders and worked hard to make them proud. Persevering was not easy, though. Sometimes she had to wake up at 4:30 am and study late into the night. "But whenever I got tired or discouraged(气馁 WJ)... I would remember something my mother. always told me. She said: 'A good education is something that no one cart take away from you.''
Mrs. Obama also encourages Chinese students to study abroad to broaden their horizons(开阔眼界) in her speech at Peking University. "As the Chinese saying goes: It is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books," she said. It's not enough to get good grades in school. It's also important to have real experience with languages, cultures and societies different from your own, she noted.
Studying overseas could also benefit future international relations. It could help young people from different countries work together to deal with shared problems such as climate change, Mrs. Obama said.

小题1:From the first paragraph , what kind of views did Mrs. Obama share with the students ?
A.education and development
B.empowerment and perseverance
C.education and youth empowerment
D.education and youth perseverance
小题2:From the last paragraph, what is the meaning of the word "benefit"?
A.be good atB.be good with
C.be bad forD.be good for
小题3:From the passage ,we can learn that
A.Michelle Obama lived a rich life when she was young .
B.Michelle Obama worked hard to make her parents proud..
C.Michelle Obama sometimes had to wake up at 4:30 pm and study late into the night.
D.Michelle Obama would remember something her teachers always told her whenever she got tired or discouraged.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The first lady encourages Chinese students to aim high and get a good education.
B.The first lady thinks it terrible for students to have humble roots .
C.The first lady thinks that a good education is something that no one can take away from you.
D.Mrs. Obama encouraged Chinese students to study abroad to broaden their horizons.
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.We can get tips from the US First Lady Michelle Obama during her visit to Beijing No. 7 High School
B.It's wonderful enough for students to get good grades only in school.
C.It's not important to have real experience with languages, cultures and societies different from your own.
D.Studying overseas could help young people from different countries work together to deal with shared problems.

Huang Xiaoming
Chinese actor Huang Xiaoming visited the panda base(据点) in Sichuan province.
During his visit, Huang put on a keeper’s suit and tried cutting bamboo, cleaning cages and feeding the pandas.
Huang also adopted a pair of panda twins with a gift of one million yuan.

Angelina Jolie
Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie can do all kinds of things on screen. It looks like she’s good at everything, shooting, fighting and killing. But there’s one thing she’s afraid of—cooking. The 33-year-old actress says she was never able to master cooking skills.“I don’t cook—it’s the one thing I can’t do!”she says.

Chen Luyu
Chinese hostess Chen Luyu is famous for her popular talk show. She set up an online version of her show at Sina.com.
People have grown tired of Chen’s show, especially her habit of constantly asking guests, “really?”.
But the producer of the show supports Chen. “She’s one of the few Chinese hosts who knows how to control her desire to express herself and let the guests speak freely in an interview.”
小题1:What kind of animals does Huang Xiaoming like?
小题2:Which is TRUE about Angelina Jolie?
A.She is good at everything.B.She can’t shoot well.
C.She can’t cook by herself.D.She can cook well.
小题3:Why have people grown tired of Chen Luyu’s show according to the passage?
A.Because she isn’t famous for her talk show.
B.Because she set up an online version of talk show.
C.Because she has the habit of constantly asking, “Really?”.
D.Because she likes to express herself.
小题4: What does the underlined word“adopt”mean in the first paragraph?
小题5:We can know from the passage that _______.
A.Angelina Jolie is a shy actressB.Chen Luyu isn’t famous any more
C.Huang Xiaoming is a kind manD.All the three stars are Chinese
Life in China
Every day, News on TV, radio and online brings you stories from across China. Have you got a story about life in China? If you do, please put your story here.

Since the winter last year, the haze(雾霾) has happened a lot of times. It has done great harm(伤害) to our daily life. More and more people have to go to see the doctor because the serious disease caused by the haze. Many traffic accidents happened and quite a lot of flights have to be put off just because of the haze weather. On Oct.30, 2013, in 16-car chain collision (连环相撞) on the highway in Tangshan, many people were hurt and some even died. Beijing International Airport canceled or put off nearly 76 flights on Oct.6, 2013 as the result of the weather. (Wu Hai, Shantou)
It’s reported that 293 pedestrians(行人)die of traffic accidents every day in China. I myself ever experienced a very terrible accident.

Early last Thursday morning, I was walking on my way to school as usual. A little boy ran past me. He ran so fast when crossing the street that he didn’t notice a speeding car came round the corner. I was scared and shouted to him to stop, but it was too late. The boy was knocked down by the car. I hurried to the boy, crying for help. The boy was taken to the hospital as soon as the policemen and doctors arrived. Later, I learned the boy died because he lost too much blood.(Li Lan, Guangzhou)
Information card
Main ideas of the two stories
The first story is about air pollution, the second one is about 小题1:____.
Harm that the haze does to our daily life
It may cause 小题2:__and traffic accidents.
Many flights have to 小题3:___.
The number that pedestrians die of traffic accident every day
The reason why the little boy died
He小题5:__ and was hit by a speeding car.
This summer, Liu Hongcan, a 30-year-old Chongqing woman, had to say goodbye to her daughter again. She sent her little girl to Guizhou province to stay with her daughter’s grandparents for the summer vacation ______________ in Chongqing.
A list of “hottest cities” in China came out last month. Chongqing is No.1 on the list. Fuzhou and Hangzhou take the second and third place.
The list is based on a “heat index”(热指数).It uses temperature and humidity date(湿度数据)1981 to 2011.The scientists tried to learn how hot the weather was over a period of time, and find out how people feel.
High humidity will stop heat leaving the body. It makes people feel worse on high-temperature. Dryness, on the other hand, can allow heat to leave the body.
In July this year, Chongqing saw 25 days of high temperature (over 35℃). Forty-eight people in the city had heatstroke from the start of April to the middle of August, the local health bureau(卫生局) said.
Chongqing people have to look for different ways to cool down. Throwing themselves into water is a good choice. Lin Jing, a worker at the Caribbean Water Park has received more guests this summer than before. About 15,000 people have visited the park a day during this year’s hot season.
小题1:Which one should be put in the underlined of the first paragraph?
A.because it is too dryB.because it’s too hot
C.because there is too much humidityD.because it is too wet
小题2:According to the temperature, the order is_________.
A.Chongqing, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Ningbo
B.Fuzhou, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Ningbo
C.Chongqing, Fuzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo
D.Ningbo, Fuzhou, Chongqing, Hangzhou
小题3:How can humidity make people feel?
A.High humidity can make people uncomfortable.
B.High humidity can make people comfortable.
C.Low humidity can make people uncomfortable.
D.Low humidity will stop heat leaving the body
小题4:How many days of high temperature (over 35℃) did Ningbo probably have in July?
小题5:Where is the passage probably from?
A.Movies.B.Story book.C.Newspaper.D.Science book.

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